Alice MaloneAge: 961909–2006
- Name
- Alice Malone
Birth | 11 July 1909 26 23 Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan |
Birth of a brother | 13 January 1912 (Age 2) Michigan
younger brother -
Clarence Alton Malone
Birth of a sister | 19 August 1917 (Age 8) Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
younger sister -
Retha Ole Malone
Birth of a brother | 5 November 1919 (Age 10) Williams Co., Ohio
younger brother -
Carl Eugene Malone
Death of a father | 6 January 1938 (Age 28) Montpelier, Williams Co., Ohio
father -
William Wilber Malone
Death of a husband | 15 February 1971 (Age 61)
husband -
Charles Riddle
Death of a brother | 8 June 1994 (Age 84) at home in, Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio
younger brother -
Carl Eugene Malone
Death of a brother | 21 March 2001 (Age 91) Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio
younger brother -
Clarence Alton Malone
Death | 9 February 2006 (Age 96)
Alice (Malone) Riddle
Alice (Malone) Riddle
(1909 - 2006)
HOBART, Ind. - Alice B. Riddle, 96, of Hobart, died Thursday, Feb. 9, 2006. Born July 11, 1909, at Clio, Mich., to Margaret Elizabeth (Edward) and William Wilbur Malone, she married Charles Riddle on July 18, 1929, at Bryan, Ohio, and he precede d her in death on Feb. 15, 1971.
A homemaker, she had grown up in Montpelier, Ohio.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Joseph (Clara) Ramer and Freda Riddle, both of Hobart; two grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren; and a sister, Retha Letner of Montpelier, Ohio.
In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by a great-granddaughter and four brothers, Carl, Earl, Clarence and infant William W. Malone.
Funeral services were held Feb. 14 at the Rees Funeral Home, Hobart, with burial at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Hobart. |
Burial | Hobart, Indiana Address: Evergreen Memorial Cemetery |
Globally unique identifier | 4FACA8244C6E9B4D91BF75A4B51AD3017591 |
Last change | 1 April 2018 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
William Wilber Malone
Birth 13 September 1882 16 Evart, Osceola Co. Michigan
Death 6 January 1938 (Age 55) Montpelier, Williams Co., Ohio Loading...
3 years mother |
#1 herself |
Alice Malone
Birth 11 July 1909 26 23 Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 9 February 2006 (Age 96) Loading...
3 years #2 younger brother |
Clarence Alton Malone
Birth 13 January 1912 29 26 Michigan
Death 21 March 2001 (Age 89) Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio Loading...
#3 brother |
#4 younger sister |
Retha Ole Malone
Birth 19 August 1917 34 31 Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 14 May 2014 (Age 96) Montpelier, Williams County, Ohio Loading...
2 years #5 younger brother |
Carl Eugene Malone
Birth 5 November 1919 37 33 Williams Co., Ohio
Death 8 June 1994 (Age 74) at home in, Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio Loading...
#6 brother |
Family with Charles Riddle - View family |
husband |
Charles Riddle
Death 15 February 1971
herself |
Alice Malone
Birth 11 July 1909 26 23 Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 9 February 2006 (Age 96) Loading...
#1 daughter |
#2 daughter |
Death | Alice (Malone) Riddle
(1909 - 2006)
HOBART, Ind. - Alice B. Riddle, 96, of Hobart, died Thursday, Feb. 9, 2006. Born July 11, 1909, at Clio, Mich., to Margaret Elizabeth (Edward) and William Wilbur Malone, she married Charles Riddle on July 18, 1929, at Bryan, Ohio, and he precede d her in death on Feb. 15, 1971.
A homemaker, she had grown up in Montpelier, Ohio.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Joseph (Clara) Ramer and Freda Riddle, both of Hobart; two grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren; and a sister, Retha Letner of Montpelier, Ohio.
In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by a great-granddaughter and four brothers, Carl, Earl, Clarence and infant William W. Malone.
Funeral services were held Feb. 14 at the Rees Funeral Home, Hobart, with burial at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Hobart. |