Carl Eugene MaloneAge: 741919–1994
- Name
- Carl Eugene Malone
Birth | 5 November 1919 37 33 Williams Co., Ohio |
Death of a father | 6 January 1938 (Age 18) Montpelier, Williams Co., Ohio
father -
William Wilber Malone
Death | 8 June 1994 (Age 74) at home in, Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
about Carl Eugene Malone
Name: Carl Eugene Malone
Birth Date: 5 Nov 1919
Birth County: Williams
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Death Date: 8 Jun 1994
Death Time: 6:35 PM
Hospital of Death: Home
County of Death: Williams
Certificate: 050798
Age at Death: 74
Hospital Status: Other/Residence
Social Security Number: 311-01-8515
Mother's Maiden Name: Edwards
Marital Status: Widowed
Education: 9
Industry of Decedent: Railroads
Occupation of Decedent: Crane and tower operators
Primary Registration District: 8600
Source Citation: Certificate: 050798; Volume: 29876
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data:
# Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.
# Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus, OH, USA.
Obituary | Hillsdale Daily News 9 June 1994 (1 day after death) Hillsdale, Michigan
Name: Mr Carl E Malone
Name: Mr Carl E Malone
Sex: Male
Age: 74
Event Date: 1994
Event Place: Michigan, United States
Event Type: Obituary
Death Date: 08 Jun 1994
Death Place: , , Michigan
Birth Date: 05 Nov 1919
Birthplace: Montpelier, ,
Relationship to Deceased: Deceased
Relationship Code: Head
Newspaper: Hillsdale Daily News
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> William Malone | Father | M | | </row>
<row> Margaret Edwards Malone | Mother | F | | </row>
<row> Alice Riddle | Sister | F | | </row>
<row> Retha Lenter | Sister | F | | </row>
<row> Clarence | Brother | M | | </row>
<row> Helen Malone | Wife | F | | </row>
<row> Lois Wright | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Margie Gill | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Susan Harrington | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Carol Courtney | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> William | Son | M | | </row>
<row> James | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Ronald | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Philip | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Sam Starnes | Non Relative | M | | </row>
Digital Folder Number: 007615471
Microfilm Number: 007615471
Image Number: 00965
"Michigan Obituaries, 1820-2006," database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : 1 April 2020), Mr Carl E Malone, 1994; citing Michigan, United States, Obituary, Grand Rapids Public Library, Michig an; FHL microfilm 7,615,471.
Globally unique identifier | DF6A8DE8AA322144AFA273AFB833CE0A3592 |
Last change | 17 April 2023 - 20:52:31 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
William Wilber Malone
Birth 13 September 1882 16 Evart, Osceola Co. Michigan
Death 6 January 1938 (Age 55) Montpelier, Williams Co., Ohio Loading...
3 years mother |
#1 elder sister |
Alice Malone
Birth 11 July 1909 26 23 Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 9 February 2006 (Age 96) Loading...
3 years #2 elder brother |
Clarence Alton Malone
Birth 13 January 1912 29 26 Michigan
Death 21 March 2001 (Age 89) Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio Loading...
#3 brother |
#4 elder sister |
Retha Ole Malone
Birth 19 August 1917 34 31 Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 14 May 2014 (Age 96) Montpelier, Williams County, Ohio Loading...
2 years #5 himself |
Carl Eugene Malone
Birth 5 November 1919 37 33 Williams Co., Ohio
Death 8 June 1994 (Age 74) at home in, Bryan, Williams Co., Ohio Loading...
#6 brother |
Note | Was listed as widowed wqhen he died
Occupation of Decedent: Railroads - Crane and tower operators |
Death |
Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
about Carl Eugene Malone
Name: Carl Eugene Malone
Birth Date: 5 Nov 1919
Birth County: Williams
Birth State: Ohio
Birth Country: United States
Death Date: 8 Jun 1994
Death Time: 6:35 PM
Hospital of Death: Home
County of Death: Williams
Certificate: 050798
Age at Death: 74
Hospital Status: Other/Residence
Social Security Number: 311-01-8515
Mother's Maiden Name: Edwards
Marital Status: Widowed
Education: 9
Industry of Decedent: Railroads
Occupation of Decedent: Crane and tower operators
Primary Registration District: 8600
Source Citation: Certificate: 050798; Volume: 29876
Source Information: and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data:
# Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio.
# Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus, OH, USA.
Obituary | Name: Mr Carl E Malone
Sex: Male
Age: 74
Event Date: 1994
Event Place: Michigan, United States
Event Type: Obituary
Death Date: 08 Jun 1994
Death Place: , , Michigan
Birth Date: 05 Nov 1919
Birthplace: Montpelier, ,
Relationship to Deceased: Deceased
Relationship Code: Head
Newspaper: Hillsdale Daily News
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> William Malone | Father | M | | </row>
<row> Margaret Edwards Malone | Mother | F | | </row>
<row> Alice Riddle | Sister | F | | </row>
<row> Retha Lenter | Sister | F | | </row>
<row> Clarence | Brother | M | | </row>
<row> Helen Malone | Wife | F | | </row>
<row> Lois Wright | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Margie Gill | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Susan Harrington | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Carol Courtney | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> William | Son | M | | </row>
<row> James | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Ronald | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Philip | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Sam Starnes | Non Relative | M | | </row>
Digital Folder Number: 007615471
Microfilm Number: 007615471
Image Number: 00965
"Michigan Obituaries, 1820-2006," database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : 1 April 2020), Mr Carl E Malone, 1994; citing Michigan, United States, Obituary, Grand Rapids Public Library, Michig an; FHL microfilm 7,615,471.