Thomas GreenAge: 671600–1667
- Name
- Thomas Green
Birth | about 1600 St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 1620 (Age 20) England
daughter -
Elizabeth Green
Birth of a son #2 | 1622 (Age 22) England
son -
Thomas Green
Birth of a son #3 | about 1632 (Age 32) England
son -
John Green
Birth of a daughter #4 | about 1633 (Age 33) England
daughter -
Mary Green
Birth of a son #5 | 1635 (Age 35)
son -
Capt. William Green
Birth of a son #6 | 1638 (Age 38) Ipswitch?
son -
Henry Green
Birth of a son #7 | March 1645 (Age 45)
son -
Samuel Green
Birth of a daughter #8 | 1647 (Age 47)
daughter -
Hannah Green
Birth of a daughter #9 | 1650 (Age 50)
daughter -
Martha Green
Birth of a daughter #10 | 1 May 1653 (Age 53) Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
daughter -
Dorcas Green
Marriage of a son | Thomas Green - View family 1653 (Age 53)
son -
Thomas Green
daughter-in-law -
Rebecca Hills
Death of a wife | 22 August 1658 (Age 58) Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
wife -
Marriage | Frances Molton? - View family 5 September 1659 (Age 59) |
Marriage of a son | Capt. William Green - View family 13 September 1659 (Age 59)
son -
Capt. William Green
step-daughter -
Elizabeth Wheeler
Marriage | Elizabeth LYNDE-SWINDELLS? - View family England |
Death | 19 December 1667 (Age 67) Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts |
Globally unique identifier | D99AC143F6848E44BE2505414F365E8D5C2C |
Last change | 11 January 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with Frances Molton? - View family |
himself |
Thomas Green
Birth about 1600 St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England
Death 19 December 1667 (Age 67) Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts Loading...
8 years wife |
Frances Molton?
Birth 1608
Marriage: 5 September 1659 |
Family with Elizabeth LYNDE-SWINDELLS? - View family |
himself |
Thomas Green
Birth about 1600 St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England
Death 19 December 1667 (Age 67) Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts Loading...
wife |
Birth England
Death 22 August 1658 Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts Loading...
Marriage: — England |
#1 daughter |
Elizabeth Green
Birth 1620 20 England
2 years #2 son |
Thomas Green
Birth 1622 22 England
Death 13 February 1670 (Age 48) Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts Loading...
10 years #3 son |
John Green
Birth about 1632 32 England
1 year #4 daughter |
Mary Green
Birth about 1633 33 England
2 years #5 son |
Capt. William Green
Birth 1635 35
Death 30 December 1705 (Age 70) Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts Loading...
3 years #6 son |
Henry Green
Birth 1638 38 Ipswitch?
7 years #7 son |
Samuel Green
Birth March 1645 45
22 months #8 daughter |
Hannah Green
Birth 1647 47
3 years #9 daughter |
Martha Green
Birth 1650 50
3 years #10 daughter |
Dorcas Green
Birth 1 May 1653 53 Malden, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
Isaac Wheeler + Frances Molton? - View family |
wife's husband |
wife |
Frances Molton?
Birth 1608
Marriage: yes |
#1 step-daughter |
#2 step-daughter |
Richard Cook + Frances Molton? - View family |
wife's husband |
Richard Cook
Death 14 October 1648
wife |
Frances Molton?
Birth 1608
Marriage: yes |
Note | Thomas Green, the immigrant GREENE ancestor, was born in England
about the year 1600, according to a deposition that he made August 16, 1662.
Thomas Green, probably his son, came to Massachusetts at the age of fifteen in the ship "Planter," which sailed from England, April 2, 1635. The same name and age appear also in the passenger list of the ship "Hopewell." which sailed the next da y and are believed to represent the same Thomas Green Jr. Preceding the list of passengers in the "Planter" is a certificate which states that Thomas came from St. Albans, Hertfordshire. It seems likely that Thomas Green Sr. came to New Englan d at the same time or a little earlier, and settled at Lynn and Ipswich, Massachusetts.
He was living at Lady Moody's farm at Lynn about 1646. He removed to Maiden about 1650, and was living there October 28, 1651, when, his wife Elizabeth and daughter Elizabeth signed a petition to the general court. He had a farm of sixty-thre e acres in the northern part of Maiden. He was one of the leading citizens, serving repeatedly on the grand jury and in 1658 as selectman of Maiden.
The first wife of Thomas, Elizabeth, whom he married in England, was mother of all his children. She died August 22, 1658, and he married (second) September 5, 1659, Frances Cook, who was born in 1608. She married (first) Isaac Wheeler, and (sec ond) Richard Cook, who died October 14, 1648. She had children by the first two husbands, but none by her third husband, Thomas Green.
Thomas Green died December 19, 1667. His will, dated November 12, 1667, was proved January 15, 1668, bequeathing to five sons, five daughters and his wife. The homestead was situated in that part of Maiden now included in Melrose and Wakefield.
Children by first wife: Elizabeth, born in 1620; Thomas, 1622; John, born in England about 1632: Mary, born in England about 1633: William, mentioned below: Henry, 1638; Samuel, March, 1645; Hannah, 1647; Martha. 1650; Dorcas, born in Maiden, Ma y 1, 1653. |