Vera Lucille CummingsAge: 801919–1999
- Name
- Vera Lucille Cummings
Birth | 11 May 1919 39 35 Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan |
Birth of a sister | 21 June 1921 (Age 2) Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
younger sister -
Virginia Cummings
Death of a paternal grandmother | 17 October 1928 (Age 9) Jackson Co., Michigan
paternal grandmother -
Lucinda Blackmer
Birth of a son #1 | 15 January 1940 (Age 20)
son -
David Eugene Barcalow
Birth of a daughter #2 | 3 March 1941 (Age 21)
daughter -
Anita Barcalow
Death of a paternal grandfather | 28 May 1941 (Age 22) Jackson Co., Michigan
paternal grandfather -
Franklin Hibbard Cummings
Living | 1944 (Age 24) LKA Spring Arbor, Mich |
Death of a mother | 27 March 1949 (Age 29) Jackson Co., Michigan
mother -
Pearl E. Griner
Marriage | Stanley James Carl - View family 26 October 1955 (Age 36) Angola, Steuben County, Indiana
Stanley Carl
Stanley Carl
Residence Place: Somerset Center, Michigan
Birth Date: 29 Apr 1922
Birthplace: Somerset Center, Michigan
Number of Previous Marriages: 1
Father's Name: Charles Carl
Mother's Name: Alice Prescott
Spouse's Name: Vera Barcalow
Spouse's Residence Place: Jackson, Michigan
Spouse's Birth Date: 11 May 1919
Spouse's Birthplace: Jackson, Michigan
Spouse's Previous Marriage Number: 2
Spouse's Father's Name: Lawrence Cummings
Spouse's Mother's Name: Elizabeth Griner
Certifier's Name: Eugene Maloy
Officiator's Name: Harvey E Shoup
Additional Person's Name: Eugene Maloy
Marriage Date: 26 Oct 1955
Marriage Place: Steuben, Indiana, United States
Event Type: Marriage
First Page Number: Yes
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Charles Carl | Father | M | | </row>
<row> Alice Prescott | Mother | F | | </row>
<row> Vera Barcalow | Spouse | U | | Jackson, Michigan </row>
<row> Eugene Maloy | | U | | </row>
<row> Harvey E Shoup | | U | | </row>
<row> Eugene Maloy | | U | | </row>
<row> Lawrence Cummings | | M | | </row>
<row> Elizabeth Griner | | F | | </row>
Digital Folder Number: 007740464
Image Number: 00695
"Indiana Marriages, 1811-2019", database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : 5 April 2022), Stanley Carl, 1955. |
Death of a father | 1955 (Age 35) Jackson Co., Michigan
father -
Lawrence Augustus Cummings
Death of a half-brother | 29 October 1957 (Age 38) Gardena, Los Angeles, California, United States
half-brother -
Cortez Henry Cummings
Burial of a half-brother | 1 November 1957 (Age 38) Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States
half-brother -
Cortez Henry Cummings
Death of a half-sister | 25 June 1966 (Age 47) Flint, Michigan
half-sister -
Martha Alice Spears
Burial of a half-sister | 29 June 1966 (Age 47) Sunset Hills Cemetery
half-sister -
Martha Alice Spears
Death of a husband | 23 May 1968 (Age 49) Somerset Center, Michigan
husband -
Stanley James Carl
Marriage | Vincent Clair Frantz - View family 22 March 1973 (Age 53) Edmore, Montcalm County, Michigan |
Death of a husband | 26 March 1980 (Age 60) Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
husband -
Vincent Clair Frantz
Death of a half-sister | 24 May 1984 (Age 65)
half-sister -
Florence Marrian Cummings
Burial of a half-sister | 26 May 1984 (Age 65) White Chapel Cemetery, Michigan
half-sister -
Florence Marrian Cummings
Death of a sister | 22 February 1996 (Age 76) Ross, Kalamazoo County, Michigan
elder sister -
Ethel Eilene Cummings
Death of a sister | 20 November 1999 (Age 80)
elder sister -
Edith Viola Cummings
Burial of a sister | after November 1999 (Age 80) Spring Arbor, Jackson County, Michigan
elder sister -
Edith Viola Cummings
Death | 18 December 1999 (Age 80)
<b>Vera Lucille Barcalow
<b>Vera Lucille Barcalow
</b> in the U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Vera Lucille Barcalow
[Vera Lucille Carl]
[Vera Carl]
[Vera Frantz]
[Vera Woodward]
[Vera Lucille Cummings]
SSN: 377383022
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 11 May 1919
Birth Place: Jackson, Michigan
[Jackson Jack??, Michigan]
Father Name: Lawerence A Cummings
Mother Name: Pearl E Griner
Death Date: 18 Dec 1999
Type of Claim: Original SSN.
Notes: Aug 1955: Name listed as VERA LUCILLE BARCALOW; Jul 1970: Name listed as VERA LUCILLE CARL; Oct 1970: Name listed as VERA LUC CARL; Mar 1973: Name listed as VERA LUCELLE FRANTZ; 30 Jul 1984: Name listed as VERA LUCELLE WOODWARD; 29 Dec 19 99: Name listed as VERA L WOODWARD U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. |
Burial | Blackman Township, Jackson County, Michigan Address: Fifield Cemetery
Globally unique identifier | 66FCC92F60C28B49BD2BE97ACD096BC7A333 |
Last change | 1 May 2018 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Lawrence Augustus Cummings
Birth 25 December 1879 22 21 Richfield, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death 1955 (Age 75) Jackson Co., Michigan Loading...
4 years mother |
Pearl E. Griner
Birth 30 January 1884 Wood Co., Ohio
Death 27 March 1949 (Age 65) Jackson Co., Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 5 April 1915 — Jackson, Jackson Co., Michigan |
3 months #1 elder sister |
Edith Viola Cummings
Birth 7 July 1915 35 31 Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
Death 20 November 1999 (Age 84) Loading...
2 years #2 elder sister |
Ethel Eilene Cummings
Birth 4 October 1917 37 33
Death 22 February 1996 (Age 78) Ross, Kalamazoo County, Michigan Loading...
19 months #3 herself |
Vera Lucille Cummings
Birth 11 May 1919 39 35 Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
Death 18 December 1999 (Age 80) Loading...
2 years #4 younger sister |
Virginia Cummings
Birth 21 June 1921 41 37 Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
Death 11 December 2012 (Age 91) Greenville, Montcalm County, Michigan Loading...
Father’s family with Bertha Lousia Spears - View family |
father |
Lawrence Augustus Cummings
Birth 25 December 1879 22 21 Richfield, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death 1955 (Age 75) Jackson Co., Michigan Loading...
3 years step-mother |
Bertha Lousia Spears
Birth 11 July 1882 24 22 Evart, Osceola Co. Mich.
Death 1 July 1946 (Age 63) at the home of her daughter Mrs. Della Snyder, Flint, Genesse Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 8 April 1903 — West Veinna, Genesee Co. Mich, by W.B. Water |
-4 years #1 half-sister |
Martha Alice Spears
Birth 28 December 1898 19 16 Montrose, Michigan
Death 25 June 1966 (Age 67) Flint, Michigan Loading...
5 years #2 half-sister |
21 months #3 half-brother |
Cortez Henry Cummings
Birth 22 October 1905 25 23 Genesee County, Michigan
Death 29 October 1957 (Age 52) Gardena, Los Angeles, California, United States Loading...
Family with Russell Wayne Barcalow - View family |
husband |
Russell Wayne Barcalow
Birth 7 June 1909
Death 16 February 2002 (Age 92) Loading...
10 years herself |
Vera Lucille Cummings
Birth 11 May 1919 39 35 Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
Death 18 December 1999 (Age 80) Loading...
#1 son |
David Eugene Barcalow
Birth 15 January 1940 30 20
Death 31 August 2007 (Age 67) Loading...
14 months #2 daughter |
#3 daughter |
Family with Stanley James Carl - View family |
husband |
Stanley James Carl
Birth 29 August 1922 Somerset Center, Michigan
Death 23 May 1968 (Age 45) Somerset Center, Michigan Loading...
-3 years herself |
Vera Lucille Cummings
Birth 11 May 1919 39 35 Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
Death 18 December 1999 (Age 80) Loading...
Marriage: 26 October 1955 — Angola, Steuben County, Indiana |
Family with Vincent Clair Frantz - View family |
husband |
Vincent Clair Frantz
Birth 24 September 1898 Fredericksburg, Iowa
Death 26 March 1980 (Age 81) Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan Loading...
21 years herself |
Vera Lucille Cummings
Birth 11 May 1919 39 35 Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
Death 18 December 1999 (Age 80) Loading...
Marriage: 22 March 1973 — Edmore, Montcalm County, Michigan |
Marriage | Stanley Carl
Residence Place: Somerset Center, Michigan
Birth Date: 29 Apr 1922
Birthplace: Somerset Center, Michigan
Number of Previous Marriages: 1
Father's Name: Charles Carl
Mother's Name: Alice Prescott
Spouse's Name: Vera Barcalow
Spouse's Residence Place: Jackson, Michigan
Spouse's Birth Date: 11 May 1919
Spouse's Birthplace: Jackson, Michigan
Spouse's Previous Marriage Number: 2
Spouse's Father's Name: Lawrence Cummings
Spouse's Mother's Name: Elizabeth Griner
Certifier's Name: Eugene Maloy
Officiator's Name: Harvey E Shoup
Additional Person's Name: Eugene Maloy
Marriage Date: 26 Oct 1955
Marriage Place: Steuben, Indiana, United States
Event Type: Marriage
First Page Number: Yes
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Charles Carl | Father | M | | </row>
<row> Alice Prescott | Mother | F | | </row>
<row> Vera Barcalow | Spouse | U | | Jackson, Michigan </row>
<row> Eugene Maloy | | U | | </row>
<row> Harvey E Shoup | | U | | </row>
<row> Eugene Maloy | | U | | </row>
<row> Lawrence Cummings | | M | | </row>
<row> Elizabeth Griner | | F | | </row>
Digital Folder Number: 007740464
Image Number: 00695
"Indiana Marriages, 1811-2019", database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : 5 April 2022), Stanley Carl, 1955. |
Marriage | Stanley Carl
Residence Place: Somerset Center, Michigan
Birth Date: 29 Apr 1922
Birthplace: Somerset Center, Michigan
Number of Previous Marriages: 1
Father's Name: Charles Carl
Mother's Name: Alice Prescott
Spouse's Name: Vera Barcalow
Spouse's Residence Place: Jackson, Michigan
Spouse's Birth Date: 11 May 1919
Spouse's Birthplace: Jackson, Michigan
Spouse's Previous Marriage Number: 2
Spouse's Father's Name: Lawrence Cummings
Spouse's Mother's Name: Elizabeth Griner
Certifier's Name: Eugene Maloy
Officiator's Name: Harvey E Shoup
Additional Person's Name: Eugene Maloy
Marriage Date: 26 Oct 1955
Marriage Place: Steuben, Indiana, United States
Event Type: Marriage
First Page Number: Yes
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Charles Carl | Father | M | | </row>
<row> Alice Prescott | Mother | F | | </row>
<row> Vera Barcalow | Spouse | U | | Jackson, Michigan </row>
<row> Eugene Maloy | | U | | </row>
<row> Harvey E Shoup | | U | | </row>
<row> Eugene Maloy | | U | | </row>
<row> Lawrence Cummings | | M | | </row>
<row> Elizabeth Griner | | F | | </row>
Digital Folder Number: 007740464
Image Number: 00695
"Indiana Marriages, 1811-2019", database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : 5 April 2022), Stanley Carl, 1955. |
Death | <b>Vera Lucille Barcalow
</b> in the U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Vera Lucille Barcalow
[Vera Lucille Carl]
[Vera Carl]
[Vera Frantz]
[Vera Woodward]
[Vera Lucille Cummings]
SSN: 377383022
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 11 May 1919
Birth Place: Jackson, Michigan
[Jackson Jack??, Michigan]
Father Name: Lawerence A Cummings
Mother Name: Pearl E Griner
Death Date: 18 Dec 1999
Type of Claim: Original SSN.
Notes: Aug 1955: Name listed as VERA LUCILLE BARCALOW; Jul 1970: Name listed as VERA LUCILLE CARL; Oct 1970: Name listed as VERA LUC CARL; Mar 1973: Name listed as VERA LUCELLE FRANTZ; 30 Jul 1984: Name listed as VERA LUCELLE WOODWARD; 29 Dec 19 99: Name listed as VERA L WOODWARD U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. |
Burial | Birth: May 11, 1919
Death: Dec. 18, 1999
Fifield Cemetery
Blackman Township
Jackson County
Michigan, USA
Created by: Deb Hayes-Wolfe
Record added: Nov 18, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 22973909