Louis John Buhle1886–?
- Name
- Louis John Buhle
Birth | October 1886 24 23 New York |
Birth of a brother | 20 October 1889 (Age 3) Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
younger brother -
William Nicholas Buhle
Death of a paternal grandmother | 10 August 1905 (Age 18) Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
paternal grandmother -
Carolina Magdalena Katherine "Katarina" Bodenhausen
Death of a mother | 9 November 1918 (Age 32) Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York
mother -
Amanda Heyse
Death of a father | 27 September 1921 (Age 34)
father -
Louis J Buhle
Globally unique identifier | C660DF59E1C945DB9E8218884762523A1D21 |
Last change | 6 March 2016 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Louis J Buhle
Birth 6 November 1861 31 31 New York City
Death 27 September 1921 (Age 59) Loading...
14 months mother |
Amanda Heyse
Birth about 1863 Bridgeport, Fairfield Co., Connecticut
Death 9 November 1918 (Age 55) Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York Loading...
Marriage: 12 August 1886 — Manhattan, New York Co., New York |
2 months #1 himself |
Louis John Buhle
Birth October 1886 24 23 New York
3 years #2 younger brother |
William Nicholas Buhle
Birth 20 October 1889 27 26 Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York