Clark D HitchcockAge: 511906–1957
- Name
- Clark D Hitchcock
Birth | 13 September 1906 21 20 Flint, Genesee Co. Michigan |
Death of a mother | 18 September 1906 (Age 5 days) Flushing, Genesee County, Michigan
mother -
Luella Hitchcock
Marriage of a father | Benjamin Henry Spears - View family 25 August 1908 (Age 23 months) Genesee County, Michigan
father -
Benjamin Henry Spears
step-mother -
Bertha L. "Bird" Clark
Birth of a half-brother | 10 March 1910 (Age 3)
half-brother -
Clare William Spears
Death of a paternal grandmother | 24 July 1918 (Age 11) St. Clair Heights, Wayne Co. Mi
paternal grandmother -
Della Ann Hewitt
Death of a paternal grandfather | 24 May 1936 (Age 29) Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan
paternal grandfather -
Cortez Clark Spears
Death | 6 November 1957 (Age 51)
Birth: Sep. 13, 1906
Birth: Sep. 13, 1906
Genesee County
Michigan, USA
Death: Nov. 6, 1957
Michigan, USA
Information from Find-A-Grave contributor edj: "Clark was born to Ben and Luella Spears. His mother died a few days after Clark was born. Clark was raised by his grand-parents, Dwight Hitchcock and Ann Bachelor Hitchcock. He took the Hitchcock n ame and dropped the Spears name."
Family links:
Benjamin Henry Spears (1885 - 1967)
Luella M P <i>Hitchcock</i> Spears (1886 - 1906)
Ila Hitchcock (1908 - 1970)
Note: Age at death: 51 years
Flushing City Cemetery
Genesee County
Michigan, USA
Plot: Sec 13 Lot 94 Grave 6
Find A Grave Memorial# 73191982
Globally unique identifier | 150CE537F81F4075B6FBA895848B28C3F111 |
Last change | 19 July 2021 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Benjamin Henry Spears
Birth 14 March 1885 27 24 Midland, Midland County, Michigan
Death June 1967 (Age 82) Detroit, Wayne, Michigan Loading...
14 months mother |
Luella Hitchcock
Birth 27 May 1886
Death 18 September 1906 (Age 20) Flushing, Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 21 March 1906 — Flint, Genesee Co. Michigan |
6 months #1 himself |
Clark D Hitchcock
Birth 13 September 1906 21 20 Flint, Genesee Co. Michigan
Death 6 November 1957 (Age 51) Loading...
Father’s family with Bertha L. "Bird" Clark - View family |
father |
Benjamin Henry Spears
Birth 14 March 1885 27 24 Midland, Midland County, Michigan
Death June 1967 (Age 82) Detroit, Wayne, Michigan Loading...
3 years step-mother |
Bertha L. "Bird" Clark
Birth 28 October 1887 Arcadia, Lapeer Co., Michigan
Death 1 April 1979 (Age 91) Flint, Genesee Co. Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 25 August 1908 — Genesee County, Michigan |
18 months #1 half-brother |
Clare William Spears
Birth 10 March 1910 24 22
Death 18 September 1972 (Age 62) Highland Park, Wayne County, Michigan Loading...
Family with Private - View family |
himself |
Clark D Hitchcock
Birth 13 September 1906 21 20 Flint, Genesee Co. Michigan
Death 6 November 1957 (Age 51) Loading...
wife |
Note | Birth: Sep. 13, 1906
Genesee County
Michigan, USA
Death: Nov. 6, 1957
Michigan, USA
Information from Find-A-Grave contributor edj: "Clark was born to Ben and Luella Spears. His mother died a few days after Clark was born. Clark was raised by his grand-parents, Dwight Hitchcock and Ann Bachelor Hitchcock. He took the Hitchcock n ame and dropped the Spears name."
Family links:
Benjamin Henry Spears (1885 - 1967)
Luella M P <i>Hitchcock</i> Spears (1886 - 1906)
Ila Hitchcock (1908 - 1970)
Note: Age at death: 51 years
Flushing City Cemetery
Genesee County
Michigan, USA
Plot: Sec 13 Lot 94 Grave 6
Created by: Sonja Turner
Record added: Jul 11, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 73191982 |
Death | Birth: Sep. 13, 1906
Genesee County
Michigan, USA
Death: Nov. 6, 1957
Michigan, USA
Information from Find-A-Grave contributor edj: "Clark was born to Ben and Luella Spears. His mother died a few days after Clark was born. Clark was raised by his grand-parents, Dwight Hitchcock and Ann Bachelor Hitchcock. He took the Hitchcock n ame and dropped the Spears name."
Family links:
Benjamin Henry Spears (1885 - 1967)
Luella M P <i>Hitchcock</i> Spears (1886 - 1906)
Ila Hitchcock (1908 - 1970)
Note: Age at death: 51 years
Flushing City Cemetery
Genesee County
Michigan, USA
Plot: Sec 13 Lot 94 Grave 6
Find A Grave Memorial# 73191982