Jared Rollin GreenAge: 561871–1928
- Name
- Jared Rollin Green
Birth | 3 July 1871 54 36 Wassau, Marathon County, Wisconsin |
Death of a paternal grandmother | 16 November 1875 (Age 4)
paternal grandmother -
Sally Washburn
Death of a father | 1893 (Age 21)
father -
George Gustavus Green
Death of a mother | 1894 (Age 22)
mother -
Sarah Jane Partridge
Birth of a son #1 | 19 February 1899 (Age 27) Wausau, Marathon, Wisconsin
son -
Elmer R Green
Death | 10 February 1928 (Age 56)
Name: Jared Rollin Green
Name: Jared Rollin Green
Maiden Name:
Event Type: Burial
Event Date: 1928
Event Place: Wausau, Marathon, Wisconsin, United States of America
Photograph Included: Y
Birth Date: 03 Jul 1871
Death Date: 10 Feb 1928
Affiliate Record Identifier: 86505333
Cemetery: Pine Grove Cemetery
Citing this Record:
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVL7-VYK2 : 13 December 2015), Jared Rollin Green, 1928; Burial, Wausau, Marathon, Wisconsin, United States of America, Pine Grove Cemetery; citing record ID 8 6505333, Find a Grave, http://www.findagrave.com.
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Globally unique identifier | 1B8404D863C440DCA30FFFA43ED79640FE80 |
Last change | 1 July 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
George Gustavus Green
Birth 4 November 1816 27 22 Bloomfield, Trumbull County, Ohio
Death 1893 (Age 76) Loading...
18 years mother |
Sarah Jane Partridge
Birth 1835 Pennsylvania
Death 1894 (Age 59) Loading...
Marriage: — Wisconsin |
#1 elder sister |
Adeline Jane Green
Birth 1866 49 31 Wisconsin
18 months #2 elder brother |
George Gustavus Green Jr
Birth 26 June 1867 50 32 Wassau, Marathon County, Wisconsin
18 months #3 elder brother |
Henry N Green
Birth 1869 52 34 Wisconsin
3 years #4 himself |
Jared Rollin Green
Birth 3 July 1871 54 36 Wassau, Marathon County, Wisconsin
Death 10 February 1928 (Age 56) Loading...
Father’s family with Adaline M Briggs - View family |
father |
George Gustavus Green
Birth 4 November 1816 27 22 Bloomfield, Trumbull County, Ohio
Death 1893 (Age 76) Loading...
step-mother |
Marriage: yes |
#1 half-sister |
Emma Green
Birth 1857 40 Wisconsin
Family with Wilhelmine L "Minnie" Hintz - View family |
himself |
Jared Rollin Green
Birth 3 July 1871 54 36 Wassau, Marathon County, Wisconsin
Death 10 February 1928 (Age 56) Loading...
16 months wife |
Wilhelmine L "Minnie" Hintz
Birth November 1872 Wisconsin
#1 son |
#2 son |
Elmer R Green
Birth 19 February 1899 27 26 Wausau, Marathon, Wisconsin
Note | JARED ROLLIN GREEN, of the firm, of Green Bros., proprietors
of the City Biis Line, has been in the general transfer and transporta-
tion line at Wausau since 1895 and owns the present business in partner-
ship with his brother, George G. Green. He was born at Wausau, July
3, 1871, and is a son of George G. and Sarah J. Green. The parents
were old settlers of Wausau and early in life the father was a lumber-
man. His death occurred in 1893 and that of his wife several years later.
Jared R. Green was reared and educated at Wausau and practically
throughout his entire life has been in the transfer business. He owns
and operates by himself, a valuable farm of forty acres which lies in the
town of Texas. The Green Bros, own four omnibuses and three trans-
fer and baggage trucks and keep nine head of horses. The firm has
established a reputation for reliability and promptness that makes it a
leading one in the city.
Mr. Green married Miss Minnie L. Hinz, of the town of Berlin,
Marathon county and they have two children : George G. and Elmer
R. Mr. Green and family still occupy the house in which he was born,
a comfortable residence standing at No. 405 Second street. He is iden
tified with the fraternal order of Knights of Pythias and belongs to the
Royal Arcanum.
- Source: History of Marathon County Wisconsin and Representative Citizens, by Louis Marchetti, 1913, page 840 |
Death | Name: Jared Rollin Green
Maiden Name:
Event Type: Burial
Event Date: 1928
Event Place: Wausau, Marathon, Wisconsin, United States of America
Photograph Included: Y
Birth Date: 03 Jul 1871
Death Date: 10 Feb 1928
Affiliate Record Identifier: 86505333
Cemetery: Pine Grove Cemetery
Citing this Record:
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVL7-VYK2 : 13 December 2015), Jared Rollin Green, 1928; Burial, Wausau, Marathon, Wisconsin, United States of America, Pine Grove Cemetery; citing record ID 8 6505333, Find a Grave, http://www.findagrave.com.
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