Birth | 13 March 1854 29 26 Richmond Township, Canada West |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 21 March 1855 (Age 12 months) Hastings County, Canada, British North America
maternal grandfather -
Casperus Fretz
Death of a paternal grandfather | about 7 March 1856 (Age 23 months) Richmond Township, Canada West
paternal grandfather -
John Pringle
Birth of a sister | 26 March 1856 (Age 2) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth of a brother | 3 May 1858 (Age 4) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger brother -
Charles Lewis Pringle
Birth of a sister | 5 July 1860 (Age 6) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Birth of a brother | 19 February 1862 (Age 7) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger brother -
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Death of a paternal grandmother | 30 September 1863 (Age 9) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
paternal grandmother -
Martha Riggs
Birth of a sister | 14 July 1864 (Age 10) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Birth of a brother | 18 August 1866 (Age 12) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger brother -
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth of a brother | 14 April 1868 (Age 14) Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth of a sister | 12 March 1870 (Age 15) Belleville, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Death of a sister | 11 July 1871 (Age 17) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Burial of a sister | July 1871 (Age 17) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Immigration | 1872 (Age 17)
I am not sure where I got this note:
I am not sure where I got this note:
Norman is living in Napanee in 1871 census
The 1900 census has 1870 for his immigration
His bio in the Bowen book says that he came to Sand Lake in 1882 I think that it is a typo because the next sentence says that he worked hard for 5 years and purchased land.
Birth of a sister | 4 July 1872 (Age 18) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Death of a sister | 22 September 1872 (Age 18) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth of a brother | 12 March 1874 (Age 19) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Burial of a sister | September 1875 (Age 21) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Death of a brother | 21 October 1876 (Age 22) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Death of a brother | 2 December 1876 (Age 22) Duffin's Creek, Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
John F. Pringle
Marriage | Elvie M. Braford - View family 6 January 1881 (Age 26) Solon, Kent Co, Michigan |
Birth of a son #1 | 18 October 1882 (Age 28) Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
son -
Ray Abner Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | January 1884 (Age 29)
son -
Abner J "Jay" Pringle
Census | Elvie M. Braford - View family June 1884 (Age 30) Solon, Kent County, Michigan Address: working in a shingle mill
Title 1884 Kent, Solon 0990
Names Quaif, Delbert \| Male \| Son \| 13 \| 1
Quaif, Earnest \| Male \| Son \| 11 \| 2
Martz, Henry W \| Male \| Husband \| 26 \| 3
Martz, Josephine \| Female \| Wife \| 18 \| 4
Kinney, Ira K \| Male \| Husband \| 28 \| 5
Kinney, Bertie E \| Female \| Wife \| 23 \| 6
Kinney, Charles B \| Male \| Son \| 3 \| 7
Kinney, Amas T \| Male \| Son \| 1 \| 8
Lewis, Mariah \| Female \| Mother \| 58 \| 9
Lewis, James \| Male \| Son \| 21 \| 10
Hall, Harrison \| Male \| Son-in-law \| 33 \| 11
Lewis, Frank \| Male \| Husband \| 32 \| 12
Lewis, Jenie \| Female \| Wife \| 28 \| 13
Lewis, Eddie L \| Male \| Son \| 7 \| 14
Pringel, Norman \| Male \| Husband \| 30 \| 15
Pringle, Elra \| Female \| Wife \| 19 \| 16
Pringle, Ray A \| Male \| Son \| 2 \| 17
Pringle, Annes J \| Male \| Son \| 6/12 \| 18
Clark, Adam J \| Male \| Single \| 24 \| 19
Bansill, John \| Male \| Husband \| 38 \| 20
Archive/Library Name Archives of Michigan
Microfilm Reel Number 2014
Residence Year 1884
County Kent
Township Solon
Death of a son | 23 August 1885 (Age 31) Michigan
son -
Abner J "Jay" Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | 22 October 1886 (Age 32) Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
son -
Alfred Lee Pringle
Birth of a daughter #4 | 11 May 1888 (Age 34) Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States
daughter -
Ethel Pringle
Death of a daughter | 15 July 1889 (Age 35) Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States
daughter -
Ethel Pringle
Birth of a son #5 | 26 June 1892 (Age 38) Kent Co, Michigan, United States
son -
Homer Lynn Pringle
Census | Elvie M. Braford - View family 1894 (Age 39) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan Address: a hardware merchant
Name: Norman N Pringle
Name: Norman N Pringle
Gender: Male
Event Place (Original): Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Age: 40
Birth Year (Estimated): 1854
Event Year: 1894
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Family Number: 90
Line Number: 6
Page Number: 109
GS Film number: 984658
Digital Folder Number: 004705884
Image Number: 00061
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman N Pringle Husband M 40
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 29
Ray A Pringle Son M 11
Alford L Pringle Son M 7
Homer L Pringle Son M 2
Julia A Welch Servant F 19
Citing this Record:
"Michigan State Census, 1894," database, FamilySearch ( : 8 November 2017), Norman N Pringle, Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing p. 109, State Archives, Lansing; FHL microfilm 984,658 . |
Death of a brother | 7 June 1898 (Age 44) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Death of a mother | 8 October 1898 (Age 44) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan
mother -
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth of a son #6 | 16 January 1899 (Age 44) Sand Lake, Kent Co. Michigan
son -
Manly J. Pringle
Census | Elvie M. Braford - View family 1900 (Age 45) Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent County, Michigan
Norman Pringle
Norman Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States
District: 96
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race: W
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Number of Living Children:
Years Married: 19
Birth Date: Mar 1854
Birthplace: Eng Canada
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1881
Immigration Year: 1870
Father's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother of how many children:
Sheet Number and Letter: 2A
Household ID: 32
Line Number: 11
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1240723
Digital Folder Number: 004120235
Image Number: 00698
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman Pringle Head M 46 Eng Canada
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 35 Michigan
Ray A Pringle Son M 18 Michigan
Lee Pringle Son M 14 Michigan
Lynn Pringle Son M 8 Michigan
Manley J Pringle Son M 2 Michigan
Alfred Pringle Father M 77 Eng Canada
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 December 2018), Norman Pringle, Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeratio n district (ED) 96, sheet 2A, family 32, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,723.
Marriage of a son | Ray Abner Pringle - View family 25 December 1902 (Age 48) Sand Lake, Kent Co. Michigan
son -
Ray Abner Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Lizzie Davis
Death of a brother | 15 December 1905 (Age 51) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Death of a father | about 17 January 1909 (Age 54) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
father -
Alfred Pringle
Marriage of a son | Alfred Lee Pringle - View family 11 March 1909 (Age 54) McMurray, Skagit, Washington, United States
son -
Alfred Lee Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Edith Canfield
Marriage of a son | Homer Lynn Pringle - View family about 1914 (Age 59)
son -
Homer Lynn Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Margaret K. Osgood
Burial of a sister | February 1914 (Age 59) Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota
younger sister -
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Death of a sister | 28 February 1914 (Age 59) Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota
younger sister -
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Marriage of a son | Alfred Lee Pringle - View family 13 June 1918 (Age 64) Hot Springs, Fall River Co., South Dakota
son -
Alfred Lee Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Freda Rogge
Death of a brother | 7 February 1919 (Age 64) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Death of a sister | 8 January 1920 (Age 65) Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Burial of a sister | 10 January 1920 (Age 65) Grace Lawn Cemetary, Flint, Genesee Co., Mi
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Marriage of a son | Manly J. Pringle - View family 20 March 1920 (Age 66) Lucas Co., Ohio, United States
son -
Manly J. Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Ora Marie Parrott
Marriage of a son | Ray Abner Pringle - View family 6 June 1920 (Age 66) Byron Center, Kent County, Michigan
son -
Ray Abner Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Elma Nellie Towner
Death | 13 January 1921 (Age 66)
Name: Norman Pringle
Name: Norman Pringle
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 13 Jan 1921
Event Place: Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 66
Marital Status: Married
Birth Date: 15 Mar 1854
Birthplace: Canada
Birth Year (Estimated): 1855
Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Mother's Name: Elvia Braford
GS Film number: 1972809
Digital Folder Number: 005237774
Image Number: 02375
Citing this Record:
"Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," Database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 June 2015), Norman Pringle, 13 Jan 1921; citing Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States, Division for Vital Record s and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,972,809. |
Burial | January 1921 (Age 66) Ensley Township, Sand Lake, Newaygo Co., MI. Address: Crandall Cemetery
I have a picture of the headstone taken by an online transcriber from MiGenWeb
I have a picture of the headstone taken by an online transcriber from MiGenWeb |
Globally unique identifier | D0ED827A3E9BFE48BD1091C563949A1DA966 |
Last change | 18 February 2023 - 21:52:43 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Alfred Pringle
Birth 1 September 1824 39 19 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death about 17 January 1909 (Age 84) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida Loading...
3 years mother |
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth 16 July 1827 36 34 North Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 8 October 1898 (Age 71) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 26 December 1848 — Victoria District, Canada West, British Colonial America |
19 months #1 elder brother |
John F. Pringle
Birth 11 August 1850 25 23 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 2 December 1876 (Age 26) Duffin's Creek, Ontario, Canada Loading...
23 months #2 elder sister |
Martha Elvira Pringle
Birth 5 July 1852 27 24 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 21 April 1926 (Age 73) Jacksonville, Duval, Florida Loading...
20 months #3 himself |
Norman Newton Pringle
Birth 13 March 1854 29 26 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 13 January 1921 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #4 younger sister |
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth 26 March 1856 31 28 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 11 July 1871 (Age 15) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #5 younger brother |
Charles Lewis Pringle
Birth 3 May 1858 33 30 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 18 June 1930 (Age 72) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
2 years #6 younger sister |
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Birth 5 July 1860 35 32 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 28 February 1914 (Age 53) Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota Loading...
20 months #7 younger brother |
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Birth 19 February 1862 37 34 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 15 December 1905 (Age 43) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #8 younger sister |
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Birth 14 July 1864 39 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 23 October 1924 (Age 60) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
2 years #9 younger brother |
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth 18 August 1866 41 39 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 7 February 1919 (Age 52) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #10 younger brother |
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth 14 April 1868 43 40 Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 7 June 1898 (Age 30) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan Loading...
23 months #11 younger sister |
Birth 12 March 1870 45 42 Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Death 8 January 1920 (Age 49) Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
2 years #12 younger sister |
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth 4 July 1872 47 44 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 September 1872 (Age 2 months) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #13 younger brother |
George Bidwell Pringle
Birth 12 March 1874 49 46 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 21 October 1876 (Age 2) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Family with Elvie M. Braford - View family |
himself |
Norman Newton Pringle
Birth 13 March 1854 29 26 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 13 January 1921 (Age 66) Loading...
11 years wife |
Elvie M. Braford
Birth 6 January 1865 33 33 Michigan
Death 22 February 1922 (Age 57) East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States Loading...
Marriage: 6 January 1881 — Solon, Kent Co, Michigan |
21 months #1 son |
Birth 18 October 1882 28 17 Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
Death 25 August 1970 (Age 87) Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Washington Loading...
14 months #2 son |
Abner J "Jay" Pringle
Birth January 1884 29 18
Death 23 August 1885 (Age 19 months) Michigan Loading...
3 years #3 son |
Alfred Lee Pringle
Birth 22 October 1886 32 21 Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
Death 13 April 1962 (Age 75) Sandpoint, Bonner Co., Idaho Loading...
19 months #4 daughter |
Ethel Pringle
Birth 11 May 1888 34 23 Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States
Death 15 July 1889 (Age 14 months) Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States Loading...
4 years #5 son |
Homer Lynn Pringle
Birth 26 June 1892 38 27 Kent Co, Michigan, United States
Death July 1979 (Age 87) Upton, Weston County, Wyoming Loading...
7 years #6 son |
Manly J. Pringle
Birth 16 January 1899 44 34 Sand Lake, Kent Co. Michigan
Death 28 March 1945 (Age 46) Allen Park, Wayne Co., Michigan Loading...
Note | NORMAN N. PRINGLE, the leading hardware merchant of the northern part of Kent county, Mich., and one who stands high in the respect of the people and business men of Sand Lake, is a native of the province of Ontario, Canada, and was born t wenty-five miles from Kingston on March 13, 1854, the third of a family of thirteen children born to Alfred and Sarah A. (Fritz) Pringle. What the exception of the meager education he received by attending public school for a short time, his ins truction has been acquired through his contact with business men, but being an apt scholar, he has learned fully as much as if he had passed more time in school.
In 1872 Mr. Pringle, a penniless young man, came to Sand Lake, the surrounding country at that time being an almost unbroken wilderness. Although he possessed no cash, he had unbounded, or unlimited, energy, and a will that carried with i t success. For five years, or until 1877, he worked as a carpenter and manufacturer of shingles in the vicinity of Sand Lake, and was then able to purchase a forty-acre tract of heavily-timbered land in Solon township, Kent county, and of this h e cleared twenty acres of the timber and converted it into shingles and lumber. He next sold twenty acres and purchased an additional tract of forty, relinquished the manufacture of shingles and lumber, and soon afterward bought another tract o f 160 acres of improved land in Solon township; two years later he sold all this property and purchased fifty acres in Nelson township, nicely improved with good buildings. Eventually, he disposed of this property, and with the capital thus real ized entered into a partnership with M. J. Blanchard, at Sand Lake, purchased a stock of hardware, furniture and undertaker's goods, and carried on business with him until 1893, when he assumed entire charge and conducted the business alone unti l the great fire of 1895, when he lost building and stock, valued at $4,500. But the fire did not destroy Mr. Pringle's energy and indomitable will, and in February, 1896, he purchased a half-interest of E. J. Moody in the hardware, agricultura l implement, buggy and wagon trade, and together they conducted this business until the fall of 1898, when Mr. Pringle again became sole proprietor. His success is due to his unswerving integrity, and his determination to please his patrons, an d this course has won for him the unshaken confidence of the community, which Mr. Pringle values more than all things else.
The marriage of Mr. Pringle took place January 6, 1880, to Miss Alva M. Brayford, a native of Kent county, and this happy union has been blessed with seven children — six sons and one daughter — of whom four still survive, viz: Ray, who graduate d from the Sand Lake high school with the class of 1899, Lee, Linn and Manley.
Politically Mr. Pringle is a republican, and has served in the town council of Sand Lake. Fraternally he is a member of the K. O. T. M., tent No. 442, and he and his estimable lady hold a high place in the esteem of the people of the village. Be sides his commercial interests in the village, Mr. Pringle owns ninety-four acres of choice land in Nelson township, and when it is remembered that he began his life here without ten dollars that he could call his own, no wonder need be excite d from the fact that his enterprise and determination to succeed have gained for him the enviable standing he now enjoys.
Quoted from: <i>The City of Grand Rapids and Kent County, Mich.: up to date, containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens.
</i>A.W. Bowen & Co.
[Logansport, Ind.]: A. W. Bowen, 1900. (i believe that the date Norman came to Sand Lake was 1872 not 82, I changed the typo, the math didn't work) |
Note | Web Tag: FamilySearch
URL: <web="">
Note: |
Immigration | I am not sure where I got this note:
Norman is living in Napanee in 1871 census
The 1900 census has 1870 for his immigration
His bio in the Bowen book says that he came to Sand Lake in 1882 I think that it is a typo because the next sentence says that he worked hard for 5 years and purchased land.
Census |
Title 1884 Kent, Solon 0990
Names Quaif, Delbert \| Male \| Son \| 13 \| 1
Quaif, Earnest \| Male \| Son \| 11 \| 2
Martz, Henry W \| Male \| Husband \| 26 \| 3
Martz, Josephine \| Female \| Wife \| 18 \| 4
Kinney, Ira K \| Male \| Husband \| 28 \| 5
Kinney, Bertie E \| Female \| Wife \| 23 \| 6
Kinney, Charles B \| Male \| Son \| 3 \| 7
Kinney, Amas T \| Male \| Son \| 1 \| 8
Lewis, Mariah \| Female \| Mother \| 58 \| 9
Lewis, James \| Male \| Son \| 21 \| 10
Hall, Harrison \| Male \| Son-in-law \| 33 \| 11
Lewis, Frank \| Male \| Husband \| 32 \| 12
Lewis, Jenie \| Female \| Wife \| 28 \| 13
Lewis, Eddie L \| Male \| Son \| 7 \| 14
Pringel, Norman \| Male \| Husband \| 30 \| 15
Pringle, Elra \| Female \| Wife \| 19 \| 16
Pringle, Ray A \| Male \| Son \| 2 \| 17
Pringle, Annes J \| Male \| Son \| 6/12 \| 18
Clark, Adam J \| Male \| Single \| 24 \| 19
Bansill, John \| Male \| Husband \| 38 \| 20
Archive/Library Name Archives of Michigan
Microfilm Reel Number 2014
Residence Year 1884
County Kent
Township Solon
Census |
Title 1884 Kent, Solon 0990
Names Quaif, Delbert \| Male \| Son \| 13 \| 1
Quaif, Earnest \| Male \| Son \| 11 \| 2
Martz, Henry W \| Male \| Husband \| 26 \| 3
Martz, Josephine \| Female \| Wife \| 18 \| 4
Kinney, Ira K \| Male \| Husband \| 28 \| 5
Kinney, Bertie E \| Female \| Wife \| 23 \| 6
Kinney, Charles B \| Male \| Son \| 3 \| 7
Kinney, Amas T \| Male \| Son \| 1 \| 8
Lewis, Mariah \| Female \| Mother \| 58 \| 9
Lewis, James \| Male \| Son \| 21 \| 10
Hall, Harrison \| Male \| Son-in-law \| 33 \| 11
Lewis, Frank \| Male \| Husband \| 32 \| 12
Lewis, Jenie \| Female \| Wife \| 28 \| 13
Lewis, Eddie L \| Male \| Son \| 7 \| 14
Pringel, Norman \| Male \| Husband \| 30 \| 15
Pringle, Elra \| Female \| Wife \| 19 \| 16
Pringle, Ray A \| Male \| Son \| 2 \| 17
Pringle, Annes J \| Male \| Son \| 6/12 \| 18
Clark, Adam J \| Male \| Single \| 24 \| 19
Bansill, John \| Male \| Husband \| 38 \| 20
Archive/Library Name Archives of Michigan
Microfilm Reel Number 2014
Residence Year 1884
County Kent
Township Solon
Census | Name: Norman N Pringle
Gender: Male
Event Place (Original): Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Age: 40
Birth Year (Estimated): 1854
Event Year: 1894
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Family Number: 90
Line Number: 6
Page Number: 109
GS Film number: 984658
Digital Folder Number: 004705884
Image Number: 00061
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman N Pringle Husband M 40
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 29
Ray A Pringle Son M 11
Alford L Pringle Son M 7
Homer L Pringle Son M 2
Julia A Welch Servant F 19
Citing this Record:
"Michigan State Census, 1894," database, FamilySearch ( : 8 November 2017), Norman N Pringle, Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing p. 109, State Archives, Lansing; FHL microfilm 984,658 . |
Census | Name: Norman N Pringle
Gender: Male
Event Place (Original): Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Age: 40
Birth Year (Estimated): 1854
Event Year: 1894
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Family Number: 90
Line Number: 6
Page Number: 109
GS Film number: 984658
Digital Folder Number: 004705884
Image Number: 00061
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman N Pringle Husband M 40
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 29
Ray A Pringle Son M 11
Alford L Pringle Son M 7
Homer L Pringle Son M 2
Julia A Welch Servant F 19
Citing this Record:
"Michigan State Census, 1894," database, FamilySearch ( : 8 November 2017), Norman N Pringle, Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing p. 109, State Archives, Lansing; FHL microfilm 984,658 . |
Census | Norman Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States
District: 96
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race: W
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Number of Living Children:
Years Married: 19
Birth Date: Mar 1854
Birthplace: Eng Canada
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1881
Immigration Year: 1870
Father's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother of how many children:
Sheet Number and Letter: 2A
Household ID: 32
Line Number: 11
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1240723
Digital Folder Number: 004120235
Image Number: 00698
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman Pringle Head M 46 Eng Canada
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 35 Michigan
Ray A Pringle Son M 18 Michigan
Lee Pringle Son M 14 Michigan
Lynn Pringle Son M 8 Michigan
Manley J Pringle Son M 2 Michigan
Alfred Pringle Father M 77 Eng Canada
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 December 2018), Norman Pringle, Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeratio n district (ED) 96, sheet 2A, family 32, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,723.
Census | Norman Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States
District: 96
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race: W
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Number of Living Children:
Years Married: 19
Birth Date: Mar 1854
Birthplace: Eng Canada
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1881
Immigration Year: 1870
Father's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother of how many children:
Sheet Number and Letter: 2A
Household ID: 32
Line Number: 11
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1240723
Digital Folder Number: 004120235
Image Number: 00698
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman Pringle Head M 46 Eng Canada
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 35 Michigan
Ray A Pringle Son M 18 Michigan
Lee Pringle Son M 14 Michigan
Lynn Pringle Son M 8 Michigan
Manley J Pringle Son M 2 Michigan
Alfred Pringle Father M 77 Eng Canada
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 December 2018), Norman Pringle, Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeratio n district (ED) 96, sheet 2A, family 32, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,723.
Death | Name: Norman Pringle
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 13 Jan 1921
Event Place: Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 66
Marital Status: Married
Birth Date: 15 Mar 1854
Birthplace: Canada
Birth Year (Estimated): 1855
Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Mother's Name: Elvia Braford
GS Film number: 1972809
Digital Folder Number: 005237774
Image Number: 02375
Citing this Record:
"Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," Database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 June 2015), Norman Pringle, 13 Jan 1921; citing Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States, Division for Vital Record s and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,972,809. |
Burial | I have a picture of the headstone taken by an online transcriber from MiGenWeb |