Elvie M. BrafordAge: 571865–1922
- Name
- Elvie M. Braford
Birth | 6 January 1865 33 33 Michigan |
Birth of a brother | 1872 (Age 6)
younger brother -
George A Braford
Marriage | Norman Newton Pringle - View family 6 January 1881 (Age 16) Solon, Kent Co, Michigan |
Birth of a son #1 | 18 October 1882 (Age 17) Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
son -
Ray Abner Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | January 1884 (Age 18)
son -
Abner J "Jay" Pringle
Census | Norman Newton Pringle - View family June 1884 (Age 19) Solon, Kent County, Michigan Address: working in a shingle mill
Title 1884 Kent, Solon 0990
Names Quaif, Delbert \| Male \| Son \| 13 \| 1
Quaif, Earnest \| Male \| Son \| 11 \| 2
Martz, Henry W \| Male \| Husband \| 26 \| 3
Martz, Josephine \| Female \| Wife \| 18 \| 4
Kinney, Ira K \| Male \| Husband \| 28 \| 5
Kinney, Bertie E \| Female \| Wife \| 23 \| 6
Kinney, Charles B \| Male \| Son \| 3 \| 7
Kinney, Amas T \| Male \| Son \| 1 \| 8
Lewis, Mariah \| Female \| Mother \| 58 \| 9
Lewis, James \| Male \| Son \| 21 \| 10
Hall, Harrison \| Male \| Son-in-law \| 33 \| 11
Lewis, Frank \| Male \| Husband \| 32 \| 12
Lewis, Jenie \| Female \| Wife \| 28 \| 13
Lewis, Eddie L \| Male \| Son \| 7 \| 14
Pringel, Norman \| Male \| Husband \| 30 \| 15
Pringle, Elra \| Female \| Wife \| 19 \| 16
Pringle, Ray A \| Male \| Son \| 2 \| 17
Pringle, Annes J \| Male \| Son \| 6/12 \| 18
Clark, Adam J \| Male \| Single \| 24 \| 19
Bansill, John \| Male \| Husband \| 38 \| 20
Archive/Library Name Archives of Michigan
Microfilm Reel Number 2014
Residence Year 1884
County Kent
Township Solon
Death of a son | 23 August 1885 (Age 20) Michigan
son -
Abner J "Jay" Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | 22 October 1886 (Age 21) Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
son -
Alfred Lee Pringle
Birth of a daughter #4 | 11 May 1888 (Age 23) Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States
daughter -
Ethel Pringle
Death of a father | 1 December 1888 (Age 23) Solon, Kent County, Michigan
father -
Abner Braford
Death of a daughter | 15 July 1889 (Age 24) Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States
daughter -
Ethel Pringle
Birth of a son #5 | 26 June 1892 (Age 27) Kent Co, Michigan, United States
son -
Homer Lynn Pringle
Death of a brother | 1894 (Age 28)
younger brother -
George A Braford
Census | Norman Newton Pringle - View family 1894 (Age 28) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan Address: a hardware merchant
Name: Norman N Pringle
Name: Norman N Pringle
Gender: Male
Event Place (Original): Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Age: 40
Birth Year (Estimated): 1854
Event Year: 1894
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Family Number: 90
Line Number: 6
Page Number: 109
GS Film number: 984658
Digital Folder Number: 004705884
Image Number: 00061
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman N Pringle Husband M 40
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 29
Ray A Pringle Son M 11
Alford L Pringle Son M 7
Homer L Pringle Son M 2
Julia A Welch Servant F 19
Citing this Record:
"Michigan State Census, 1894," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHKX-JJD : 8 November 2017), Norman N Pringle, Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing p. 109, State Archives, Lansing; FHL microfilm 984,658 . |
Birth of a son #6 | 16 January 1899 (Age 34) Sand Lake, Kent Co. Michigan
son -
Manly J. Pringle
Census | Norman Newton Pringle - View family 1900 (Age 34) Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent County, Michigan
Norman Pringle
Norman Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States
District: 96
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race: W
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Number of Living Children:
Years Married: 19
Birth Date: Mar 1854
Birthplace: Eng Canada
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1881
Immigration Year: 1870
Father's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother of how many children:
Sheet Number and Letter: 2A
Household ID: 32
Line Number: 11
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1240723
Digital Folder Number: 004120235
Image Number: 00698
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman Pringle Head M 46 Eng Canada
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 35 Michigan
Ray A Pringle Son M 18 Michigan
Lee Pringle Son M 14 Michigan
Lynn Pringle Son M 8 Michigan
Manley J Pringle Son M 2 Michigan
Alfred Pringle Father M 77 Eng Canada
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSMB-R6T : accessed 30 December 2018), Norman Pringle, Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeratio n district (ED) 96, sheet 2A, family 32, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,723.
Marriage of a son | Ray Abner Pringle - View family 25 December 1902 (Age 37) Sand Lake, Kent Co. Michigan
son -
Ray Abner Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Lizzie Davis
Death of a mother | 18 February 1907 (Age 42) Solon, Kent County, Michigan
mother -
Martha Jubb
Marriage of a son | Alfred Lee Pringle - View family 11 March 1909 (Age 44) McMurray, Skagit, Washington, United States
son -
Alfred Lee Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Edith Canfield
Marriage of a son | Homer Lynn Pringle - View family about 1914 (Age 48)
son -
Homer Lynn Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Margaret K. Osgood
Marriage of a son | Alfred Lee Pringle - View family 13 June 1918 (Age 53) Hot Springs, Fall River Co., South Dakota
son -
Alfred Lee Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Freda Rogge
Marriage of a son | Manly J. Pringle - View family 20 March 1920 (Age 55) Lucas Co., Ohio, United States
son -
Manly J. Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Ora Marie Parrott
Marriage of a son | Ray Abner Pringle - View family 6 June 1920 (Age 55) Byron Center, Kent County, Michigan
son -
Ray Abner Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Elma Nellie Towner
Death of a husband | 13 January 1921 (Age 56)
husband -
Norman Newton Pringle
Burial of a husband | January 1921 (Age 55) Ensley Township, Sand Lake, Newaygo Co., MI.
husband -
Norman Newton Pringle
Death | 22 February 1922 (Age 57) East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States
Name: Elvie M Pringle
Name: Elvie M Pringle
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 22 Feb 1922
Event Place: East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 57
Marital Status: Widowed
Birth Date: 06 Jan 1865
Birthplace: Michigan
Birth Year (Estimated): 1865
Father's Name: Abner Braford
Mother's Name: Martha Jubb
GS Film number: 1972809
Digital Folder Number: 005237774
Image Number: 03219
Citing this Record:
"Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," Database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KF3F-NJ1 : accessed 26 June 2015), Elvie M Pringle, 22 Feb 1922; citing East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States, Division for Vit al Records and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,972,809.
- |
Burial | Ensley Township, Sand Lake, Newaygo, Michigan, United States Address: Crandall Cemetery
Birth: Jan., 1865
Birth: Jan., 1865
Kent County
Michigan, USA
Death: Feb. 22, 1922
Kent County
Michigan, USA
Family links:
Abner S Braford (1831 - 1888)
Martha <i>Jubb</i> Braford (1831 - 1907)
Norman N Pringle (1855 - 1921)\*
Ray A. Pringle (1882 - 1970)\*
Homer L Pringle (1892 - 1979)\*
Manley J Pringle (1898 - 1945)\*
Spencer D Braford (1852 - 1864)\*
Leman W Braford (1856 - 1863)\*
Frank J Braford (1859 - 1941)\*
Emma Braford (1863 - 1926)\*
Elvie M <i>Braford</i> Pringle (1865 - 1922)
George A Braford (1872 - 1894)\*
\*Calculated relationship
Crandall Cemetery
Ensley Center
Newaygo County
Michigan, USA
Find A Grave Memorial# 91729899
Globally unique identifier | F84694F9E80CD143B97D1782884B8D9EA040 |
Last change | 28 January 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Birth 6 March 1831 New York
Death 1 December 1888 (Age 57) Solon, Kent County, Michigan Loading...
5 months mother |
Martha Jubb
Birth 25 July 1831
Death 18 February 1907 (Age 75) Solon, Kent County, Michigan Loading...
#1 elder brother |
Franklin J Braford
Birth 1860 28 28
Death 1941 (Age 81) Loading...
3 years #2 elder sister |
Emma J Braford
Birth 1863 31 31
Death 1926 (Age 63) Loading...
2 years #3 herself |
Elvie M. Braford
Birth 6 January 1865 33 33 Michigan
Death 22 February 1922 (Age 57) East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States Loading...
7 years #4 younger brother |
George A Braford
Birth 1872 40 40
Death 1894 (Age 22) Loading...
Family with Norman Newton Pringle - View family |
husband |
Norman Newton Pringle
Birth 13 March 1854 29 26 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 13 January 1921 (Age 66) Loading...
11 years herself |
Elvie M. Braford
Birth 6 January 1865 33 33 Michigan
Death 22 February 1922 (Age 57) East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States Loading...
Marriage: 6 January 1881 — Solon, Kent Co, Michigan |
21 months #1 son |
Birth 18 October 1882 28 17 Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
Death 25 August 1970 (Age 87) Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Washington Loading...
14 months #2 son |
Abner J "Jay" Pringle
Birth January 1884 29 18
Death 23 August 1885 (Age 19 months) Michigan Loading...
3 years #3 son |
Alfred Lee Pringle
Birth 22 October 1886 32 21 Solon, Kent Co, Michigan
Death 13 April 1962 (Age 75) Sandpoint, Bonner Co., Idaho Loading...
19 months #4 daughter |
Ethel Pringle
Birth 11 May 1888 34 23 Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States
Death 15 July 1889 (Age 14 months) Nelson, Kent, Michigan, United States Loading...
4 years #5 son |
Homer Lynn Pringle
Birth 26 June 1892 38 27 Kent Co, Michigan, United States
Death July 1979 (Age 87) Upton, Weston County, Wyoming Loading...
7 years #6 son |
Manly J. Pringle
Birth 16 January 1899 44 34 Sand Lake, Kent Co. Michigan
Death 28 March 1945 (Age 46) Allen Park, Wayne Co., Michigan Loading...
Census |
Title 1884 Kent, Solon 0990
Names Quaif, Delbert \| Male \| Son \| 13 \| 1
Quaif, Earnest \| Male \| Son \| 11 \| 2
Martz, Henry W \| Male \| Husband \| 26 \| 3
Martz, Josephine \| Female \| Wife \| 18 \| 4
Kinney, Ira K \| Male \| Husband \| 28 \| 5
Kinney, Bertie E \| Female \| Wife \| 23 \| 6
Kinney, Charles B \| Male \| Son \| 3 \| 7
Kinney, Amas T \| Male \| Son \| 1 \| 8
Lewis, Mariah \| Female \| Mother \| 58 \| 9
Lewis, James \| Male \| Son \| 21 \| 10
Hall, Harrison \| Male \| Son-in-law \| 33 \| 11
Lewis, Frank \| Male \| Husband \| 32 \| 12
Lewis, Jenie \| Female \| Wife \| 28 \| 13
Lewis, Eddie L \| Male \| Son \| 7 \| 14
Pringel, Norman \| Male \| Husband \| 30 \| 15
Pringle, Elra \| Female \| Wife \| 19 \| 16
Pringle, Ray A \| Male \| Son \| 2 \| 17
Pringle, Annes J \| Male \| Son \| 6/12 \| 18
Clark, Adam J \| Male \| Single \| 24 \| 19
Bansill, John \| Male \| Husband \| 38 \| 20
Archive/Library Name Archives of Michigan
Microfilm Reel Number 2014
Residence Year 1884
County Kent
Township Solon
Census |
Title 1884 Kent, Solon 0990
Names Quaif, Delbert \| Male \| Son \| 13 \| 1
Quaif, Earnest \| Male \| Son \| 11 \| 2
Martz, Henry W \| Male \| Husband \| 26 \| 3
Martz, Josephine \| Female \| Wife \| 18 \| 4
Kinney, Ira K \| Male \| Husband \| 28 \| 5
Kinney, Bertie E \| Female \| Wife \| 23 \| 6
Kinney, Charles B \| Male \| Son \| 3 \| 7
Kinney, Amas T \| Male \| Son \| 1 \| 8
Lewis, Mariah \| Female \| Mother \| 58 \| 9
Lewis, James \| Male \| Son \| 21 \| 10
Hall, Harrison \| Male \| Son-in-law \| 33 \| 11
Lewis, Frank \| Male \| Husband \| 32 \| 12
Lewis, Jenie \| Female \| Wife \| 28 \| 13
Lewis, Eddie L \| Male \| Son \| 7 \| 14
Pringel, Norman \| Male \| Husband \| 30 \| 15
Pringle, Elra \| Female \| Wife \| 19 \| 16
Pringle, Ray A \| Male \| Son \| 2 \| 17
Pringle, Annes J \| Male \| Son \| 6/12 \| 18
Clark, Adam J \| Male \| Single \| 24 \| 19
Bansill, John \| Male \| Husband \| 38 \| 20
Archive/Library Name Archives of Michigan
Microfilm Reel Number 2014
Residence Year 1884
County Kent
Township Solon
Census | Name: Norman N Pringle
Gender: Male
Event Place (Original): Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Age: 40
Birth Year (Estimated): 1854
Event Year: 1894
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Family Number: 90
Line Number: 6
Page Number: 109
GS Film number: 984658
Digital Folder Number: 004705884
Image Number: 00061
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman N Pringle Husband M 40
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 29
Ray A Pringle Son M 11
Alford L Pringle Son M 7
Homer L Pringle Son M 2
Julia A Welch Servant F 19
Citing this Record:
"Michigan State Census, 1894," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHKX-JJD : 8 November 2017), Norman N Pringle, Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing p. 109, State Archives, Lansing; FHL microfilm 984,658 . |
Census | Name: Norman N Pringle
Gender: Male
Event Place (Original): Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States
Age: 40
Birth Year (Estimated): 1854
Event Year: 1894
Relationship to Head of Household: Husband
Family Number: 90
Line Number: 6
Page Number: 109
GS Film number: 984658
Digital Folder Number: 004705884
Image Number: 00061
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman N Pringle Husband M 40
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 29
Ray A Pringle Son M 11
Alford L Pringle Son M 7
Homer L Pringle Son M 2
Julia A Welch Servant F 19
Citing this Record:
"Michigan State Census, 1894," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHKX-JJD : 8 November 2017), Norman N Pringle, Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing p. 109, State Archives, Lansing; FHL microfilm 984,658 . |
Census | Norman Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States
District: 96
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race: W
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Number of Living Children:
Years Married: 19
Birth Date: Mar 1854
Birthplace: Eng Canada
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1881
Immigration Year: 1870
Father's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother of how many children:
Sheet Number and Letter: 2A
Household ID: 32
Line Number: 11
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1240723
Digital Folder Number: 004120235
Image Number: 00698
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman Pringle Head M 46 Eng Canada
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 35 Michigan
Ray A Pringle Son M 18 Michigan
Lee Pringle Son M 14 Michigan
Lynn Pringle Son M 8 Michigan
Manley J Pringle Son M 2 Michigan
Alfred Pringle Father M 77 Eng Canada
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSMB-R6T : accessed 30 December 2018), Norman Pringle, Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeratio n district (ED) 96, sheet 2A, family 32, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,723.
Census | Norman Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1900
Event Place: Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States
District: 96
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race: W
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Number of Living Children:
Years Married: 19
Birth Date: Mar 1854
Birthplace: Eng Canada
Marriage Year (Estimated): 1881
Immigration Year: 1870
Father's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Eng Canada
Mother of how many children:
Sheet Number and Letter: 2A
Household ID: 32
Line Number: 11
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T623
GS Film Number: 1240723
Digital Folder Number: 004120235
Image Number: 00698
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Norman Pringle Head M 46 Eng Canada
Elvie M Pringle Wife F 35 Michigan
Ray A Pringle Son M 18 Michigan
Lee Pringle Son M 14 Michigan
Lynn Pringle Son M 8 Michigan
Manley J Pringle Son M 2 Michigan
Alfred Pringle Father M 77 Eng Canada
"United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSMB-R6T : accessed 30 December 2018), Norman Pringle, Nelson township Sand Lake village, Kent, Michigan, United States; citing enumeratio n district (ED) 96, sheet 2A, family 32, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,240,723.
Death | Name: Elvie M Pringle
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 22 Feb 1922
Event Place: East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 57
Marital Status: Widowed
Birth Date: 06 Jan 1865
Birthplace: Michigan
Birth Year (Estimated): 1865
Father's Name: Abner Braford
Mother's Name: Martha Jubb
GS Film number: 1972809
Digital Folder Number: 005237774
Image Number: 03219
Citing this Record:
"Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," Database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KF3F-NJ1 : accessed 26 June 2015), Elvie M Pringle, 22 Feb 1922; citing East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States, Division for Vit al Records and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,972,809.
- |
Burial | Birth: Jan., 1865
Kent County
Michigan, USA
Death: Feb. 22, 1922
Kent County
Michigan, USA
Family links:
Abner S Braford (1831 - 1888)
Martha <i>Jubb</i> Braford (1831 - 1907)
Norman N Pringle (1855 - 1921)\*
Ray A. Pringle (1882 - 1970)\*
Homer L Pringle (1892 - 1979)\*
Manley J Pringle (1898 - 1945)\*
Spencer D Braford (1852 - 1864)\*
Leman W Braford (1856 - 1863)\*
Frank J Braford (1859 - 1941)\*
Emma Braford (1863 - 1926)\*
Elvie M <i>Braford</i> Pringle (1865 - 1922)
George A Braford (1872 - 1894)\*
\*Calculated relationship
Crandall Cemetery
Ensley Center
Newaygo County
Michigan, USA
Find A Grave Memorial# 91729899