John PringleAge: 701785–1856
- Name
- John Pringle
Birth | 18 May 1785 29 32 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America Note: S. Whitney Phoenix, <i>The Whitney Family of Connecticut</i> (New York: Private Bradstreet Press, 1878) page 377 |
Birth of a brother | before 12 January 1789 (Age 3) Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
younger brother -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Baptism of a brother | 12 January 1789 (Age 3) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario
younger brother -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth of a brother | 25 January 1792 (Age 6) Richmond Township, Upper Canada
younger brother -
David B. Pringle
Birth of a sister | 2 December 1793 (Age 8) Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Lois Pringle
Loyalist Land Petition (relative) | 16 November 1807 (Age 22) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada |
Death of a mother | 1815 (Age 29) Upper Canada
mother -
Anna Mary Springsteen
Marriage | Martha Riggs - View family about 1821 (Age 35) Richmond, Upper Canada |
Birth of a son #1 | 29 June 1822 (Age 37) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
son -
Miles Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | 1 September 1824 (Age 39) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
son -
Alfred Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | 13 August 1827 (Age 42) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
son -
Ezra Healy Pringle
Birth of a son #4 | 31 March 1830 (Age 44) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
son -
George Ferguson Pringle
Birth of a son #5 | 1 March 1833 (Age 47) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
son -
Solomon Waldron Pringle
Death of a father | 22 September 1833 (Age 48) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America
father -
Joseph Prindle
Birth of a son #6 | 22 May 1836 (Age 51) Richmond, Upper Canada
son -
Joseph Anson Pringle
Birth of a son #7 | 22 May 1836 (Age 51) Richmond, Upper Canada
son -
John Wesley Pringle
Birth of a daughter #8 | 4 February 1841 (Age 55) Richmond Township, Canada West
daughter -
Hannah Jane Pringle
Birth of a son #9 | 25 July 1843 (Age 58) Richmond, Upper Canada
son -
Lewis Martin Pringle
Death of a brother | 1847 (Age 61)
elder brother -
William Pringle
Marriage of a son | Alfred Pringle - View family 26 December 1848 (Age 63) Victoria District, Canada West, British Colonial America
son -
Alfred Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Sarah Ann Fretz
Census | Martha Riggs - View family 1851 (Age 65) Richmond Township, Lennox Co., Canada West
<b>'''Census: 1851'''</b>
<b>'''Census: 1851'''</b>
In 1851 John and Martha are living in Richmond Township, Lennox County, Canada West, with seven of their children, Miles, 30 years old, Ezra Healy 24, Solomon Waldron 19, Joseph Anson & John Wesley 16 year old twins, daughter Harriet Jane 11, a nd the youngest, 8 year old Lewis Martin. Their son Alfred is living next to them with his wife Sarah and their first grandson, 2 year old, John.
\<ref\>Item: J Pringle - Library and Archives Canada - Male, Age: 66, Place of Birth: Canada West, Religion: E M, Province: Canada West (Ontario), District Name: Lennox County, Sub-District Name: Richmond, Page Number: 25, Microfilm: C-11735 , Reference: RG 31 Item Number: 1164752 - See the image at:\</ref\>
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox (county)
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG 31
<b>Item Number:
- |
Death of a brother | after 1851 (Age 65)
elder brother -
Simeon Pringle
Marriage of a son | George Ferguson Pringle - View family 14 March 1854 (Age 68) Tyendenaga, Canada West
son -
George Ferguson Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Azubah Grant
Death of a daughter | 4 February 1855 (Age 69) Richmond Township, Canada West
daughter -
Hannah Jane Pringle
Death of a brother | about 1855 (Age 69)
elder brother -
Richard Pringle
Death | about 7 March 1856 (Age 70) Richmond Township, Canada West
New info 4-2021
New info 4-2021
\>From "The Whitney Family of Connecticut" by S. WhitneyPhoenix. Page377
<b>Martha Riggs Pringle</b>, b. at Butternuts, N.Y., 24 Sept. 1804;married in Richmond, Upper Canada, <b>John Pringle</b>, a farmer, son of Joseph and Mary(Springsteen) Pringle, of South Fredericksburgh, U.C. where he was born, 17 May 1785. The y settled in Richmond, <u><b>and there died (she, 30 Sept. 1863 ; he, 12 May 1872), and [they] were buried in Napanee Cemetery.
</b></u> |
Burial | Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West Address: Napanee Cemetery |
Globally unique identifier | 6CAD1C55D369FF4DA27B287A28D4F2FDBC8A |
Last change | 25 April 2021 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joseph Prindle
Birth 22 April 1756 31 31 Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
Death 22 September 1833 (Age 77) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America Loading...
-3 years mother |
Anna Mary Springsteen
Birth 1753
Death 1815 (Age 62) Upper Canada Loading...
Marriage: 14 February 1779 — Albany, New York |
23 months #1 elder brother |
William Pringle
Birth 1781 24 28 Ontario, Canada
Death 1847 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #2 elder brother |
Simeon Pringle
Birth 1783 26 30
Death after 1851 (Age 68) Loading...
1 year #3 elder brother |
Richard Pringle
Birth 1784 27 31 Ontario, Canada
Death about 1855 (Age 71) Loading...
17 months #4 himself |
John Pringle
Birth 18 May 1785 29 32 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
Death about 7 March 1856 (Age 70) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
4 years #5 younger brother |
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth before 12 January 1789 32 36 Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 23 November 1869 (Age 80) Loading...
3 years #6 younger brother |
David B. Pringle
Birth 25 January 1792 35 39 Richmond Township, Upper Canada
Death 8 March 1878 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
22 months #7 younger sister |
Lois Pringle
Birth 2 December 1793 37 40 Ontario, Canada
Death 8 May 1881 (Age 87) Richmond Township, Canada, British North America Loading...
Family with Martha Riggs - View family |
himself |
John Pringle
Birth 18 May 1785 29 32 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
Death about 7 March 1856 (Age 70) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
19 years wife |
Martha Riggs
Birth 24 September 1804 28 25 Butternuts, New York
Death 30 September 1863 (Age 59) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada Loading...
Marriage: about 1821 — Richmond, Upper Canada |
18 months #1 son |
Miles Pringle
Birth 29 June 1822 37 17 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death 25 November 1888 (Age 66) Napanee, Lennox & Addington, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #2 son |
Alfred Pringle
Birth 1 September 1824 39 19 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death about 17 January 1909 (Age 84) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida Loading...
3 years #3 son |
Ezra Healy Pringle
Birth 13 August 1827 42 22 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death 3 February 1908 (Age 80) Port Colborne, Welland, Ontario Loading...
3 years #4 son |
George Ferguson Pringle
Birth 31 March 1830 44 25 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death 25 January 1874 (Age 43) Half Moon Bay, California Loading...
3 years #5 son |
Solomon Waldron Pringle
Birth 1 March 1833 47 28 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 October 1911 (Age 78) Lennox and Addington County, Ontario, Canada Loading...
3 years #6 son |
Joseph Anson Pringle
Birth 22 May 1836 51 31 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 17 December 1926 (Age 90) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
#7 son |
John Wesley Pringle
Birth 22 May 1836 51 31 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 5 April 1905 (Age 68) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
5 years #8 daughter |
Hannah Jane Pringle
Birth 4 February 1841 55 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 4 February 1855 (Age 14) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
3 years #9 son |
Lewis Martin Pringle
Birth 25 July 1843 58 38 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 15 June 1905 (Age 61) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
Note | Web Tag: FamilySearch
URL: <web="">
Note: |
Birth | S. Whitney Phoenix, <i>The Whitney Family of Connecticut</i> (New York: Private Bradstreet Press, 1878) page 377 |
Census | <b>'''Census: 1851'''</b>
In 1851 John and Martha are living in Richmond Township, Lennox County, Canada West, with seven of their children, Miles, 30 years old, Ezra Healy 24, Solomon Waldron 19, Joseph Anson & John Wesley 16 year old twins, daughter Harriet Jane 11, a nd the youngest, 8 year old Lewis Martin. Their son Alfred is living next to them with his wife Sarah and their first grandson, 2 year old, John.
\<ref\>Item: J Pringle - Library and Archives Canada - Male, Age: 66, Place of Birth: Canada West, Religion: E M, Province: Canada West (Ontario), District Name: Lennox County, Sub-District Name: Richmond, Page Number: 25, Microfilm: C-11735 , Reference: RG 31 Item Number: 1164752 - See the image at:\</ref\>
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox (county)
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG 31
<b>Item Number:
- |
Census | <b>'''Census: 1851'''</b>
In 1851 John and Martha are living in Richmond Township, Lennox County, Canada West, with seven of their children, Miles, 30 years old, Ezra Healy 24, Solomon Waldron 19, Joseph Anson & John Wesley 16 year old twins, daughter Harriet Jane 11, a nd the youngest, 8 year old Lewis Martin. Their son Alfred is living next to them with his wife Sarah and their first grandson, 2 year old, John.
\<ref\>Item: J Pringle - Library and Archives Canada - Male, Age: 66, Place of Birth: Canada West, Religion: E M, Province: Canada West (Ontario), District Name: Lennox County, Sub-District Name: Richmond, Page Number: 25, Microfilm: C-11735 , Reference: RG 31 Item Number: 1164752 - See the image at:\</ref\>
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox (county)
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG 31
<b>Item Number:
- |
Census | <b>'''Census: 1851'''</b>
In 1851 John and Martha are living in Richmond Township, Lennox County, Canada West, with seven of their children, Miles, 30 years old, Ezra Healy 24, Solomon Waldron 19, Joseph Anson & John Wesley 16 year old twins, daughter Harriet Jane 11, a nd the youngest, 8 year old Lewis Martin. Their son Alfred is living next to them with his wife Sarah and their first grandson, 2 year old, John.
\<ref\>Item: J Pringle - Library and Archives Canada - Male, Age: 66, Place of Birth: Canada West, Religion: E M, Province: Canada West (Ontario), District Name: Lennox County, Sub-District Name: Richmond, Page Number: 25, Microfilm: C-11735 , Reference: RG 31 Item Number: 1164752 - See the image at:\</ref\>
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox (county)
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG 31
<b>Item Number:
- |
Death | New info 4-2021
\>From "The Whitney Family of Connecticut" by S. WhitneyPhoenix. Page377
<b>Martha Riggs Pringle</b>, b. at Butternuts, N.Y., 24 Sept. 1804;married in Richmond, Upper Canada, <b>John Pringle</b>, a farmer, son of Joseph and Mary(Springsteen) Pringle, of South Fredericksburgh, U.C. where he was born, 17 May 1785. The y settled in Richmond, <u><b>and there died (she, 30 Sept. 1863 ; he, 12 May 1872), and [they] were buried in Napanee Cemetery.
</b></u> |