Alfred Wilbert PringleAge: 431862–1905
- Name
- Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Birth | 19 February 1862 37 34 Richmond Township, Canada West |
Death of a paternal grandmother | 30 September 1863 (Age 19 months) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
paternal grandmother -
Martha Riggs
Birth of a sister | 14 July 1864 (Age 2) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Birth of a brother | 18 August 1866 (Age 4) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger brother -
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth of a brother | 14 April 1868 (Age 6) Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth of a sister | 12 March 1870 (Age 8) Belleville, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Death of a sister | 11 July 1871 (Age 9) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
elder sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Burial of a sister | July 1871 (Age 9) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
elder sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth of a sister | 4 July 1872 (Age 10) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Death of a sister | 22 September 1872 (Age 10) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth of a brother | 12 March 1874 (Age 12) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Burial of a sister | September 1875 (Age 13) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Death of a brother | 21 October 1876 (Age 14) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Death of a brother | 2 December 1876 (Age 14) Duffin's Creek, Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
John F. Pringle
Marriage | Susan Wright - View family 31 August 1897 (Age 35) St. Annes Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
</b>On August 31st, 1897 at St. Annes Church of Toronto, Alfred Wilbert PRINGLE, 35 years old, a wholesale butcher from Toronto, son of Alfred & Sarah Ann Fretz PRINGLE married Susie WRIGHT, 20 years old of Toronto, the daughter of Henry & Susa n Courtney WRIGHT. Witnesses were Christopher & Letitia WAUGH of Toronto.[1]
Ontario Marriage Registrations 1800-1927
registration # 1945-97 Alfred Wilbert PRINGLE, 35, wholesale butcher, Canada, Toronto, s/o Aldred & Sarah Ann Fretz PRINGLE, married Susie WRIGHT, 20, Canada, Toronto, d/o Henry & Susan Courtney WRIGHT, witn: Christopher & Letitia WAUGH of Toro nto, 31 Aug. 1897 at St. Annes Church.
<u>Toronto 1897, part 2</u>
Name: Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 31 Aug 1897
Event Place: Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Mother's Name: Sarah Ann Fretz Pringle
Spouse's Name: Susie Wright
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 20
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1877
Spouse's Father's Name: Henry Wright
Spouse's Mother's Name: Susan Courtney Wright
Reference ID: 001945
GS Film Number: 1870917
Digital Folder Number: 004529265
Image Number: 00184
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 11 March 2018), Susan Courtney Wright in entry for Alfred Wilbert Pringle and Susie Wright, 31 Aug 1897; citing registr ation , Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,870,917. |
Death of a brother | 7 June 1898 (Age 36) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth of a daughter #1 | 11 September 1898 (Age 36) Toronto, York, Ontario
daughter -
Alfreda Leona Pringle
Death of a mother | 8 October 1898 (Age 36) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan
mother -
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth of a son #2 | 11 February 1900 (Age 37) Toronto, York, Ontario
son -
Alfred Waldron Pringle
Occupation | Wholesale Butcher 1901 (Age 38) York, Ontario, Canada |
Birth of a daughter #3 | 3 March 1902 (Age 40) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
daughter -
Olive May Pringle
Death | 15 December 1905 (Age 43) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Cause of death: of Tuberculosis
Death record states that Alfred was a married butcher living at St Helens AV (address is hard to rea…
Death record states that Alfred was a married butcher living at St Helens AV (address is hard to read) in Toronto Ca
Name: Alfred Wilbert Pringlec
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 15 Dec 1905
Event Place: Toronto, York, Ontario
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Ontario
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Name:
Reference ID: yr 1905 certificate #4744
GS Film number: 1854288
Digital Folder Number: 4174864
Image Number: 59
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," Database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 June 2015), Alfred Wilbert Pringlec, 15 Dec 1905; citing Toronto, York, Ontario, yr 19 05 certificate #4744, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,854,288. |
Burial | Toronto, Ontario, Canada Address: Prospect Cemetery
Name: Alfred W Pringle
Name: Alfred W Pringle
Event Type: Burial
Event Date: 18 Dec 1905
Event Place: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Age: 43
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Birthplace: Napanee Ontario
Cemetery: Prospect Cemetery
Cemetery Section and Lot: sec 12 plot 416
Plot Owner's Name: Susie Pringle
Relative's Name:
Relative's Address:
Line Number: 3332
Volume Date Range: Volume 01, 1890-1914
GS Film Number: 001617432
Digital Folder Number: 004455466
Image Number: 00604
"Ontario, Toronto Trust Cemeteries, 1826-1989," Database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 June 2015), Alfred W Pringle, 18 Dec 1905; citing Toronto, Ontario, Canada, section and lot , lin e 3332, volume Volume 01, 1890-1914, Toronto Trust Cemeteris, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,617,432. |
Globally unique identifier | 23B7C50FA0AA63499F58323C12A5355E5366 |
Last change | 17 February 2021 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Alfred Pringle
Birth 1 September 1824 39 19 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death about 17 January 1909 (Age 84) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida Loading...
3 years mother |
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth 16 July 1827 36 34 North Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 8 October 1898 (Age 71) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 26 December 1848 — Victoria District, Canada West, British Colonial America |
19 months #1 elder brother |
John F. Pringle
Birth 11 August 1850 25 23 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 2 December 1876 (Age 26) Duffin's Creek, Ontario, Canada Loading...
23 months #2 elder sister |
Martha Elvira Pringle
Birth 5 July 1852 27 24 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 21 April 1926 (Age 73) Jacksonville, Duval, Florida Loading...
20 months #3 elder brother |
Norman Newton Pringle
Birth 13 March 1854 29 26 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 13 January 1921 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #4 elder sister |
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth 26 March 1856 31 28 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 11 July 1871 (Age 15) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #5 elder brother |
Charles Lewis Pringle
Birth 3 May 1858 33 30 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 18 June 1930 (Age 72) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
2 years #6 elder sister |
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Birth 5 July 1860 35 32 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 28 February 1914 (Age 53) Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota Loading...
20 months #7 himself |
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Birth 19 February 1862 37 34 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 15 December 1905 (Age 43) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #8 younger sister |
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Birth 14 July 1864 39 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 23 October 1924 (Age 60) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
2 years #9 younger brother |
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth 18 August 1866 41 39 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 7 February 1919 (Age 52) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #10 younger brother |
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth 14 April 1868 43 40 Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 7 June 1898 (Age 30) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan Loading...
23 months #11 younger sister |
Birth 12 March 1870 45 42 Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Death 8 January 1920 (Age 49) Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
2 years #12 younger sister |
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth 4 July 1872 47 44 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 September 1872 (Age 2 months) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #13 younger brother |
George Bidwell Pringle
Birth 12 March 1874 49 46 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 21 October 1876 (Age 2) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Family with Susan Wright - View family |
himself |
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Birth 19 February 1862 37 34 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 15 December 1905 (Age 43) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
15 years wife |
Susan Wright
Birth 21 April 1877 Canada
Marriage: 31 August 1897 — St. Annes Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
1 year #1 daughter |
Alfreda Leona Pringle
Birth 11 September 1898 36 21 Toronto, York, Ontario
17 months #2 son |
Alfred Waldron Pringle
Birth 11 February 1900 37 22 Toronto, York, Ontario
2 years #3 daughter |
Olive May Pringle
Birth 3 March 1902 40 24 Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
David William Edgar Milner + Susan Wright - View family |
wife's husband |
David William Edgar Milner
Birth 5 July 1883 Blanshard, Perth, Ontario, Canada
-6 years wife |
Susan Wright
Birth 21 April 1877 Canada
Marriage: 28 January 1909 — Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Birth | From 1901 census
and Birth from Whitney Book, see parents family note |
Marriage | <b>Marriage
</b>On August 31st, 1897 at St. Annes Church of Toronto, Alfred Wilbert PRINGLE, 35 years old, a wholesale butcher from Toronto, son of Alfred & Sarah Ann Fretz PRINGLE married Susie WRIGHT, 20 years old of Toronto, the daughter of Henry & Susa n Courtney WRIGHT. Witnesses were Christopher & Letitia WAUGH of Toronto.[1]
Ontario Marriage Registrations 1800-1927
registration # 1945-97 Alfred Wilbert PRINGLE, 35, wholesale butcher, Canada, Toronto, s/o Aldred & Sarah Ann Fretz PRINGLE, married Susie WRIGHT, 20, Canada, Toronto, d/o Henry & Susan Courtney WRIGHT, witn: Christopher & Letitia WAUGH of Toro nto, 31 Aug. 1897 at St. Annes Church.
<u>Toronto 1897, part 2</u>
Name: Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 31 Aug 1897
Event Place: Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Mother's Name: Sarah Ann Fretz Pringle
Spouse's Name: Susie Wright
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 20
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1877
Spouse's Father's Name: Henry Wright
Spouse's Mother's Name: Susan Courtney Wright
Reference ID: 001945
GS Film Number: 1870917
Digital Folder Number: 004529265
Image Number: 00184
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 11 March 2018), Susan Courtney Wright in entry for Alfred Wilbert Pringle and Susie Wright, 31 Aug 1897; citing registr ation , Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,870,917. |
Marriage | <b>Marriage
</b>On August 31st, 1897 at St. Annes Church of Toronto, Alfred Wilbert PRINGLE, 35 years old, a wholesale butcher from Toronto, son of Alfred & Sarah Ann Fretz PRINGLE married Susie WRIGHT, 20 years old of Toronto, the daughter of Henry & Susa n Courtney WRIGHT. Witnesses were Christopher & Letitia WAUGH of Toronto.[1]
Ontario Marriage Registrations 1800-1927
registration # 1945-97 Alfred Wilbert PRINGLE, 35, wholesale butcher, Canada, Toronto, s/o Aldred & Sarah Ann Fretz PRINGLE, married Susie WRIGHT, 20, Canada, Toronto, d/o Henry & Susan Courtney WRIGHT, witn: Christopher & Letitia WAUGH of Toro nto, 31 Aug. 1897 at St. Annes Church.
<u>Toronto 1897, part 2</u>
Name: Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 31 Aug 1897
Event Place: Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Mother's Name: Sarah Ann Fretz Pringle
Spouse's Name: Susie Wright
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 20
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1877
Spouse's Father's Name: Henry Wright
Spouse's Mother's Name: Susan Courtney Wright
Reference ID: 001945
GS Film Number: 1870917
Digital Folder Number: 004529265
Image Number: 00184
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 11 March 2018), Susan Courtney Wright in entry for Alfred Wilbert Pringle and Susie Wright, 31 Aug 1897; citing registr ation , Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,870,917. |
Death | Death record states that Alfred was a married butcher living at St Helens AV (address is hard to read) in Toronto Ca
Name: Alfred Wilbert Pringlec
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 15 Dec 1905
Event Place: Toronto, York, Ontario
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Birth Date:
Birthplace: Ontario
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Name:
Reference ID: yr 1905 certificate #4744
GS Film number: 1854288
Digital Folder Number: 4174864
Image Number: 59
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," Database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 June 2015), Alfred Wilbert Pringlec, 15 Dec 1905; citing Toronto, York, Ontario, yr 19 05 certificate #4744, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,854,288. |
Burial | Name: Alfred W Pringle
Event Type: Burial
Event Date: 18 Dec 1905
Event Place: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Age: 43
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Birthplace: Napanee Ontario
Cemetery: Prospect Cemetery
Cemetery Section and Lot: sec 12 plot 416
Plot Owner's Name: Susie Pringle
Relative's Name:
Relative's Address:
Line Number: 3332
Volume Date Range: Volume 01, 1890-1914
GS Film Number: 001617432
Digital Folder Number: 004455466
Image Number: 00604
"Ontario, Toronto Trust Cemeteries, 1826-1989," Database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 June 2015), Alfred W Pringle, 18 Dec 1905; citing Toronto, Ontario, Canada, section and lot , lin e 3332, volume Volume 01, 1890-1914, Toronto Trust Cemeteris, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,617,432. |