John DutcherAge: 331825–1858
- Name
- John Dutcher
Birth | about 1825 New York Address: Possibly according to daughter
Marriage | Lydia Wescott - View family about 1845 (Age 20) |
Birth of a son #1 | about 1847 (Age 22) Ohio
son -
William Oscar Dutcher
Birth of a daughter #2 | 26 April 1853 (Age 28) West Unity, Brady Twnsp, Williams County, Ohio
daughter -
Mary Viola Dutcher
Birth of a son #3 | 27 February 1855 (Age 30) Spring Hill, Dover Twsp, Fulton Co., Oh
son -
George Wesley Dutcher
Birth of a son #4 | 1856 (Age 31) Ohio
son -
John Dutcher
Birth of a daughter #5 | about 1857 (Age 32) Ohio
daughter -
Emina (Arminta) Dutcher
Living | Dewitt, Clinton Co, Mich Note: From his daughter Mary Viola's descendants, John had lived in Dewitt Michigan, I have no other proof |
Death | about 1858 (Age 33) during gold rush to California |
Adoption of a daughter | 1865 (7 years after death)
daughter -
Emina (Arminta) Dutcher
Globally unique identifier | 7965933DC584AB4C9ABE59370B105C4F9C6E |
Last change | 16 January 2022 - 17:57:26 |
Family with Lydia Wescott - View family |
himself |
John Dutcher
Birth about 1825 New York
Death about 1858 (Age 33) during gold rush to California Loading...
1 year wife |
Marriage: about 1845 |
2 years #1 son |
William Oscar Dutcher
Birth about 1847 22 21 Ohio
6 years #2 daughter |
Mary Viola Dutcher
Birth 26 April 1853 28 27 West Unity, Brady Twnsp, Williams County, Ohio
Death 31 May 1918 (Age 65) Ottokee, Fulton Co., Ohio Loading...
22 months #3 son |
George Wesley Dutcher
Birth 27 February 1855 30 29 Spring Hill, Dover Twsp, Fulton Co., Oh
Death 23 July 1926 (Age 71) Benton Twsp, Cheboygan County, Michigan Loading...
10 months #4 son |
John Dutcher
Birth 1856 31 30 Ohio
1 year #5 daughter |
Emina (Arminta) Dutcher
Birth about 1857 32 31 Ohio
Horace Dunn + Lydia Wescott - View family |
wife's husband |
Horace Dunn
Birth Scotland
Death before 1870 Loading...
wife |
Marriage: about 1862 |
13 months #1 step-son |
Charles Horace Dunn
Birth 19 January 1863 37 Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio
Death 28 December 1937 (Age 74) Tower, Cheboygan County, Michigan Loading...
Note | |
Birth | His daughter Mary's Death cert is very concise and says he and his wife Lydia were born in NY
Mary's 1910 Census says the same NY and NY
Living | From his daughter Mary Viola's descendants, John had lived in Dewitt Michigan, I have no other proof |
Death | 1860 census lists wife Lydia living with brother, with daughter Arminta 2 yrs, these facts lend creedance to Claud's story which could have come from his grandmother. |