Magdalena "Emma" Alberta PringleAge: 601864–1924
- Name
- Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
- Nickname
- Emma
Birth | 14 July 1864 39 36 Richmond Township, Canada West |
Birth of a brother | 18 August 1866 (Age 2) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger brother -
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth of a brother | 14 April 1868 (Age 3) Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth of a sister | 12 March 1870 (Age 5) Belleville, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Death of a sister | 11 July 1871 (Age 6) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
elder sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Burial of a sister | July 1871 (Age 6) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
elder sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth of a sister | 4 July 1872 (Age 7) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Death of a sister | 22 September 1872 (Age 8) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth of a brother | 12 March 1874 (Age 9) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Burial of a sister | September 1875 (Age 11) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Death of a brother | 21 October 1876 (Age 12) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Death of a brother | 2 December 1876 (Age 12) Duffin's Creek, Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
John F. Pringle
Marriage | James Gilmore Bennett - View family 28 November 1887 (Age 23) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
</b>On 28 Nov 1887, James Bennett and Alberta Pringle were married[1]
James Occupation - Labourer
James Residence - Napanee
Alberta Residence - Napanee
Witness Wm Downs & Mrs Wm Downs
Religion of both Bride and Groom - Methodist
Married by Revd E N Baker
James Bennett
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 28 Nov 1887
Event Place: Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Father's Name: Stephen Bennett
Mother's Name: Puma
Spouse's Name: Alberta Pringle
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 23
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Spouse's Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Spouse's Mother's Name: Sarah
Reference ID: 006990 , GS Film Number: 1870217 , Digital Folder Number: 004529152 , Image Number: 01002
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), James Bennett and Alberta Pringle, 28 Nov 1887; citing registration , Ontario, Canada, Archive s of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm .
- |
Residence | 28 November 1887 (Age 23) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada |
Religion | Methodist 1887 (Age 22) |
Birth of a son #1 | March 1889 (Age 24) Canada
son -
George Alfred Bennett
Birth of a son #2 | December 1890 (Age 26) Canada
son -
John M. Bennett
Census | James Gilmore Bennett - View family 16 April 1891 (Age 26) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada |
Birth of a son #3 | 31 May 1895 (Age 30) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
son -
Clarence R. Bennett
Birth of a daughter #4 | January 1898 (Age 33) New York
daughter -
Gladys Mary Bennett
Death of a brother | 7 June 1898 (Age 33) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Death of a mother | 8 October 1898 (Age 34) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan
mother -
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth of a son #5 | January 1900 (Age 35) New York
son -
Leo T. Bennett
Birth of a son #6 | 11 November 1901 (Age 37) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
son -
Stephen A. Bennett
Death of a son | 2 March 1904 (Age 39) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
son -
John M. Bennett
Death of a brother | 15 December 1905 (Age 41) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Death of a son | 4 November 1907 (Age 43) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
son -
Leo T. Bennett
Burial of a son | 1907 (Age 42) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
son -
Leo T. Bennett
Death of a father | about 17 January 1909 (Age 44) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
father -
Alfred Pringle
Census | James Gilmore Bennett - View family 1910 (Age 45) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Emma E Bennit
Emma E Bennit
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1910
Event Place: Watertown Ward 3, Jefferson, New York, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1865
Birthplace: Canada
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Canada
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
James G Bennit Head M 32 Canada
Emma E Bennit Wife F 45 Canada
Gladys M Bennit Daughter F 12 New York
Stephen A Bennit Son M 8 New York
District: 55 , Sheet Number and Letter: 2B , Household ID: 39 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: M1283 , GS Film number: 1374967 , Digital Folder Number: 004449597 , Ima ge Number: 00961 Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1910," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), Emma E Bennit in household of James G Bennit, Watertown Ward 3, Jefferson, New York, United State s; citing enumeration district (ED) 55, sheet 2B, family 39, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,374,967
-. |
Burial of a sister | February 1914 (Age 49) Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota
elder sister -
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Death of a sister | 28 February 1914 (Age 49) Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota
elder sister -
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Marriage of a son | George Alfred Bennett - View family 22 June 1914 (Age 49) Onondaga, New York
son -
George Alfred Bennett
daughter-in-law -
Minnie Myrtle Patchen
Marriage of a daughter | Gladys Mary Bennett - View family 14 September 1916 (Age 52) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
son-in-law -
Premo Bacchalatt
daughter -
Gladys Mary Bennett
Death of a brother | 7 February 1919 (Age 54) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Death of a sister | 8 January 1920 (Age 55) Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Burial of a sister | 10 January 1920 (Age 55) Grace Lawn Cemetary, Flint, Genesee Co., Mi
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Census | James Gilmore Bennett - View family 1920 (Age 55) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Emma A Bennett
Emma A Bennett
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1920
Event Place: Watertown Ward 6, Jefferson, New York, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 53
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Birthplace: Canada
Immigration Year: 1895
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Canada
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
James Bennett Head M 51 Canada
Emma A Bennett Wife F 53 Canada
Clarence R Bennett Son M 24 New York
District: 54 , Sheet Number and Letter: 4A , Household ID: 52 , Line Number: 26 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: T625 , GS Film number: 1821117 , Digital Folder Number : 004313449 , Image Number: 00090 Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1920," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), Emma A Bennett in household of James Bennett, Watertown Ward 6, Jefferson, New York, United State s; citing sheet 4A, family 52, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,821,117.
- |
Death of a brother | 13 January 1921 (Age 56)
elder brother -
Norman Newton Pringle
Burial of a brother | January 1921 (Age 56) Ensley Township, Sand Lake, Newaygo Co., MI.
elder brother -
Norman Newton Pringle
Death | 23 October 1924 (Age 60) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Address: 172 Portage Street
Mrs. Emma A. Bennett, 63, wife
of James G. Bennett of 172 Port
age street, died at her home this
She was a native of Canada and
was born July 14. 1841. the daugh
ter of the late Alfred and Sarah
Frits Prlngle, both natives of Can
ada. she came to this country
about 34 years ago where she has
since resided and has been a resi-
dent of this city for several years.
where her husband has been en-
gaged as s fireman.
She is survived by her husband,
three sons, George A. Bennett of
this city, Clarence R. Bennett of
Mt. Morris and Stephen A. Bennett
of Black River, and by one
daughter. Mrs. Gladys Diamond of
Syracuse. She also leaves a brother,
Charles Prlngle of Stone Mills.
and a sister. Mrs. John Richardson
of Jacksonville. Florida.
Funeral arrangements are incom
- Published Thursday Afternoon October 23rd, 1924 - Watertown Daily Times</b> ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool 0 Error occurred on line 138 of file Media.php in function getServerFilename 1 called from line 412 of file Media.php in function displayImage 2 called from line 586 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_media_links 3 called from line 440 of file functions_print_facts.php in function print_fact 4 called from line 106 of file module.php in function getTabContent 5 called from line 276 of file individual.php Full newspaper page of the clipped obituary |
Burial | Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Address: North Watertown Cemetery Plot B
From Find a Grave
w/o James G
age 63 y
172 Portage St
She is survived by her husband.
three sons, George A. Bennett of
; this city. Clarence R. Bennett of
Mt. Morris and Stephen A. Bennett of Black River, and by one daughter. Mrs. Gladys Dimond of
Syracuse She also leaves a brother. Charles Pringle of Stone Mills and a sister. Mrs. John Richardson [Ricens] of Jacksonville. Florida.
North Watertown Cemetery
Jefferson County
New York, USA
Plot: B
Find A Grave Memorial# 100654654
- |
Globally unique identifier | 8CB3F4C6868642438C87243291B181590F31 |
Last change | 7 February 2022 - 17:47:44 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Alfred Pringle
Birth 1 September 1824 39 19 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death about 17 January 1909 (Age 84) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida Loading...
3 years mother |
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth 16 July 1827 36 34 North Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 8 October 1898 (Age 71) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 26 December 1848 — Victoria District, Canada West, British Colonial America |
19 months #1 elder brother |
John F. Pringle
Birth 11 August 1850 25 23 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 2 December 1876 (Age 26) Duffin's Creek, Ontario, Canada Loading...
23 months #2 elder sister |
Martha Elvira Pringle
Birth 5 July 1852 27 24 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 21 April 1926 (Age 73) Jacksonville, Duval, Florida Loading...
20 months #3 elder brother |
Norman Newton Pringle
Birth 13 March 1854 29 26 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 13 January 1921 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #4 elder sister |
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth 26 March 1856 31 28 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 11 July 1871 (Age 15) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #5 elder brother |
Charles Lewis Pringle
Birth 3 May 1858 33 30 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 18 June 1930 (Age 72) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
2 years #6 elder sister |
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Birth 5 July 1860 35 32 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 28 February 1914 (Age 53) Biwabik, St. Louis County, Minnesota Loading...
20 months #7 elder brother |
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Birth 19 February 1862 37 34 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 15 December 1905 (Age 43) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #8 herself |
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Birth 14 July 1864 39 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 23 October 1924 (Age 60) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
2 years #9 younger brother |
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth 18 August 1866 41 39 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 7 February 1919 (Age 52) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #10 younger brother |
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth 14 April 1868 43 40 Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 7 June 1898 (Age 30) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan Loading...
23 months #11 younger sister |
Ella Lorraine Pringle
Birth 12 March 1870 45 42 Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Death 8 January 1920 (Age 49) Clio, Vienna Township, Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
2 years #12 younger sister |
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth 4 July 1872 47 44 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 September 1872 (Age 2 months) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #13 younger brother |
George Bidwell Pringle
Birth 12 March 1874 49 46 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 21 October 1876 (Age 2) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Family with James Gilmore Bennett - View family |
husband |
James Gilmore Bennett
Birth June 1866 41 33 Ernestown, Ontario, Canada, British North America
Death August 1943 (Age 77) Loading...
-23 months herself |
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Birth 14 July 1864 39 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 23 October 1924 (Age 60) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
Marriage: 28 November 1887 — Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada |
15 months #1 son |
George Alfred Bennett
Birth March 1889 22 24 Canada
Death 28 November 1957 (Age 68) Camillus, Onondaga, New York Loading...
21 months #2 son |
John M. Bennett
Birth December 1890 24 26 Canada
Death 2 March 1904 (Age 13) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
5 years #3 son |
Clarence R. Bennett
Birth 31 May 1895 28 30 Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Death after 1924 (Age 28) Loading...
3 years #4 daughter |
Gladys Mary Bennett
Birth January 1898 31 33 New York
Death after 1924 (Age 26) Syracuse, New York, United States Loading...
2 years #5 son |
Leo T. Bennett
Birth January 1900 33 35 New York
Death 4 November 1907 (Age 7) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
22 months #6 son |
Stephen A. Bennett
Birth 11 November 1901 35 37 Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Death 6 February 1975 (Age 73) Tulare, California Loading...
Note | 1900 Census says that she had 6 children with 5 still living
- |
Birth | Birth from Whitney Book, see parents family note
Exact date from find a grave and obituary (although year wrong)
Month and year from 1900 census
- |
Marriage | <b>Marriage
</b>On 28 Nov 1887, James Bennett and Alberta Pringle were married[1]
James Occupation - Labourer
James Residence - Napanee
Alberta Residence - Napanee
Witness Wm Downs & Mrs Wm Downs
Religion of both Bride and Groom - Methodist
Married by Revd E N Baker
James Bennett
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 28 Nov 1887
Event Place: Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Father's Name: Stephen Bennett
Mother's Name: Puma
Spouse's Name: Alberta Pringle
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 23
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Spouse's Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Spouse's Mother's Name: Sarah
Reference ID: 006990 , GS Film Number: 1870217 , Digital Folder Number: 004529152 , Image Number: 01002
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), James Bennett and Alberta Pringle, 28 Nov 1887; citing registration , Ontario, Canada, Archive s of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm .
- |
Marriage | <b>Marriage
</b>On 28 Nov 1887, James Bennett and Alberta Pringle were married[1]
James Occupation - Labourer
James Residence - Napanee
Alberta Residence - Napanee
Witness Wm Downs & Mrs Wm Downs
Religion of both Bride and Groom - Methodist
Married by Revd E N Baker
James Bennett
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 28 Nov 1887
Event Place: Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Father's Name: Stephen Bennett
Mother's Name: Puma
Spouse's Name: Alberta Pringle
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 23
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Spouse's Father's Name: Alfred Pringle
Spouse's Mother's Name: Sarah
Reference ID: 006990 , GS Film Number: 1870217 , Digital Folder Number: 004529152 , Image Number: 01002
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), James Bennett and Alberta Pringle, 28 Nov 1887; citing registration , Ontario, Canada, Archive s of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm .
- |
Census | Next door to Emma Pringle's parent's family
- |
Census | Next door to Emma Pringle's parent's family
- |
Census | Emma E Bennit
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1910
Event Place: Watertown Ward 3, Jefferson, New York, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1865
Birthplace: Canada
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Canada
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
James G Bennit Head M 32 Canada
Emma E Bennit Wife F 45 Canada
Gladys M Bennit Daughter F 12 New York
Stephen A Bennit Son M 8 New York
District: 55 , Sheet Number and Letter: 2B , Household ID: 39 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: M1283 , GS Film number: 1374967 , Digital Folder Number: 004449597 , Ima ge Number: 00961 Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1910," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), Emma E Bennit in household of James G Bennit, Watertown Ward 3, Jefferson, New York, United State s; citing enumeration district (ED) 55, sheet 2B, family 39, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,374,967
-. |
Census | Emma E Bennit
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1910
Event Place: Watertown Ward 3, Jefferson, New York, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1865
Birthplace: Canada
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Canada
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
James G Bennit Head M 32 Canada
Emma E Bennit Wife F 45 Canada
Gladys M Bennit Daughter F 12 New York
Stephen A Bennit Son M 8 New York
District: 55 , Sheet Number and Letter: 2B , Household ID: 39 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: M1283 , GS Film number: 1374967 , Digital Folder Number: 004449597 , Ima ge Number: 00961 Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1910," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), Emma E Bennit in household of James G Bennit, Watertown Ward 3, Jefferson, New York, United State s; citing enumeration district (ED) 55, sheet 2B, family 39, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,374,967
-. |
Census | Emma A Bennett
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1920
Event Place: Watertown Ward 6, Jefferson, New York, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 53
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Birthplace: Canada
Immigration Year: 1895
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Canada
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
James Bennett Head M 51 Canada
Emma A Bennett Wife F 53 Canada
Clarence R Bennett Son M 24 New York
District: 54 , Sheet Number and Letter: 4A , Household ID: 52 , Line Number: 26 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: T625 , GS Film number: 1821117 , Digital Folder Number : 004313449 , Image Number: 00090 Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1920," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), Emma A Bennett in household of James Bennett, Watertown Ward 6, Jefferson, New York, United State s; citing sheet 4A, family 52, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,821,117.
- |
Census | Emma A Bennett
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1920
Event Place: Watertown Ward 6, Jefferson, New York, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 53
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Birthplace: Canada
Immigration Year: 1895
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: Canada
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
James Bennett Head M 51 Canada
Emma A Bennett Wife F 53 Canada
Clarence R Bennett Son M 24 New York
District: 54 , Sheet Number and Letter: 4A , Household ID: 52 , Line Number: 26 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: T625 , GS Film number: 1821117 , Digital Folder Number : 004313449 , Image Number: 00090 Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1920," Database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 June 2015), Emma A Bennett in household of James Bennett, Watertown Ward 6, Jefferson, New York, United State s; citing sheet 4A, family 52, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 1,821,117.
- |
Death | <b>MRS EMMA BENNETT, 63,
Mrs. Emma A. Bennett, 63, wife
of James G. Bennett of 172 Port
age street, died at her home this
She was a native of Canada and
was born July 14. 1841. the daugh
ter of the late Alfred and Sarah
Frits Prlngle, both natives of Can
ada. she came to this country
about 34 years ago where she has
since resided and has been a resi-
dent of this city for several years.
where her husband has been en-
gaged as s fireman.
She is survived by her husband,
three sons, George A. Bennett of
this city, Clarence R. Bennett of
Mt. Morris and Stephen A. Bennett
of Black River, and by one
daughter. Mrs. Gladys Diamond of
Syracuse. She also leaves a brother,
Charles Prlngle of Stone Mills.
and a sister. Mrs. John Richardson
of Jacksonville. Florida.
Funeral arrangements are incom
- Published Thursday Afternoon October 23rd, 1924 - Watertown Daily Times</b> |
Burial |
From Find a Grave
w/o James G
age 63 y
172 Portage St
She is survived by her husband.
three sons, George A. Bennett of
; this city. Clarence R. Bennett of
Mt. Morris and Stephen A. Bennett of Black River, and by one daughter. Mrs. Gladys Dimond of
Syracuse She also leaves a brother. Charles Pringle of Stone Mills and a sister. Mrs. John Richardson [Ricens] of Jacksonville. Florida.
North Watertown Cemetery
Jefferson County
New York, USA
Plot: B
Find A Grave Memorial# 100654654
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