Miles RiggsAge: 881748–1836
- Name
- Miles Riggs
Birth | 20 May 1748 31 Norwalk, Conn. |
Death of a father | about 1754 (Age 5) watery grave in New York Harbor
father -
Miles Riggs
Marriage | Patty Bull - View family about 1775 (Age 26) |
Birth of a son #1 | 20 December 1775 (Age 27) Norfolk, Conn
son -
Miles Riggs
Military Service | He served honorably three times during the Revolution. 1775 (Age 26) White Plains and Borgoyne |
Death of a wife | about 1777 (Age 28) Norfolk, Conn
wife -
Patty Bull
Marriage | Abigail Cowles - View family June 1779 (Age 31) Litchfield, Conn.
LITCHFIELD The Congregational Church
Early Connecticut Marriages as found on ancient church records
prior to 1800
Stmnt.Resp. edited by Frederic W. Bailey
Authors: Bailey, Frederic W. (Frederic William) (Main Author)
Also on microfilm. Salt Lake City : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1949-1977. on 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Format: Books/Monographs (With Film) New Haven, Conn: Bureau of American Ancestry for Family Researches, 1896-1906 Thes e films can be ordered by your local Family History Center |
Marriage of a son | Miles Riggs - View family 19 October 1797 (Age 49)
son -
Miles Riggs
daughter-in-law -
Hannah Abigail Benedict
Death of a mother | August 1815 (Age 67) Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn
mother -
Elizabeth Whitney
Death of a wife | 12 November 1833 (Age 85) Norfolk, Conn
wife -
Abigail Cowles
Death | 20 September 1836 (Age 88) Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn |
Burial | South End Cemetery, Norfolk, Conn. |
Globally unique identifier | 1E2068068DA4364DABB2EA1C198EF116717B |
Last change | 3 March 2021 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Miles Riggs
Death about 1754 watery grave in New York Harbor
mother |
Elizabeth Whitney
Birth 1717 38 Norwalk, Conn.
Death August 1815 (Age 98) Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn Loading...
Marriage: 26 June 1735 — Norwalk, Conn. |
13 years #1 himself |
Miles Riggs
Birth 20 May 1748 31 Norwalk, Conn.
Death 20 September 1836 (Age 88) Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn Loading...
Family with Patty Bull - View family |
himself |
Miles Riggs
Birth 20 May 1748 31 Norwalk, Conn.
Death 20 September 1836 (Age 88) Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn Loading...
19 months wife |
Patty Bull
Birth 1750
Death about 1777 (Age 27) Norfolk, Conn Loading...
Marriage: about 1775 |
1 year #1 son |
Miles Riggs
Birth 20 December 1775 27 25 Norfolk, Conn
Death 1873 (Age 97) Wetmore, Nemaha Co. Kansas Loading...
Family with Abigail Cowles - View family |
himself |
Miles Riggs
Birth 20 May 1748 31 Norwalk, Conn.
Death 20 September 1836 (Age 88) Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn Loading...
wife |
Abigail Cowles
Death 12 November 1833 Norfolk, Conn
Marriage: June 1779 — Litchfield, Conn. |
Joseph Eden Miles + Abigail Cowles - View family |
wife's husband |
Joseph Eden Miles
Death before 1779
wife |
Abigail Cowles
Death 12 November 1833 Norfolk, Conn
Marriage: 18 October 1775 — Litchfield, Conn. |
Note | From "The Whitney Family of Connecticut" by S. Whitney Phoenix. Page 49:
Miles Riggs, b. in Norwalk, Conn., married Patty Bull, of Harwinton, Conn., who was born in 1750. They settled in 1772, in the south-east corner of the town of Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn., on a farm which is still, in 1875, owned and occupie d by his descendants.
He was, at three different times, in the service of his country, in the Revolutionary War, and each time honorably discharged. The family tradition says that once, on coming home from the army, he found two of his three children lying dead in th e house, and his wife so ill that she died before the next morning; but the tradition has failed to preserve the date, or the names of the children.
He married (2d), Abigail Cowles, widow of Eden Mills. She died at their home Norfolk, 12 Nov. 1833. He died there, 20 Sept.1836. They were buried in the South End Cemetery, in Norfolk.
He was at White Plains, and also at the capture of Burgoyne. |
Marriage |
LITCHFIELD The Congregational Church
Early Connecticut Marriages as found on ancient church records
prior to 1800
Stmnt.Resp. edited by Frederic W. Bailey
Authors: Bailey, Frederic W. (Frederic William) (Main Author)
Also on microfilm. Salt Lake City : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1949-1977. on 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Format: Books/Monographs (With Film) New Haven, Conn: Bureau of American Ancestry for Family Researches, 1896-1906 Thes e films can be ordered by your local Family History Center |
Marriage |
LITCHFIELD The Congregational Church
Early Connecticut Marriages as found on ancient church records
prior to 1800
Stmnt.Resp. edited by Frederic W. Bailey
Authors: Bailey, Frederic W. (Frederic William) (Main Author)
Also on microfilm. Salt Lake City : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1949-1977. on 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Format: Books/Monographs (With Film) New Haven, Conn: Bureau of American Ancestry for Family Researches, 1896-1906 Thes e films can be ordered by your local Family History Center |