Joseph Anson PringleAge: 901836–1926
- Name
- Joseph Anson Pringle
Birth | 22 May 1836 51 31 Richmond, Upper Canada |
Birth of a brother | 22 May 1836 Richmond, Upper Canada
twin brother -
John Wesley Pringle
Birth of a sister | 4 February 1841 (Age 4) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Hannah Jane Pringle
Birth of a brother | 25 July 1843 (Age 7) Richmond, Upper Canada
younger brother -
Lewis Martin Pringle
Death of a sister | 4 February 1855 (Age 18) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Hannah Jane Pringle
Death of a father | about 7 March 1856 (Age 19) Richmond Township, Canada West
father -
John Pringle
Death of a maternal grandmother | 17 January 1860 (Age 23) Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada
maternal grandmother -
Hannah Abigail Benedict
Census | 14 January 1861 (Age 24) Age: 25 Richmond, Lennox & Addington County, Canada West |
Occupation | Farmer 14 January 1861 (Age 24) Age: 25 Richmond, Lennox & Addington County, Canada West |
Residence | 14 January 1861 (Age 24) Age: 25 Richmond, Lennox & Addington County, Canada West |
Religion | Episcopal Methodist 14 January 1861 (Age 24) |
Death of a mother | 30 September 1863 (Age 27) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
mother -
Martha Riggs
Marriage | Emily Margaret Abbot - View family 2 September 1872 (Age 36) Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada
Vol 22 Pg 135 (Hastings Co) Joseph A. PRINGLE, 36, brick maker, Canada, Thurlow, s/o John & Martha, married Emily Margaret ABBOTT, 22, Canada, Tudor, d/o Francis & Margaret. Witn: John CARR & Sarah ABBOTT, no addresses given. Sept. 2, 1872 Madoc
Ontario Marriage Registrations, 1800-1927 by Mary Crandall -
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Birth of a daughter #1 | 21 July 1873 (Age 37) Rawdon, Ontario, Canada
daughter -
Sarah Maud Pringle
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1873 (Age 36) Wetmore, Nemaha Co. Kansas
maternal grandfather -
Miles Riggs
Death of a brother | 25 January 1874 (Age 37) Half Moon Bay, California
elder brother -
George Ferguson Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | 15 December 1874 (Age 38) Elgin Streeet, Madoc, Ontario
son -
Anson Francis Pringle
Death of a son | 18 December 1874 (Age 38) Madoc Township, Hastings, Ontario
son -
Anson Francis Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | 30 September 1876 (Age 40) Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada
son -
Dr George Wesley Pringle
Birth of a son #4 | 15 August 1882 (Age 46) Madoc Township, Hastings, Ontario
son -
Charles Abbott Pringle
Death of a wife | after 1882 (Age 45)
wife -
Emily Margaret Abbot
Marriage | Rebecca Ann Robinson - View family 23 December 1884 (Age 48) Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontario, Canada
Name: Joseph Anson Pringle
Name: Joseph Anson Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 23 Dec 1884
Event Place: Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Birth Year (Estimated): 1836
Father's Name: Wm Pringle
Mother's Name: Martha Pringle
Spouse's Name: Rebecca Ann Robinson
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 45
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1839
Spouse's Father's Name: Wm Robinson
Spouse's Mother's Name: Ann Robinson
Reference ID: 004170
GS Film Number: 1869765
Digital Folder Number: 004529141
Image Number: 00793
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Joseph Anson Pringle and Rebecca Ann Robinson, 23 Dec 1884; citing registration , Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontari o, Canada, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,869,765. |
Death of a brother | 25 November 1888 (Age 52) Napanee, Lennox & Addington, Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
Miles Pringle
Death of a brother | 5 April 1905 (Age 68) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
twin brother -
John Wesley Pringle
Death of a brother | 15 June 1905 (Age 69) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario
younger brother -
Lewis Martin Pringle
Death of a brother | 3 February 1908 (Age 71) Port Colborne, Welland, Ontario
elder brother -
Ezra Healy Pringle
Death of a brother | about 17 January 1909 (Age 72) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
elder brother -
Alfred Pringle
Burial of a brother | 23 January 1909 (Age 72) Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, United States
elder brother -
Alfred Pringle
Death of a brother | 22 October 1911 (Age 75) Lennox and Addington County, Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
Solomon Waldron Pringle
Death of a wife | about 1915 (Age 78)
wife -
Rebecca Ann Robinson
Death | 17 December 1926 (Age 90) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario
Joseph Anson Pringle
Joseph Anson Pringle
Informant was his daughter Mrs. George Fox (Sarah Maud)
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 17 Dec 1926
Event Place: Belleville, Hastings, Ontario
Gender: Male
Age: 90
Birth Date:
Birth Year (Estimated): 1836
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Father's Name: John Pringle
Mother's Name: Martha Riggs
Spouse's Name:
Reference ID: P 99
GS Film number: 2079876
Digital Folder Number: 4171707
Image Number: 607
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 December 2014), Joseph Anson Pringle, 17 Dec 1926; citing Belleville, Hastings, Ontario, P 99 , Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 2,079,876.
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Burial | Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada |
Globally unique identifier | 33F409C0EDC63847BFB030B1570E179A88B2 |
Last change | 7 February 2022 - 15:27:46 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
John Pringle
Birth 18 May 1785 29 32 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
Death about 7 March 1856 (Age 70) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
19 years mother |
Martha Riggs
Birth 24 September 1804 28 25 Butternuts, New York
Death 30 September 1863 (Age 59) Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada Loading...
Marriage: about 1821 — Richmond, Upper Canada |
18 months #1 elder brother |
Miles Pringle
Birth 29 June 1822 37 17 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death 25 November 1888 (Age 66) Napanee, Lennox & Addington, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #2 elder brother |
Alfred Pringle
Birth 1 September 1824 39 19 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death about 17 January 1909 (Age 84) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida Loading...
3 years #3 elder brother |
Ezra Healy Pringle
Birth 13 August 1827 42 22 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death 3 February 1908 (Age 80) Port Colborne, Welland, Ontario Loading...
3 years #4 elder brother |
George Ferguson Pringle
Birth 31 March 1830 44 25 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death 25 January 1874 (Age 43) Half Moon Bay, California Loading...
3 years #5 elder brother |
Solomon Waldron Pringle
Birth 1 March 1833 47 28 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 October 1911 (Age 78) Lennox and Addington County, Ontario, Canada Loading...
3 years #6 himself |
Joseph Anson Pringle
Birth 22 May 1836 51 31 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 17 December 1926 (Age 90) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
#7 twin brother |
John Wesley Pringle
Birth 22 May 1836 51 31 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 5 April 1905 (Age 68) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
5 years #8 younger sister |
Hannah Jane Pringle
Birth 4 February 1841 55 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 4 February 1855 (Age 14) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
3 years #9 younger brother |
Lewis Martin Pringle
Birth 25 July 1843 58 38 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 15 June 1905 (Age 61) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
Family with Emily Margaret Abbot - View family |
himself |
Joseph Anson Pringle
Birth 22 May 1836 51 31 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 17 December 1926 (Age 90) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
13 years wife |
Emily Margaret Abbot
Birth 20 May 1849 Russel, Canada West
Death after 1882 (Age 32) Loading...
Marriage: 2 September 1872 — Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada |
11 months #1 daughter |
Sarah Maud Pringle
Birth 21 July 1873 37 24 Rawdon, Ontario, Canada
17 months #2 son |
Anson Francis Pringle
Birth 15 December 1874 38 25 Elgin Streeet, Madoc, Ontario
Death 18 December 1874 (Age 3 days) Madoc Township, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
22 months #3 son |
Dr George Wesley Pringle
Birth 30 September 1876 40 27 Madoc, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada
Death 1 September 1950 (Age 73) Toronto, Ontario, Canada Loading...
6 years #4 son |
Charles Abbott Pringle
Birth 15 August 1882 46 33 Madoc Township, Hastings, Ontario
Death 1961 (Age 78) Loading...
Family with Rebecca Ann Robinson - View family |
himself |
Joseph Anson Pringle
Birth 22 May 1836 51 31 Richmond, Upper Canada
Death 17 December 1926 (Age 90) Belleville, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
3 years wife |
Rebecca Ann Robinson
Birth 1839 Tyendinaga, Hastings, Ontario
Death about 1915 (Age 76) Loading...
Marriage: 23 December 1884 — Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontario, Canada |
Marriage |
Vol 22 Pg 135 (Hastings Co) Joseph A. PRINGLE, 36, brick maker, Canada, Thurlow, s/o John & Martha, married Emily Margaret ABBOTT, 22, Canada, Tudor, d/o Francis & Margaret. Witn: John CARR & Sarah ABBOTT, no addresses given. Sept. 2, 1872 Madoc
Ontario Marriage Registrations, 1800-1927 by Mary Crandall -
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Marriage |
Vol 22 Pg 135 (Hastings Co) Joseph A. PRINGLE, 36, brick maker, Canada, Thurlow, s/o John & Martha, married Emily Margaret ABBOTT, 22, Canada, Tudor, d/o Francis & Margaret. Witn: John CARR & Sarah ABBOTT, no addresses given. Sept. 2, 1872 Madoc
Ontario Marriage Registrations, 1800-1927 by Mary Crandall -
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Marriage |
Vol 22 Pg 135 (Hastings Co) Joseph A. PRINGLE, 36, brick maker, Canada, Thurlow, s/o John & Martha, married Emily Margaret ABBOTT, 22, Canada, Tudor, d/o Francis & Margaret. Witn: John CARR & Sarah ABBOTT, no addresses given. Sept. 2, 1872 Madoc
Ontario Marriage Registrations, 1800-1927 by Mary Crandall -
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Marriage | Name: Joseph Anson Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 23 Dec 1884
Event Place: Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Birth Year (Estimated): 1836
Father's Name: Wm Pringle
Mother's Name: Martha Pringle
Spouse's Name: Rebecca Ann Robinson
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 45
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1839
Spouse's Father's Name: Wm Robinson
Spouse's Mother's Name: Ann Robinson
Reference ID: 004170
GS Film Number: 1869765
Digital Folder Number: 004529141
Image Number: 00793
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Joseph Anson Pringle and Rebecca Ann Robinson, 23 Dec 1884; citing registration , Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontari o, Canada, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,869,765. |
Marriage | Name: Joseph Anson Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 23 Dec 1884
Event Place: Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Birth Year (Estimated): 1836
Father's Name: Wm Pringle
Mother's Name: Martha Pringle
Spouse's Name: Rebecca Ann Robinson
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 45
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1839
Spouse's Father's Name: Wm Robinson
Spouse's Mother's Name: Ann Robinson
Reference ID: 004170
GS Film Number: 1869765
Digital Folder Number: 004529141
Image Number: 00793
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Joseph Anson Pringle and Rebecca Ann Robinson, 23 Dec 1884; citing registration , Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontari o, Canada, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,869,765. |
Marriage | Name: Joseph Anson Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 23 Dec 1884
Event Place: Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Birth Year (Estimated): 1836
Father's Name: Wm Pringle
Mother's Name: Martha Pringle
Spouse's Name: Rebecca Ann Robinson
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 45
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1839
Spouse's Father's Name: Wm Robinson
Spouse's Mother's Name: Ann Robinson
Reference ID: 004170
GS Film Number: 1869765
Digital Folder Number: 004529141
Image Number: 00793
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Joseph Anson Pringle and Rebecca Ann Robinson, 23 Dec 1884; citing registration , Huntingdon, Hastings, Ontari o, Canada, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,869,765. |
Death | Joseph Anson Pringle
Informant was his daughter Mrs. George Fox (Sarah Maud)
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 17 Dec 1926
Event Place: Belleville, Hastings, Ontario
Gender: Male
Age: 90
Birth Date:
Birth Year (Estimated): 1836
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Father's Name: John Pringle
Mother's Name: Martha Riggs
Spouse's Name:
Reference ID: P 99
GS Film number: 2079876
Digital Folder Number: 4171707
Image Number: 607
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 December 2014), Joseph Anson Pringle, 17 Dec 1926; citing Belleville, Hastings, Ontario, P 99 , Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 2,079,876.
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