Mary Maria LearyAge: 861851–1938
- Name
- Mary Maria Leary
Birth | 22 August 1851 48 40 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada |
Marriage | Solomon Waldron Pringle - View family 3 April 1869 (Age 17) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 6 November 1869 (Age 18) Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
daughter -
Francis Lewis Levi Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | 10 March 1872 (Age 20) Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
son -
James Arthur Pringle
Birth of a daughter #3 | 4 May 1874 (Age 22) Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
daughter -
Letitia Ethel May Pringle
Birth of a daughter #4 | August 1878 (Age 26)
daughter -
Nettie Florence Pringle
Death of a father | 21 August 1891 (Age 39) Napanee, Lennox & Addington, Ontario, Canada
father -
Benjamin Leary
Census | Solomon Waldron Pringle - View family 1891 (Age 39) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
The household includes, Solomon and wife Mary with children Frank, James A, Ethel May, Nettie and mo…
The household includes, Solomon and wife Mary with children Frank, James A, Ethel May, Nettie and mother Mary Leary of England.
Solomon and his daughter Ethel May list themselves as Secularists while the rest of the family are Methodists.
"Canada Census, 1891," database, <i>FamilySearch </i> ( : 3 August 2016), Solomon W Pringle, Napanee, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; Public Archives, Ottawa, Ontario; Library and Archives Canada film n umber 30953_148152. |
Death of a daughter | about 1898 (Age 46)
daughter -
Letitia Ethel May Pringle
Census | Solomon Waldron Pringle - View family 1901 (Age 49) Napanee Town, Lennox, Ontario
Solomon and his son list themselves as agnostic while his wife Mary says that she is a Methodist.
Solomon and his son list themselves as agnostic while his wife Mary says that she is a Methodist.
Name: Solomon A Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 31 Mar 1901
Event Place: Lennox, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: German
Religion: Agnostic
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1833
Birthplace: Ontario
Immigration Year:
Page: 5
"Canada Census, 1901," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 18 March 2018), Solomon A Pringle, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; citing p. 5, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa.
<b>Given Name:
</b>Solomon A
</b>Paper Hanger
<b>Birth Date:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
<b>Ethnic Origin:
<b>District Name:
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
</b>Napanee (Town)
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Division Number:
<b>Family Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG31 - Statistics Canada
<b>Item Number:
</b>3133327 |
Marriage of a daughter | Nettie Florence Pringle - View family 26 January 1910 (Age 58) Manhattan, New York, New York
son-in-law -
Clayton I. Maybee
daughter -
Nettie Florence Pringle
Death of a husband | 22 October 1911 (Age 60) Lennox and Addington County, Ontario, Canada
husband -
Solomon Waldron Pringle
Death of a sister | 11 February 1912 (Age 60) Saint Louis County, Minnesota
elder sister -
Elizabeth Jane Leary
Marriage of a son | James Arthur Pringle - View family 11 July 1914 (Age 62) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
son -
James Arthur Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Nellie Rush
Death of a daughter | about 1919 (Age 67)
daughter -
Francis Lewis Levi Pringle
Death | 6 June 1938 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Address: at her home on Centre St.,
The Late Mrs. S. W. Pringle -
The Late Mrs. S. W. Pringle -
Following an illness of eight weeks, the death occurred on Monday morning, June 6th, at her home on Centre St., of Mrs. Maria Pringle, the widow of the late Solomon Waldron Pringle.
The late Mrs. Pringle before her marriage was Maria Leary. She was born in Napanee nearly 87 years ago and the whole of her long life was spent in the town. For nearly seventy years she had lived in the house where she died and which she went t o shortly after her marriage.
She was predeceased by her husband, who died 26 years ago and was the last surviving member of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Leary.
She is survived by two children, Mrs. C. I. Maybee and Mr. James A. Pringle of Napanee. Two other children died some years ago, Ethel May, who passed away over forty years ago, and Francis Levi, who died about 19 years ago.
A private funeral was conducted at her late residence by Rev. H. F. Wellwood on Tuesday afternoon and interment followed in the family plot at Riverview Cemetery.
This Obituary was copied from Mark South's memorial at FAG |
Burial | Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada Address: family plot at Riverview "Napanee" Cemetery.
Globally unique identifier | A77F8FB9CB883742B439EC8CDAF6014EBEF9 |
Last change | 28 February 2022 - 12:39:44 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Benjamin Leary
Birth about 10 April 1803 Rawdon, Ontario, Canada
Death 21 August 1891 (Age 88) Napanee, Lennox & Addington, Ontario, Canada Loading...
8 years mother |
Mary Kendall
Birth 1811 England
Marriage: yes |
#1 elder sister |
Elizabeth Jane Leary
Birth 28 December 1838 35 27 Ottawa, Canada West
Death 11 February 1912 (Age 73) Saint Louis County, Minnesota Loading...
13 years #2 herself |
Mary Maria Leary
Birth 22 August 1851 48 40 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 6 June 1938 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Family with Solomon Waldron Pringle - View family |
husband |
Solomon Waldron Pringle
Birth 1 March 1833 47 28 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 October 1911 (Age 78) Lennox and Addington County, Ontario, Canada Loading...
19 years herself |
Mary Maria Leary
Birth 22 August 1851 48 40 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 6 June 1938 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Marriage: 3 April 1869 — Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada |
7 months #1 daughter |
Francis Lewis Levi Pringle
Birth 6 November 1869 36 18 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death about 1919 (Age 49) Loading...
2 years #2 son |
James Arthur Pringle
Birth 10 March 1872 39 20 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death after 1938 (Age 65) Loading...
2 years #3 daughter |
Letitia Ethel May Pringle
Birth 4 May 1874 41 22 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death about 1898 (Age 23) Loading...
4 years #4 daughter |
Nettie Florence Pringle
Birth August 1878 45 26
Death 8 March 1969 (Age 90) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Note | The Late Mrs. S. W. Pringle -
Following an illness of eight weeks, the death occurred on Monday morning, June 6th, at her home on Centre St., of Mrs. Maria Pringle, the widow of the late Solomon Waldron Pringle.
The late Mrs. Pringle before her marriage was Maria Leary. She was born in Napanee nearly 87 years ago and the whole of her long life was spent in the town. For nearly seventy years she had lived in the house where she died and which she wen t to shortly after her marriage.
She was predeceased by her husband, who died 26 years ago and was the last surviving member of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Leary.
She is survived by two children, Mrs. C. I. Maybee and Mr. James A. Pringle of Napanee. Two other children died some years ago, Ethel May, who passed away over forty years ago, and Francis Levi, who died about 19 years ago.
A private funeral was conducted at her late residence by Rev. H. F. Wellwood on Tuesday afternoon and interment followed in the family plot at Riverview Cemetery.
Obituary from: <u>
</u>Pringle, Maria (nee Leary)
- |
Census | The household includes, Solomon and wife Mary with children Frank, James A, Ethel May, Nettie and mother Mary Leary of England.
Solomon and his daughter Ethel May list themselves as Secularists while the rest of the family are Methodists.
"Canada Census, 1891," database, <i>FamilySearch </i> ( : 3 August 2016), Solomon W Pringle, Napanee, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; Public Archives, Ottawa, Ontario; Library and Archives Canada film n umber 30953_148152. |
Census | The household includes, Solomon and wife Mary with children Frank, James A, Ethel May, Nettie and mother Mary Leary of England.
Solomon and his daughter Ethel May list themselves as Secularists while the rest of the family are Methodists.
"Canada Census, 1891," database, <i>FamilySearch </i> ( : 3 August 2016), Solomon W Pringle, Napanee, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; Public Archives, Ottawa, Ontario; Library and Archives Canada film n umber 30953_148152. |
Census | Solomon and his son list themselves as agnostic while his wife Mary says that she is a Methodist.
Name: Solomon A Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 31 Mar 1901
Event Place: Lennox, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: German
Religion: Agnostic
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1833
Birthplace: Ontario
Immigration Year:
Page: 5
"Canada Census, 1901," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 18 March 2018), Solomon A Pringle, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; citing p. 5, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa.
<b>Given Name:
</b>Solomon A
</b>Paper Hanger
<b>Birth Date:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
<b>Ethnic Origin:
<b>District Name:
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
</b>Napanee (Town)
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Division Number:
<b>Family Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG31 - Statistics Canada
<b>Item Number:
</b>3133327 |
Census | Solomon and his son list themselves as agnostic while his wife Mary says that she is a Methodist.
Name: Solomon A Pringle
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 31 Mar 1901
Event Place: Lennox, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: German
Religion: Agnostic
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1833
Birthplace: Ontario
Immigration Year:
Page: 5
"Canada Census, 1901," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 18 March 2018), Solomon A Pringle, Lennox, Ontario, Canada; citing p. 5, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa.
<b>Given Name:
</b>Solomon A
</b>Paper Hanger
<b>Birth Date:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
<b>Ethnic Origin:
<b>District Name:
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
</b>Napanee (Town)
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Division Number:
<b>Family Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG31 - Statistics Canada
<b>Item Number:
</b>3133327 |
Death | The Late Mrs. S. W. Pringle -
Following an illness of eight weeks, the death occurred on Monday morning, June 6th, at her home on Centre St., of Mrs. Maria Pringle, the widow of the late Solomon Waldron Pringle.
The late Mrs. Pringle before her marriage was Maria Leary. She was born in Napanee nearly 87 years ago and the whole of her long life was spent in the town. For nearly seventy years she had lived in the house where she died and which she went t o shortly after her marriage.
She was predeceased by her husband, who died 26 years ago and was the last surviving member of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Leary.
She is survived by two children, Mrs. C. I. Maybee and Mr. James A. Pringle of Napanee. Two other children died some years ago, Ethel May, who passed away over forty years ago, and Francis Levi, who died about 19 years ago.
A private funeral was conducted at her late residence by Rev. H. F. Wellwood on Tuesday afternoon and interment followed in the family plot at Riverview Cemetery.
This Obituary was copied from Mark South's memorial at FAG |
Burial | Riverview Cemetery
Greater Napanee
Lennox and Addington County
Ontario, Canada
Created by: mark south
Record added: Jul 13, 2014
Find A Grave Memorial# 132789409