Joseph PrindleAge: 771756–1833
- Name
- Joseph Prindle
Birth | 22 April 1756 31 31 Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
See source comments: <b>Vital records of Tyringham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850
See source comments: <b>Vital records of Tyringham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850
Used a date calculator with his verified death date of 22 Sep 1833 and age of 77 years and five months in his obituary, the result is 22 April 1756 the exact same date as the record in Tyringham
</b>Many have Skenesboro/Whitehall for Joseph's birthplace but Philip Skene didn't start settling the place until 1759-1760, according to Clarence E. Holden's writings. |
Birth of a brother | about 1761 (Age 4) New York?
younger brother -
Doctor Prindle
Birth of a sister | about 1766 (Age 9) New York?
younger sister -
Lois Prindle
Death of a maternal grandmother | 3 November 1775 (Age 19)
maternal grandmother -
Hannah Browne
Military Service | American Army as a Sergeant Major during the Revolution December 1776 (Age 20)Note: <u></u> |
Marriage | Anna Mary Springsteen - View family 14 February 1779 (Age 22) Albany, New York Address: Reformed Dutch Church
Feb. 14.
Feb. 14.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
<i>Year Book Holland Society of New York</i> (1922/3)
<b> Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York
</b>Marriages — 1772 to 1779.
</b>Page 11
Feb. 7. Jochum V.d. Heiden and Elisabeth Smith.
Feb. 14. Thorns. Foster and Nelly Bourrighs.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
Alexander McGriger and Betsy McVie.
Feb. 16. Josua English and Elisabeth Brogden.
Name: Joseph Prindell
Spouse's Name: Anna Springsteen
Event Date: 14 Feb 1779
Event Place: First Dutch Reformed Church,Albany,Albany,New York
Citing this Record:"New York Marriages, 1686-1980," database, FamilySearch (<u></u> : 12 December 2014), Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen, 14 Feb 1779; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 908,989.
Handwritten Marriage of Joseph Prindle and Anna Springsteen
Birth of a son #1 | 1781 (Age 24) Ontario, Canada
son -
William Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | 1783 (Age 26)
son -
Simeon Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | 1784 (Age 27) Ontario, Canada
son -
Richard Pringle
Birth of a son #4 | 18 May 1785 (Age 29) South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
son -
John Pringle
Baptism of a sister | 9 March 1788 (Age 31) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario
younger sister -
Lois Prindle
Birth of a son #5 | before 12 January 1789 (Age 32) Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
son -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Baptism of a son | 12 January 1789 (Age 32) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario
son -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth of a son #6 | 25 January 1792 (Age 35) Richmond Township, Upper Canada
son -
David B. Pringle
Death of a brother | before October 1793 (Age 37)
elder brother -
Timothy Prindle
Birth of a daughter #7 | 2 December 1793 (Age 37) Ontario, Canada
daughter -
Lois Pringle
Marriage of a son | William Pringle - View family 17 February 1802 (Age 45) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington Co., Upper Canada
son -
William Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Rachel Dibble
Marriage of a son | Richard Pringle - View family December 1805 (Age 49) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington Co., Upper Canada
son -
Richard Pringle
niece -
Magdalena Prindle
Property | Land Purchase & Transfer 15 January 1806 (Age 49) Richmond Township, Lennox and Addington, Midland District, Upper Canada Address: Lot #15 of the Third Concession of the Township of Richmond
Land records of Lennox and Addington County, 1799-1955
Land records of Lennox and Addington County, 1799-1955
Authors:Lennox and Addington County (Ontario).
Registrar of Deeds - Book A Page 70 - Film # 008200089 - Image 54 of 584 - URL - Prindle-Joseph-Land-Purchase-1806
Land records of Lennox and Addington County, 1799-1955
Land records of Lennox and Addington County, 1799-1955
Authors: Lennox and Addington County (Ontario).
Registrar of Deeds - Book A Page 70 - Film # 008200089 - Image 54 of 584 - URL |
Marriage of a son | Joseph Prindle Jr - View family 1810 (Age 53)
son -
Joseph Prindle Jr
niece -
Deborah Dafoe
Marriage of a daughter | Lois Pringle - View family 18 September 1811 (Age 55) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington Co., Upper Canada
son-in-law -
John Windover
daughter -
Lois Pringle
Marriage of a son | David B. Pringle - View family 21 July 1815 (Age 59) Camden, Canada West
son -
David B. Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Hannah Barbary Oliver
Death of a wife | 1815 (Age 58) Upper Canada
wife -
Anna Mary Springsteen
Marriage of a son | John Pringle - View family about 1821 (Age 64) Richmond, Upper Canada
son -
John Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Martha Riggs
US Rev Pension | for service as a sergeant. He recieved a pension until his death 4 March 1831 (Age 74) Albany, New York
Name: Joseph Pringle
Name: Joseph Pringle
Event Type: Military Service
Event Date: 04 Mar 1831
Event Place: Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Event Place (Original): Albany, New York, United States
Death Date: 22 Sep 1833
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
Page: 91
Affiliate Publication Number: T718
Affiliate Publication Title: Ledgers of Payments, 1818-1872, to U.S. Pensioners Under Acts of 1818 through 1858, from the Records of the Office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury.
Affiliate Film Number: 10
GS Film Number: 001319390
Digital Folder Number: 007196953
Image Number: 00072
"United States Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers, 1818-1872," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 29 January 2017), Joseph Pringle, 04 Mar 1831; citing Albany, Albany, New York , United States, NARA microfilm publication T718 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1962), roll 10; FHL microfilm 1,319,390.
Death | 22 September 1833 (Age 77) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America Joseph Pringle Obituary
Published in the Upper Canada Herald of Kingston, Upper Canada on Oct 23rd 1833 - Page 3 Col. 1
Published in the Upper Canada Herald of Kingston, Upper Canada on Oct 23rd 1833 - Page 3 Col. 1
Globally unique identifier | 1281B274F5909B42A3EC8F97F1CD135BFCE0 |
Last change | 13 February 2023 - 14:05:43 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joel Prindle
Birth 16 January 1725 29 24 Quinnipiac, New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America
mother |
Deborah Bigelow
Birth about 1725 26 25
Marriage: yes |
#1 elder brother |
Joel Prindle
Birth about 1746 20 21 New York?
4 years #2 elder brother |
William Prindle
Birth about 1750 24 25 Conn ?
14 months #3 elder brother |
Timothy Prindle
Birth 8 March 1751 26 26 New York?
Death before October 1793 (Age 42) Loading...
5 years #4 himself |
Joseph Prindle
Birth 22 April 1756 31 31 Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
Death 22 September 1833 (Age 77) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America Loading...
5 years #5 younger brother |
Doctor Prindle
Birth about 1761 35 36 New York?
5 years #6 younger sister |
Lois Prindle
Birth about 1766 40 41 New York?
Family with Anna Mary Springsteen - View family |
himself |
Joseph Prindle
Birth 22 April 1756 31 31 Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
Death 22 September 1833 (Age 77) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America Loading...
-3 years wife |
Anna Mary Springsteen
Birth 1753
Death 1815 (Age 62) Upper Canada Loading...
Marriage: 14 February 1779 — Albany, New York |
23 months #1 son |
William Pringle
Birth 1781 24 28 Ontario, Canada
Death 1847 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #2 son |
Simeon Pringle
Birth 1783 26 30
Death after 1851 (Age 68) Loading...
1 year #3 son |
Richard Pringle
Birth 1784 27 31 Ontario, Canada
Death about 1855 (Age 71) Loading...
17 months #4 son |
John Pringle
Birth 18 May 1785 29 32 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
Death about 7 March 1856 (Age 70) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
4 years #5 son |
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth before 12 January 1789 32 36 Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 23 November 1869 (Age 80) Loading...
3 years #6 son |
David B. Pringle
Birth 25 January 1792 35 39 Richmond Township, Upper Canada
Death 8 March 1878 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
22 months #7 daughter |
Lois Pringle
Birth 2 December 1793 37 40 Ontario, Canada
Death 8 May 1881 (Age 87) Richmond Township, Canada, British North America Loading...
Note | <b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><i></i><b></b><b></b><i></i><b></b><b></b>
The Napanee Beaver, December 8, 1970
On Sunday, 40 descendants of the late Sidney and Edith Pringle, of Selby,
met for a family dinner at the Wayfare Restaurant, Napanee. Besides an
opportunity to visit and for the young people to get to know their
cousins, they were entertained by Miss Jennie Pringle giving excerpts from
her research into the history of the Pringle family.
Special attention was paid to the period of the American Revolutionary War
when the patriarch of the family in Canada, Joel Pringle, or Prindle as he
was sometimes called, joined the Royal rangers, together with all his
sons, Joel the Younger, Timothy, William, Joseph and Doctor and fought to
keep the American Colonies within the British Empire.
Since the men were away with the army, the women and children had to run
the farms which were in Albany County east of Lake George. They were
subjected to much harassment by the rebels and were finally forced from
their land and they had to seek shelter in nearby Fort Edward at the south
end of Lake George. Later, when the fort was about to fall into the
rebel's hands, they again fled down Lakes George and Champlain to fort St.
John's on the Richelieu River inside Quebec. They arrived there in July
1781 as shown on the ration list and remained until the close of the war
and final dispersal of the refugees to permanent settlement.
The Pringle families had lost everything and they could not return to
their homes, so they agreed to go with the rest of the Roger's Rangers to
the Bay of Quinte area. At that time, it was an unknown wilderness, far
from settled areas and difficult to reach on account of the rapids in the
St. Lawrence River.
The Rangers and their families travelled up the St. Lawrence in batteaux,
camping on the shore at night. On arrival in Kingston in June 1784; they
drew lots from the deputy surveyor's hat. The grantee's name was written
on the proper place on a map which the surveyor had and a ticket of
location was given to him. A copy of this map may be seen on the wall in
the United Empire Loyalist Museum at Adolphustown Park. The next thing
was to find their future home in the wilderness. If it were on the water
they were lucky as they could travel there by boat, but if inland, the
forest made it difficult to reach. Major Rogers' Corps was assigned to
Joseph Pringle, the progenitor of the assembled group, drew a lot on the
south shore where the Van Dyke farm is located now. William and Timothy
were in the second concession of Fredricksburg. Additional and [sic]
Doctor and his brother-in-law, John Dafoe Jr. shared a 200 acre lot on the
south shore of Hay Bay in the fourth concession. The father, Joel and his
eldest son, Joel the Younger, drew lots at the eastern end of Hay Bay in
the fourth concession but they were never occupied by them. Joel moved to
what was later Hallowell Township in Prince Edward and his son went to
Loughboro Township in Frontenac County.
Owing to the need for more land for their growing families and also
because they received further grants in other areas, many did not stay
long on their original grants. Timothy's son, Timothy Jr. went to
Marysburgh, while his eldest son also called Joseph, stayed on the
original homestead until the 1840's when some went to Michigan and others
to East Whitby. Other members of this large family went to Hastings
County and the northern part of Lennox and Addington when the Colonization
Road was put through. Doctor Pringle and his family also went to Prince
Edward but the boys soon went on to Hastings and Daniel and Abraham
finally ended up in Napanee.
Opened Township
Joseph, his family and some of his nieces and nephews practically opened
up the Township of Richmond when it was surveyed as the 10th township. He
moved from Fredricksburg to a farm on the Deseronto Road just wet of the
Slash Road, where he built a two-story frame house which he ran as a
country hotel. It was a busy corner where the inn stood and it was known
as New Liverpool. It was thought it would become a shipping point for the
whole area as the river ran deeply here, wharves had been constructed and
higher up at Napanee Falls the stream was rapidly being choked by sawdust
from the saw mill.
Joseph was active in may ways. He was an officer of the First Militia,
formed in Lennox when the war of 1812 threatened, and he and all of his
six boys -- William, John, Richard, Simeon, Joseph and David --saw service
in the war. According to John Ross Robertson in the book, "The History of
Freemasonry in Canada," Joseph Pringle was the first Worshipful Master of
the Mason Lodge when it was organized in Napanee in 1812 and described him
as a worthy man with a fair education, standing about six feet in height;
a magistrate who had the courage of his convictions and assisted in the
execution of his warrants. He was seriously injured by a blow to the head
by club when assisting with the arrest of some fruit stealers and never
completely recovered.
In his obituary in the "Christian Guardian", Oct 30 1833 issue, his age
was given as 77 years and five months and date of death the 22nd 'ultimo'
and said that he was firm and impartial in his decisions as Justice of the
Peace, indefatigable in the discharge of his duty as an Officer of the
Militia, an indulgent parent and a good neighbour. It also said that he
left to deplore his loss, six children, 54 grandchildren and 21
great-grandchildren. |
Note | Web Tag: FamilySearch
URL: <web="">
Note: |
Birth | See source comments: <b>Vital records of Tyringham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850
Used a date calculator with his verified death date of 22 Sep 1833 and age of 77 years and five months in his obituary, the result is 22 April 1756 the exact same date as the record in Tyringham
</b>Many have Skenesboro/Whitehall for Joseph's birthplace but Philip Skene didn't start settling the place until 1759-1760, according to Clarence E. Holden's writings. |
Birth | I believe Joseph the son's birth was recorded as a death in error, since it appears he was baptized 6 days later. Congregational churches believe in infant baptism. |
Military Service | <u></u> |
Marriage | Feb. 14.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
<i>Year Book Holland Society of New York</i> (1922/3)
<b> Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York
</b>Marriages — 1772 to 1779.
</b>Page 11
Feb. 7. Jochum V.d. Heiden and Elisabeth Smith.
Feb. 14. Thorns. Foster and Nelly Bourrighs.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
Alexander McGriger and Betsy McVie.
Feb. 16. Josua English and Elisabeth Brogden.
Name: Joseph Prindell
Spouse's Name: Anna Springsteen
Event Date: 14 Feb 1779
Event Place: First Dutch Reformed Church,Albany,Albany,New York
Citing this Record:"New York Marriages, 1686-1980," database, FamilySearch (<u></u> : 12 December 2014), Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen, 14 Feb 1779; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 908,989.
Marriage | Feb. 14.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
<i>Year Book Holland Society of New York</i> (1922/3)
<b> Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York
</b>Marriages — 1772 to 1779.
</b>Page 11
Feb. 7. Jochum V.d. Heiden and Elisabeth Smith.
Feb. 14. Thorns. Foster and Nelly Bourrighs.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
Alexander McGriger and Betsy McVie.
Feb. 16. Josua English and Elisabeth Brogden.
Name: Joseph Prindell
Spouse's Name: Anna Springsteen
Event Date: 14 Feb 1779
Event Place: First Dutch Reformed Church,Albany,Albany,New York
Citing this Record:"New York Marriages, 1686-1980," database, FamilySearch (<u></u> : 12 December 2014), Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen, 14 Feb 1779; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 908,989.
Marriage | Feb. 14.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
<i>Year Book Holland Society of New York</i> (1922/3)
<b> Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, New York
</b>Marriages — 1772 to 1779.
</b>Page 11
Feb. 7. Jochum V.d. Heiden and Elisabeth Smith.
Feb. 14. Thorns. Foster and Nelly Bourrighs.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
Alexander McGriger and Betsy McVie.
Feb. 16. Josua English and Elisabeth Brogden.
Name: Joseph Prindell
Spouse's Name: Anna Springsteen
Event Date: 14 Feb 1779
Event Place: First Dutch Reformed Church,Albany,Albany,New York
Citing this Record:"New York Marriages, 1686-1980," database, FamilySearch (<u></u> : 12 December 2014), Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen, 14 Feb 1779; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 908,989.
Property | Land records of Lennox and Addington County, 1799-1955
Authors:Lennox and Addington County (Ontario).
Registrar of Deeds - Book A Page 70 - Film # 008200089 - Image 54 of 584 - URL - |
US Rev Pension | Name: Joseph Pringle
Event Type: Military Service
Event Date: 04 Mar 1831
Event Place: Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Event Place (Original): Albany, New York, United States
Death Date: 22 Sep 1833
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
Page: 91
Affiliate Publication Number: T718
Affiliate Publication Title: Ledgers of Payments, 1818-1872, to U.S. Pensioners Under Acts of 1818 through 1858, from the Records of the Office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury.
Affiliate Film Number: 10
GS Film Number: 001319390
Digital Folder Number: 007196953
Image Number: 00072
"United States Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers, 1818-1872," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 29 January 2017), Joseph Pringle, 04 Mar 1831; citing Albany, Albany, New York , United States, NARA microfilm publication T718 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1962), roll 10; FHL microfilm 1,319,390.
Other |