Richard PringleAge: 711784–1855
- Name
- Richard Pringle
Birth | 1784 27 31 Ontario, Canada |
Birth of a brother | 18 May 1785 (Age 16 months) South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
younger brother -
John Pringle
Birth of a brother | before 12 January 1789 (Age 5) Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
younger brother -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Baptism of a brother | 12 January 1789 (Age 5) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario
younger brother -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth of a brother | 25 January 1792 (Age 8) Richmond Township, Upper Canada
younger brother -
David B. Pringle
Birth of a sister | 2 December 1793 (Age 9) Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Lois Pringle
Marriage | Magdalena Prindle - View family December 1805 (Age 21) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington Co., Upper Canada
NEED to make Source - Many entries
NEED to make Source - Many entries
citation "No date Richard <b>PRINDLE </b>to Lane <b>PRINDLE " </b>
<b> Mecklenburg District Marriage Register, part 2 </b>
National Archives of Canada MF# H-1810
transcribed by Kathie McCutcheon-Gawne
<b> Marriages performed by Rev. Robert McDowall, Dutch Reformed Church (Presbyterian) </b>
Note: Missing pages in register from July 1822 until April 1833. Witnesses not recorded in register until 1833. |
Death of a mother | 1815 (Age 31) Upper Canada
mother -
Anna Mary Springsteen
Death of a father | 22 September 1833 (Age 49) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America
father -
Joseph Prindle
Death of a brother | 1847 (Age 63)
elder brother -
William Pringle
Death of a brother | after 1851 (Age 67)
elder brother -
Simeon Pringle
Death | about 1855 (Age 71) Note: Will dated and signed by his wife Lanan 1856 |
Will | March 1856 (14 months after death) Richmond Township, Lennox and Addington, Canada West Note: Prindle-Richard-Will-Index Note: Alphabetical index of wills, county Lennox and Addington - Image 63 of 90 - |
Globally unique identifier | 5C738BC0A4F5774CBE85BDA3DB5DE1D709AC |
Last change | 20 March 2023 - 15:58:10 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joseph Prindle
Birth 22 April 1756 31 31 Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
Death 22 September 1833 (Age 77) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America Loading...
-3 years mother |
Anna Mary Springsteen
Birth 1753
Death 1815 (Age 62) Upper Canada Loading...
Marriage: 14 February 1779 — Albany, New York |
23 months #1 elder brother |
William Pringle
Birth 1781 24 28 Ontario, Canada
Death 1847 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #2 elder brother |
Simeon Pringle
Birth 1783 26 30
Death after 1851 (Age 68) Loading...
1 year #3 himself |
Richard Pringle
Birth 1784 27 31 Ontario, Canada
Death about 1855 (Age 71) Loading...
17 months #4 younger brother |
John Pringle
Birth 18 May 1785 29 32 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
Death about 7 March 1856 (Age 70) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
4 years #5 younger brother |
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth before 12 January 1789 32 36 Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 23 November 1869 (Age 80) Loading...
3 years #6 younger brother |
David B. Pringle
Birth 25 January 1792 35 39 Richmond Township, Upper Canada
Death 8 March 1878 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
22 months #7 younger sister |
Lois Pringle
Birth 2 December 1793 37 40 Ontario, Canada
Death 8 May 1881 (Age 87) Richmond Township, Canada, British North America Loading...
Family with Magdalena Prindle - View family |
himself |
Richard Pringle
Birth 1784 27 31 Ontario, Canada
Death about 1855 (Age 71) Loading...
8 years wife |
Magdalena Prindle
Birth before 21 September 1791 30
Death after March 1856 (Age 64) Loading...
Marriage: December 1805 — Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington Co., Upper Canada |
#1 son |
Caleb Pringle
Death after 1856
#2 son |
Joshua D Pringle
Death after 1856
#3 son |
Abraham Pringle
Death after 1856
#4 son |
Edward Pringle
Death after 1856
#5 daughter |
Mahitable Pringle
Death after 1856
#6 daughter |
Nancy Pringle
Death after 1856
#7 daughter |
Deborah Pringle
Death after 1856
#8 daughter |
Margaret Pringle
Death after 1856
Marriage | NEED to make Source - Many entries
citation "No date Richard <b>PRINDLE </b>to Lane <b>PRINDLE " </b>
<b> Mecklenburg District Marriage Register, part 2 </b>
National Archives of Canada MF# H-1810
transcribed by Kathie McCutcheon-Gawne
<b> Marriages performed by Rev. Robert McDowall, Dutch Reformed Church (Presbyterian) </b>
Note: Missing pages in register from July 1822 until April 1833. Witnesses not recorded in register until 1833. |
Rev. Robert McDowall was the first regularly sent Presbyterian Missionary to Upper Canada. sent by the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as a Missionary to the U. E. L. refugees of the Bay of Quinte District,
He married probably more persons than any other minister in Upper Canada. |
Marriage | NEED to make Source - Many entries
citation "No date Richard <b>PRINDLE </b>to Lane <b>PRINDLE " </b>
<b> Mecklenburg District Marriage Register, part 2 </b>
National Archives of Canada MF# H-1810
transcribed by Kathie McCutcheon-Gawne
<b> Marriages performed by Rev. Robert McDowall, Dutch Reformed Church (Presbyterian) </b>
Note: Missing pages in register from July 1822 until April 1833. Witnesses not recorded in register until 1833. |
Rev. Robert McDowall was the first regularly sent Presbyterian Missionary to Upper Canada. sent by the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as a Missionary to the U. E. L. refugees of the Bay of Quinte District,
He married probably more persons than any other minister in Upper Canada. |
Marriage | NEED to make Source - Many entries
citation "No date Richard <b>PRINDLE </b>to Lane <b>PRINDLE " </b>
<b> Mecklenburg District Marriage Register, part 2 </b>
National Archives of Canada MF# H-1810
transcribed by Kathie McCutcheon-Gawne
<b> Marriages performed by Rev. Robert McDowall, Dutch Reformed Church (Presbyterian) </b>
Note: Missing pages in register from July 1822 until April 1833. Witnesses not recorded in register until 1833. |
Rev. Robert McDowall was the first regularly sent Presbyterian Missionary to Upper Canada. sent by the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as a Missionary to the U. E. L. refugees of the Bay of Quinte District,
He married probably more persons than any other minister in Upper Canada. |
Death | Will dated and signed by his wife Lanan 1856 |
Will | |