David B. PringleAge: 861792–1878
- Name
- David B. Pringle
Birth | 25 January 1792 35 39 Richmond Township, Upper Canada Note: 25 January 1792 is calculated from his death record, it reports his birth as taking place in Whitehall, New York which is impossible as his family left New York for Canada in 1780 |
Birth of a sister | 2 December 1793 (Age 22 months) Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Lois Pringle
Marriage | Hannah Barbary Oliver - View family 21 July 1815 (Age 23) Camden, Canada West
David Pringle, Hannah B. Oliver Camden, 21 July, 1815
David Pringle, Hannah B. Oliver Camden, 21 July, 1815
<b>This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 1, Published in Toronto in 1899
Reprinted in 1930.
Pages 70-108.
Date from UEL application |
Death of a mother | 1815 (Age 22) Upper Canada
mother -
Anna Mary Springsteen
Birth of a son #1 | 1825 (Age 32) Richmond Township, Canada West
son -
Cornelius Pringle
Birth of a daughter #2 | 1826 (Age 33) Richmond Township, Canada West
daughter -
Lois Pringle
Death of a father | 22 September 1833 (Age 41) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America
father -
Joseph Prindle
Death of a brother | 1847 (Age 54)
elder brother -
William Pringle
Census | Hannah Barbary Oliver - View family 1851 (Age 58) Richmond Township, Canada West
<b>Given Name:
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox (county)
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG 31
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1851 (Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: e002357634
Death of a brother | after 1851 (Age 58)
elder brother -
Simeon Pringle
Marriage of a daughter | Lois Pringle - View family about 1853 (Age 60)
nephew -
Alfred Windover
daughter -
Lois Pringle
Death of a brother | about 1855 (Age 62)
elder brother -
Richard Pringle
Death of a brother | about 7 March 1856 (Age 64) Richmond Township, Canada West
elder brother -
John Pringle
Census | Hannah Barbary Oliver - View family 1861 (Age 68) Richmond, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
<b>Given Name:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
</b>United States
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox and Addington
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Page Number:
<b>Line Number:
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1861 (Canada East, Canada West, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: 4391559_00229
</b>https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861/Pages/item.aspx?itemid=1655442 |
Marriage of a son | Cornelius Pringle - View family 8 March 1864 (Age 72) Frontenac, Ontario, Canada
son -
Cornelius Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Mary Jane Harns
Death of a brother | 23 November 1869 (Age 77)
elder brother -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Death | 8 March 1878 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Name: David B. Pringle
Name: David B. Pringle
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 08 Mar 1878
Event Place: Napance, Lennox, Ontario
Gender: Male
Age: 80
Birth Date:
Birthplace: White Hall, New York
Birth Year (Estimated): 1798
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Name:
Reference ID: yr 1878 cn 7363
GS Film number: 1853224
Digital Folder Number: 4172002
Image Number: 148
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J6R5-3YQ : 9 March 2018), David B. Pringle, 08 Mar 1878; citing Napance, Lennox, Ontario, yr 1878 cn 7363, Re gistrar General. Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,853,224. |
Burial |
Mark South placed him at the Loyst cemetery in South Fredericksburgh with this note:
Mark South placed him at the Loyst cemetery in South Fredericksburgh with this note:
I obtained the location of David B Pringle's burial location from an application to the 'United Empire Loyalist Association'. One of his great grandchildren placed him in Loyst Cemetery. I have visited the cemetery and not seen his tombstone a s of 2015. I should point out there is another David Pringle buried there, not to be confused with David B Pringle 1792-1878.
Left by mark south on 26 Apr 2015 |
Globally unique identifier | 6152F36CD237C543B7E8BC0BC8D3BA15F3B7 |
Last change | 19 January 2022 - 18:15:19 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joseph Prindle
Birth 22 April 1756 31 31 Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
Death 22 September 1833 (Age 77) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America Loading...
-3 years mother |
Anna Mary Springsteen
Birth 1753
Death 1815 (Age 62) Upper Canada Loading...
Marriage: 14 February 1779 — Albany, New York |
23 months #1 elder brother |
William Pringle
Birth 1781 24 28 Ontario, Canada
Death 1847 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #2 elder brother |
Simeon Pringle
Birth 1783 26 30
Death after 1851 (Age 68) Loading...
1 year #3 elder brother |
Richard Pringle
Birth 1784 27 31 Ontario, Canada
Death about 1855 (Age 71) Loading...
17 months #4 elder brother |
John Pringle
Birth 18 May 1785 29 32 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
Death about 7 March 1856 (Age 70) Richmond Township, Canada West Loading...
4 years #5 elder brother |
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth before 12 January 1789 32 36 Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 23 November 1869 (Age 80) Loading...
3 years #6 himself |
David B. Pringle
Birth 25 January 1792 35 39 Richmond Township, Upper Canada
Death 8 March 1878 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
22 months #7 younger sister |
Lois Pringle
Birth 2 December 1793 37 40 Ontario, Canada
Death 8 May 1881 (Age 87) Richmond Township, Canada, British North America Loading...
Family with Hannah Barbary Oliver - View family |
himself |
David B. Pringle
Birth 25 January 1792 35 39 Richmond Township, Upper Canada
Death 8 March 1878 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
-1 months wife |
Hannah Barbary Oliver
Birth 1792 Upper Canada
Death 15 April 1882 (Age 90) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Marriage: 21 July 1815 — Camden, Canada West |
9 years #1 son |
Cornelius Pringle
Birth 1825 32 33 Richmond Township, Canada West
1 year #2 daughter |
Lois Pringle
Birth 1826 33 34 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 19 April 1913 (Age 87) Marlbouk, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
Note | Informant on deathcert says David was a veteran of 1812 and was born at Whitehall, New York
1861 census has David born U.S.A. |
Birth | 25 January 1792 is calculated from his death record, it reports his birth as taking place in Whitehall, New York which is impossible as his family left New York for Canada in 1780 |
Marriage | David Pringle, Hannah B. Oliver Camden, 21 July, 1815
<b>This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 1, Published in Toronto in 1899
Reprinted in 1930.
Pages 70-108.
Date from UEL application |
Marriage | David Pringle, Hannah B. Oliver Camden, 21 July, 1815
<b>This information was originally published by:
Papers and Records
Volume 1, Published in Toronto in 1899
Reprinted in 1930.
Pages 70-108.
Date from UEL application |
Census | Pringle
<b>Given Name:
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox (county)
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG 31
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1851 (Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: e002357634
Census | Pringle
<b>Given Name:
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox (county)
<b>District Number:
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Sub-District Number:
<b>Page Number:
</b>RG 31
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1851 (Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: e002357634
Census | Pringle
<b>Given Name:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
</b>United States
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox and Addington
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Page Number:
<b>Line Number:
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1861 (Canada East, Canada West, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: 4391559_00229
</b>https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861/Pages/item.aspx?itemid=1655442 |
Census | Pringle
<b>Given Name:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
</b>United States
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox and Addington
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Page Number:
<b>Line Number:
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1861 (Canada East, Canada West, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: 4391559_00229
</b>https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861/Pages/item.aspx?itemid=1655442 |
Death | Name: David B. Pringle
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 08 Mar 1878
Event Place: Napance, Lennox, Ontario
Gender: Male
Age: 80
Birth Date:
Birthplace: White Hall, New York
Birth Year (Estimated): 1798
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Name:
Reference ID: yr 1878 cn 7363
GS Film number: 1853224
Digital Folder Number: 4172002
Image Number: 148
"Ontario Deaths, 1869-1937 and Overseas Deaths, 1939-1947," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J6R5-3YQ : 9 March 2018), David B. Pringle, 08 Mar 1878; citing Napance, Lennox, Ontario, yr 1878 cn 7363, Re gistrar General. Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,853,224. |
Burial | Mark South placed him at the Loyst cemetery in South Fredericksburgh with this note:
I obtained the location of David B Pringle's burial location from an application to the 'United Empire Loyalist Association'. One of his great grandchildren placed him in Loyst Cemetery. I have visited the cemetery and not seen his tombstone a s of 2015. I should point out there is another David Pringle buried there, not to be confused with David B Pringle 1792-1878.
Left by mark south on 26 Apr 2015 |