Deborah DafoeAge: 831792–1875
- Name
- Deborah Dafoe
Birth | before 29 May 1792 26 Canada West |
Baptism | 29 May 1792 Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America |
Birth of a sister | before 18 November 1794 (Age 2)
younger sister -
Mary Dafoe
Baptism of a sister | 18 November 1794 (Age 2) Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
younger sister -
Mary Dafoe
Birth of a brother | before 8 February 1797 (Age 4)
younger brother -
Conrad Dafoe
Baptism of a brother | 8 February 1797 (Age 4) Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
younger brother -
Conrad Dafoe
Marriage | Joseph Prindle Jr - View family 1810 (Age 17)
Entry at find a grave has first child born 1814. Information on 3 of the children of this couple, Lu…
Entry at find a grave has first child born 1814. Information on 3 of the children of this couple, Lucinda, Charles and Abraham comes from the couples find a grave entry.
Wikitree has unsourced February 25, 1812, in Richmond |
Loyalist Land Petition (relative) | her father John Dafoe UE Loyliast 25 February 1812 (Age 19) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America
'''Loyalist Land Petition'''
'''Loyalist Land Petition'''
Deborah Prindle, wife of Joseph Prindle the younger, of the Township of Richmond daughter of John Dafoe UEL of Richmond petitioned and was granted UE status, 25 Feb 1812. |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 1814 (Age 21)
daughter -
Lucinda Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | 14 November 1818 (Age 26) Richmond Township, Lennox, Ontario, Canada
son -
Calvin D. Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | 1820 (Age 27)
son -
Charles Wesley Pringle
Birth of a son #4 | 1823 (Age 30)
son -
Abraham Pringle
Birth of a son #5 | 1828 (Age 35) Canada West
son -
James Pringle
Birth of a daughter #6 | 1830 (Age 37) Canada West
daughter -
Eliza Pringle
Census | Joseph Prindle Jr - View family 1851 (Age 58) Richmond Township, Lennox Co., Canada West
'''1851 Census'''\<br/\>
'''1851 Census'''\<br/\>
In the 1851 census of Lennox County, Canada West, The family is found living in a one story log house in Richmond township of Lennox County, they are Weslyan Methodists and are all natives of Canada West. Joseph Pringle was listed as a 64 year o ld farmer living with his wife Deborah, 59 years old and other family:
\*James a 23 year old, single labourer, most likely a son,
\*Eliza, single, 21 years old probably a daughter
\*5 year old William N. (Nelson?) (William is a grandson from Abram and Mariah Pringle.)
(all ages are to be given as what they will be at the next birthday)
\<ref\>[Image: <u></u>]
<b>Surname: </b>Pringle <b>Given Name: </b>Joseph <b>Gender: </b>Male <b>Age: </b>64 <b>Province: </b>Canada West (Ontario) <b>District Name: </b>Lennox (county) <b>District Number: </b>21 <b>Sub-District Name: </b>Richmond <b>Sub-District Numbe r: </b>202 <b>Page Number: </b>129 <b>Microfilm: </b>C-11735 <b>Reference: </b>RG 31 <b>Item Number:</b>1164817\</ref\> |
Census | Joseph Prindle Jr - View family 1861 (Age 68) Richmond Township, Lennox and Addington, Canada West
'''1861 Census'''\<br/\>
'''1861 Census'''\<br/\>
In 1861 it appears the family has added at least one second log house, maybe two, with the manner it is recorded. Two of Joseph and Deborah's sons are living probably on the same farm. They are Weslyan Methodists and are all listed as born in Up per Canada, with the exception of Deborah, U.L.C.?.
\*James a 32 year old, married farmer,
\*Jane, 23 years old, married,
\*GN (George N), 6 yr old (grandson)
\*Thos. 3 yr old (grandson)
\*M M (Mary M) 1 year old (born 1860) (grandaughter)
\*Joseph Pringle is a 73 year old farmer
\*Deborah, 69 years old
\*Abram a 35 year old, married farmer,
\*M (Mariah?), 31 years old, married,
\*William, 14 yr old (grandson)
\*Matilda, 1 year old (grandaughter)
Joseph Pringle - Male - <b>Age:</b>73 - <b>Marital Status:</b>Married <b>Place of Birth:</b>N C - <b>Religion:</b>W Methodist - <b>Province:</b>Canada West (Ontario) - <b>District Name:</b>Lennox and Addington - <b>Sub-District Name:</b>Richmon d - <b>Page Number:</b>57 - <b>Line Number:</b>45 - <b>Microfilm:</b>C-1047-1048 - <b>Item Number:</b>791496 [IMAGE <b>]</b> |
Death of a husband | 23 November 1869 (Age 77)
husband -
Joseph Prindle Jr
Marriage of a son | Calvin D. Pringle - View family 25 September 1872 (Age 80) Richmond Township, Lennox, Ontario, Canada
son -
Calvin D. Pringle
daughter-in-law -
Sarah Martin
Death | 6 November 1875 (Age 83) Ontario, Canada
Tombstone inscription from Find A Grave
Tombstone inscription from Find A Grave
Joseph Pringle Died Nov 23, 1869 Age 80 Yrs 6 M. His wife Deby Died Novr 6, 1875 Aged 84 Yrs 7 Mos. |
Globally unique identifier | D5A02CD8F9FE254683056D5DC4E94FCEF75F |
Last change | 5 February 2021 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
Lois Prindle
Birth about 1766 40 41 New York?
Marriage: yes |
#1 elder sister |
Nancy Dafoe
Birth before 31 December 1787 21
4 years #2 herself |
Deborah Dafoe
Birth before 29 May 1792 26 Canada West
Death 6 November 1875 (Age 83) Ontario, Canada Loading...
3 years #3 younger sister |
Mary Dafoe
Birth before 18 November 1794 28
2 years #4 younger brother |
Conrad Dafoe
Birth before 8 February 1797 31
Family with Joseph Prindle Jr - View family |
husband |
Joseph Prindle Jr
Birth before 12 January 1789 32 36 Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 23 November 1869 (Age 80) Loading...
3 years herself |
Deborah Dafoe
Birth before 29 May 1792 26 Canada West
Death 6 November 1875 (Age 83) Ontario, Canada Loading...
Marriage: 1810 |
4 years #1 daughter |
Lucinda Pringle
Birth 1814 24 21
5 years #2 son |
Calvin D. Pringle
Birth 14 November 1818 29 26 Richmond Township, Lennox, Ontario, Canada
14 months #3 son |
Charles Wesley Pringle
Birth 1820 30 27
Death 1890 (Age 70) Loading...
3 years #4 son |
Abraham Pringle
Birth 1823 33 30
Death 14 December 1904 (Age 81) Anglesia & Effingham, Lennox & Addington, Ontario Loading...
5 years #5 son |
James Pringle
Birth 1828 38 35 Canada West
2 years #6 daughter |
Eliza Pringle
Birth 1830 40 37 Canada West
Note | I have seen multiple researchers that seem to have more access to records than me state that Deborah is the first cousin of Joseph from his Aunt Lois Pringle, so I have entered her as such. |
Marriage | Entry at find a grave has first child born 1814. Information on 3 of the children of this couple, Lucinda, Charles and Abraham comes from the couples find a grave entry.
Wikitree has unsourced February 25, 1812, in Richmond |
Marriage | Entry at find a grave has first child born 1814. Information on 3 of the children of this couple, Lucinda, Charles and Abraham comes from the couples find a grave entry.
Wikitree has unsourced February 25, 1812, in Richmond |
Marriage | Entry at find a grave has first child born 1814. Information on 3 of the children of this couple, Lucinda, Charles and Abraham comes from the couples find a grave entry.
Wikitree has unsourced February 25, 1812, in Richmond |
Loyalist Land Petition (relative) | '''Loyalist Land Petition'''
Deborah Prindle, wife of Joseph Prindle the younger, of the Township of Richmond daughter of John Dafoe UEL of Richmond petitioned and was granted UE status, 25 Feb 1812. |
Census | '''1851 Census'''\ In the 1851 census of Lennox County, Canada West, The family is found living in a one story log house in Richmond township of Lennox County, they are Weslyan Methodists and are all natives of Canada West. Joseph Pringle was listed as a 64 year o ld farmer living with his wife Deborah, 59 years old and other family: \*James a 23 year old, single labourer, most likely a son, \*Eliza, single, 21 years old probably a daughter \*5 year old William N. (Nelson?) (William is a grandson from Abram and Mariah Pringle.) (all ages are to be given as what they will be at the next birthday) \<ref\>[Image: <u></u>] <b>Surname: </b>Pringle <b>Given Name: </b>Joseph <b>Gender: </b>Male <b>Age: </b>64 <b>Province: </b>Canada West (Ontario) <b>District Name: </b>Lennox (county) <b>District Number: </b>21 <b>Sub-District Name: </b>Richmond <b>Sub-District Numbe r: </b>202 <b>Page Number: </b>129 <b>Microfilm: </b>C-11735 <b>Reference: </b>RG 31 <b>Item Number:</b>1164817\</ref\> |
Census | '''1851 Census'''\ In the 1851 census of Lennox County, Canada West, The family is found living in a one story log house in Richmond township of Lennox County, they are Weslyan Methodists and are all natives of Canada West. Joseph Pringle was listed as a 64 year o ld farmer living with his wife Deborah, 59 years old and other family: \*James a 23 year old, single labourer, most likely a son, \*Eliza, single, 21 years old probably a daughter \*5 year old William N. (Nelson?) (William is a grandson from Abram and Mariah Pringle.) (all ages are to be given as what they will be at the next birthday) \<ref\>[Image: <u></u>] <b>Surname: </b>Pringle <b>Given Name: </b>Joseph <b>Gender: </b>Male <b>Age: </b>64 <b>Province: </b>Canada West (Ontario) <b>District Name: </b>Lennox (county) <b>District Number: </b>21 <b>Sub-District Name: </b>Richmond <b>Sub-District Numbe r: </b>202 <b>Page Number: </b>129 <b>Microfilm: </b>C-11735 <b>Reference: </b>RG 31 <b>Item Number:</b>1164817\</ref\> |
Census | '''1851 Census'''\ In the 1851 census of Lennox County, Canada West, The family is found living in a one story log house in Richmond township of Lennox County, they are Weslyan Methodists and are all natives of Canada West. Joseph Pringle was listed as a 64 year o ld farmer living with his wife Deborah, 59 years old and other family: \*James a 23 year old, single labourer, most likely a son, \*Eliza, single, 21 years old probably a daughter \*5 year old William N. (Nelson?) (William is a grandson from Abram and Mariah Pringle.) (all ages are to be given as what they will be at the next birthday) \<ref\>[Image: <u></u>] <b>Surname: </b>Pringle <b>Given Name: </b>Joseph <b>Gender: </b>Male <b>Age: </b>64 <b>Province: </b>Canada West (Ontario) <b>District Name: </b>Lennox (county) <b>District Number: </b>21 <b>Sub-District Name: </b>Richmond <b>Sub-District Numbe r: </b>202 <b>Page Number: </b>129 <b>Microfilm: </b>C-11735 <b>Reference: </b>RG 31 <b>Item Number:</b>1164817\</ref\> |
Census | '''1861 Census'''\ In 1861 it appears the family has added at least one second log house, maybe two, with the manner it is recorded. Two of Joseph and Deborah's sons are living probably on the same farm. They are Weslyan Methodists and are all listed as born in Up per Canada, with the exception of Deborah, U.L.C.?. \*James a 32 year old, married farmer, \*Jane, 23 years old, married, \*GN (George N), 6 yr old (grandson) \*Thos. 3 yr old (grandson) \*M M (Mary M) 1 year old (born 1860) (grandaughter) \*Joseph Pringle is a 73 year old farmer \*Deborah, 69 years old \*Abram a 35 year old, married farmer, \*M (Mariah?), 31 years old, married, \*William, 14 yr old (grandson) \*Matilda, 1 year old (grandaughter) Joseph Pringle - Male - <b>Age:</b>73 - <b>Marital Status:</b>Married <b>Place of Birth:</b>N C - <b>Religion:</b>W Methodist - <b>Province:</b>Canada West (Ontario) - <b>District Name:</b>Lennox and Addington - <b>Sub-District Name:</b>Richmon d - <b>Page Number:</b>57 - <b>Line Number:</b>45 - <b>Microfilm:</b>C-1047-1048 - <b>Item Number:</b>791496 [IMAGE <b>]</b> |
Census | '''1861 Census'''\ In 1861 it appears the family has added at least one second log house, maybe two, with the manner it is recorded. Two of Joseph and Deborah's sons are living probably on the same farm. They are Weslyan Methodists and are all listed as born in Up per Canada, with the exception of Deborah, U.L.C.?. \*James a 32 year old, married farmer, \*Jane, 23 years old, married, \*GN (George N), 6 yr old (grandson) \*Thos. 3 yr old (grandson) \*M M (Mary M) 1 year old (born 1860) (grandaughter) \*Joseph Pringle is a 73 year old farmer \*Deborah, 69 years old \*Abram a 35 year old, married farmer, \*M (Mariah?), 31 years old, married, \*William, 14 yr old (grandson) \*Matilda, 1 year old (grandaughter) Joseph Pringle - Male - <b>Age:</b>73 - <b>Marital Status:</b>Married <b>Place of Birth:</b>N C - <b>Religion:</b>W Methodist - <b>Province:</b>Canada West (Ontario) - <b>District Name:</b>Lennox and Addington - <b>Sub-District Name:</b>Richmon d - <b>Page Number:</b>57 - <b>Line Number:</b>45 - <b>Microfilm:</b>C-1047-1048 - <b>Item Number:</b>791496 [IMAGE <b>]</b> |
Census | '''1861 Census'''\ In 1861 it appears the family has added at least one second log house, maybe two, with the manner it is recorded. Two of Joseph and Deborah's sons are living probably on the same farm. They are Weslyan Methodists and are all listed as born in Up per Canada, with the exception of Deborah, U.L.C.?. \*James a 32 year old, married farmer, \*Jane, 23 years old, married, \*GN (George N), 6 yr old (grandson) \*Thos. 3 yr old (grandson) \*M M (Mary M) 1 year old (born 1860) (grandaughter) \*Joseph Pringle is a 73 year old farmer \*Deborah, 69 years old \*Abram a 35 year old, married farmer, \*M (Mariah?), 31 years old, married, \*William, 14 yr old (grandson) \*Matilda, 1 year old (grandaughter) Joseph Pringle - Male - <b>Age:</b>73 - <b>Marital Status:</b>Married <b>Place of Birth:</b>N C - <b>Religion:</b>W Methodist - <b>Province:</b>Canada West (Ontario) - <b>District Name:</b>Lennox and Addington - <b>Sub-District Name:</b>Richmon d - <b>Page Number:</b>57 - <b>Line Number:</b>45 - <b>Microfilm:</b>C-1047-1048 - <b>Item Number:</b>791496 [IMAGE <b>]</b> |
Death | Tombstone inscription from Find A Grave
Joseph Pringle Died Nov 23, 1869 Age 80 Yrs 6 M. His wife Deby Died Novr 6, 1875 Aged 84 Yrs 7 Mos. |
Other |