Timothy PrindleAge: 421751–1793
- Name
- Timothy Prindle
Birth | 8 March 1751 26 26 New York?
Name: Timothew Printle
Name: Timothew Printle
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 24 Sep 1752
Birth Date: 08 Mar 1751
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: Joel Printle
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Debora
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50390-1
System Origin: New_York-ODM
GS Film number: 974.733 R1 K28K
Reference ID:
"New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2HN-N7J : 12 December 2014), Joel Printle in entry for Timothew Printle, 08 Mar 1751; citing , reference ; FHL microfilm 974.733 R1 K 28K. |
Death of a paternal grandmother | 8 August 1752 (Age 17 months)
paternal grandmother -
Jemima Benham
Christening | 24 September 1752 (Age 18 months) Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, British America Address: Saint Peters Lutheran Church (the Stone Church)
Name: Timothew Printle
Name: Timothew Printle
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 24 Sep 1752
Christening Place: Saint Peters Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York
Birth Date: 08 Mar 1751
Father's Name: Joel Printle
Mother's Name: Debora
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50390-1
System Origin: New_York-ODM
GS Film number: 974.733 R1 K28K
"New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2HN-N7J : 12 December 2014), Joel Printle in entry for Timothew Printle, 08 Mar 1751; citing , reference ; FHL microfilm 974.733 R1 K 28K. |
Birth of a brother | 22 April 1756 (Age 5) Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
younger brother -
Joseph Prindle
Birth of a brother | about 1761 (Age 9) New York?
younger brother -
Doctor Prindle
Birth of a sister | about 1766 (Age 14) New York?
younger sister -
Lois Prindle
Birth of a daughter #1 | 28 August 1772 (Age 21)
daughter -
Deborah Prindle
Marriage | Huldah Walden - View family before 1773 (Age 21) |
Birth of a son #2 | before 1773 (Age 21)
son -
Joseph Pringle
Death of a maternal grandmother | 3 November 1775 (Age 24)
maternal grandmother -
Hannah Browne
Baptism of a sister | 9 March 1788 (Age 37) Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario
younger sister -
Lois Prindle
Death | before October 1793 (Age 42)
He is referred to as the "late" Sgt Timothy Prindle on his wife's land petition by H…
He is referred to as the "late" Sgt Timothy Prindle on his wife's land petition by Hulday and the witness. I believe it is the 10th of Oct 1797
The land petition specifically states he died 17 . . (the lawyer never filled in the exact year.) It also states that Timothy received and settled 200 acres I think it was in 1794 (it is hard to read)
<fs="+2">Tim's son Joseph is listed in the Land Book record, 29 Oct 1793, Tim was "deceased" |
Baptism of a daughter | 14 January 1795 (15 months after death) Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
daughter -
Huldah Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | about 1881 (87 years after death)
son -
Timothy Prindle
Globally unique identifier | B6F6B77903409E43980D0DD257484694FD33 |
Last change | 20 March 2023 - 13:39:43 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joel Prindle
Birth 16 January 1725 29 24 Quinnipiac, New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America
mother |
Deborah Bigelow
Birth about 1725 26 25
Marriage: yes |
#1 elder brother |
Joel Prindle
Birth about 1746 20 21 New York?
4 years #2 elder brother |
William Prindle
Birth about 1750 24 25 Conn ?
14 months #3 himself |
Timothy Prindle
Birth 8 March 1751 26 26 New York?
Death before October 1793 (Age 42) Loading...
5 years #4 younger brother |
Joseph Prindle
Birth 22 April 1756 31 31 Tyringham/Montery, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British America
Death 22 September 1833 (Age 77) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America Loading...
5 years #5 younger brother |
Doctor Prindle
Birth about 1761 35 36 New York?
5 years #6 younger sister |
Lois Prindle
Birth about 1766 40 41 New York?
Family with Huldah Walden - View family |
himself |
Timothy Prindle
Birth 8 March 1751 26 26 New York?
Death before October 1793 (Age 42) Loading...
wife |
Marriage: before 1773 |
#1 son |
Joseph Pringle
Birth before 1773 21
22 years #2 daughter |
Huldah Pringle
Baptism 14 January 1795 43 Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
-22 years #3 daughter |
Deborah Prindle
Birth 28 August 1772 21
108 years #4 son |
Timothy Prindle
Birth about 1881 129
Birth | Name: Timothew Printle
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 24 Sep 1752
Birth Date: 08 Mar 1751
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: Joel Printle
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Debora
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50390-1
System Origin: New_York-ODM
GS Film number: 974.733 R1 K28K
Reference ID:
"New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2HN-N7J : 12 December 2014), Joel Printle in entry for Timothew Printle, 08 Mar 1751; citing , reference ; FHL microfilm 974.733 R1 K 28K. |
Christening | Name: Timothew Printle
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 24 Sep 1752
Christening Place: Saint Peters Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York
Birth Date: 08 Mar 1751
Father's Name: Joel Printle
Mother's Name: Debora
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50390-1
System Origin: New_York-ODM
GS Film number: 974.733 R1 K28K
"New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2HN-N7J : 12 December 2014), Joel Printle in entry for Timothew Printle, 08 Mar 1751; citing , reference ; FHL microfilm 974.733 R1 K 28K. |
Death | He is referred to as the "late" Sgt Timothy Prindle on his wife's land petition by Hulday and the witness. I believe it is the 10th of Oct 1797
The land petition specifically states he died 17 . . (the lawyer never filled in the exact year.) It also states that Timothy received and settled 200 acres I think it was in 1794 (it is hard to read)
<fs="+2">Tim's son Joseph is listed in the Land Book record, 29 Oct 1793, Tim was "deceased" |