Hannah PringleAge: 801798–1879
- Name
- Hannah Pringle
Birth | 16 June 1798 25 Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario |
Marriage | Archibald "Ard" Benedict - View family 16 January 1816 (Age 17) Ontario, Canada Note: By Rev Robert McDowall of the Prebyterian (Dutch Reformed) Church |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 20 July 1834 (Age 36)
maternal grandfather -
Jonathan Benedict
Death of a maternal grandmother | 6 March 1852 (Age 53) Fabius, Onondaga, New York
maternal grandmother -
Huldah Seelye
Death of a husband | about 1870 (Age 71) Son Elias Benedict's Home, Hungerford Twsp, Hastings Co., Ontario
husband -
Archibald "Ard" Benedict
Death | 27 February 1879 (Age 80) Daughter Amanda McCallum's Home, Madoc Twsp, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada |
Burial | Bancroft |
Globally unique identifier | CEBAD0A3E79F8544AA45CA2ED12D82E89938 |
Last change | 22 July 2007 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joseph Pringle
Birth before 1773 21
mother |
Marriage: yes |
#1 herself |
Hannah Pringle
Birth 16 June 1798 25 Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario
Death 27 February 1879 (Age 80) Daughter Amanda McCallum's Home, Madoc Twsp, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada Loading...
Family with Archibald "Ard" Benedict - View family |
husband |
Archibald "Ard" Benedict
Birth between 1792 and 1795 Likely Grand Isle, Vermont
Death about 1870 (Age 78) Son Elias Benedict's Home, Hungerford Twsp, Hastings Co., Ontario Loading...
6 years herself |
Hannah Pringle
Birth 16 June 1798 25 Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario
Death 27 February 1879 (Age 80) Daughter Amanda McCallum's Home, Madoc Twsp, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada Loading...
Marriage: 16 January 1816 — Ontario, Canada |
Note | Info on this person from Jim Bendict's Twiki webpage:
http://www.genealowiki.com/bin/view.cgi/Benedict/ArdBenedict179- |
Marriage | By Rev Robert McDowall of the Prebyterian (Dutch Reformed) Church |
Rev. Robert McDowall was the first regularly sent Presbyterian Missionary to Upper Canada. sent by the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as a Missionary to the U. E. L. refugees of the Bay of Quinte District,
He married probably more persons than any other minister in Upper Canada. |
Marriage | By Rev Robert McDowall of the Prebyterian (Dutch Reformed) Church |
Rev. Robert McDowall was the first regularly sent Presbyterian Missionary to Upper Canada. sent by the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as a Missionary to the U. E. L. refugees of the Bay of Quinte District,
He married probably more persons than any other minister in Upper Canada. |
Marriage | By Rev Robert McDowall of the Prebyterian (Dutch Reformed) Church |
Rev. Robert McDowall was the first regularly sent Presbyterian Missionary to Upper Canada. sent by the Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as a Missionary to the U. E. L. refugees of the Bay of Quinte District,
He married probably more persons than any other minister in Upper Canada. |