Esther Minervia YoungAge: 931865–1959
- Name
- Esther Minervia Young
Birth | 12 October 1865 |
Marriage | Willett Pringle - View family 25 March 1884 (Age 18) Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario
Name: Willett Pringle
Name: Willett Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 25 Mar 1884
Event Place: Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Father's Name: Calvin Pringle
Mother's Name: Minerva Pringle
Spouse's Name: Esther Young
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 17
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Spouse's Father's Name: John Young
Spouse's Mother's Name: Dianah Young
Reference ID: 006148
GS Film Number: 1869800
Digital Folder Number: 004529142
Image Number: 00013
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Willett Pringle and Esther Young, 25 Mar 1884; citing registration , Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario, Cana da, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,869,800. |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 28 October 1884 (Age 19)
daughter -
Mable Sarah Pringle
Birth of a son #2 | 30 November 1885 (Age 20)
son -
John C. Pringle
Birth of a son #3 | 1 January 1889 (Age 23)
son -
Alvy Pringle
Birth of a daughter #4 | 12 November 1891 (Age 26)
daughter -
Ruth Pringle
Birth of a daughter #5 | 15 November 1894 (Age 29)
daughter -
Jeannete P. Pringle
Birth of a daughter #6 | 4 March 1897 (Age 31)
daughter -
Lisca B. Pringle
Birth of a son #7 | 1904 (Age 38)
son -
W Burness Pringle
Marriage of a daughter | Mable Sarah Pringle - View family 8 October 1908 (Age 42) Tamworth
son-in-law -
Stephen Yates
daughter -
Mable Sarah Pringle
Death of a husband | 7 October 1927 (Age 61)
husband -
Willett Pringle
Death of a son | 18 May 1939 (Age 73) Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, , California
son -
Alvy Pringle
Death | 1959 (Age 93)
Mrs. Ester Pringle
Mrs. Ester Pringle
TAMWORTH After having been confined to her bed for the past three months at the age of 93 yean, Ester Minerva Pringle. the last daughter of the iate Mr. and Mrs. John Young, passed peacefully away at 2:30 a.m., Monday, Sept. 21. Her husband, Mr . Wlllett Pringle, predeceased her in the fall of 1927.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pringle were five daughters and three sons. Mrs. Stephen Yates, (Mabel), Mrs. George McTaggart, (Janet), Mr. John C. Pringle and Mr. Alva Pringle predeceased their mother several years ago.
The late Mrs. Pringle was a devoted United Church member and a loyal Christian. She also attended the Ladles' Aid as long as she was able to do so.
Seven of her eight children married. The youngest son, Burnice, never married and lived with his mother throughout her life. She had 30 grandchildren, 75 great grandchildren and eight great great grandchildren. She always showed a great interes t in all her following children.
Her remaining children are Mrs. W, O. Richmond. (Ruth) Mrs. Webster McTaggart. (Lucy). Mrs. Delbert Meeks, (Addie), who is a widow and who lived with her mother for the past 15 months. Mrs. Meeks nursed her mother in a devoted and loving way th roughout her illness. Also her only brother Henry Yohng of Roblin.
Her remains rested at the Hannah Funeral Home at Tamworth untill Wednesday morning then to the United church where a large congrigation met to pay their last respects. Her minister Mr. Behea preached a comforting sermon.
Mr. L. B. Woods, student minister, of Tamworth, rendered a beautiful solo. The organist, Mrs. W. E, Stinson accompanied with music. Many beautiful floral tributes showed the esteem In which the deceased was held. The-pall-bearers were six grand , sons, Orval and Eldon Richmond, Milton, Earl and Clarence McTaggart, and Almond Meeks.
Burial took place In Ihe family plot in the United church cemetery, Tamworth.
Globally unique identifier | A6F0739C2BB1304CB78E2A11A52283965D52 |
Last change | 27 April 2019 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
Marriage: yes |
#1 herself |
Esther Minervia Young
Birth 12 October 1865
Death 1959 (Age 93) Loading...
Family with Willett Pringle - View family |
husband |
Willett Pringle
Birth 12 November 1863 44
Death 7 October 1927 (Age 63) Loading...
23 months herself |
Esther Minervia Young
Birth 12 October 1865
Death 1959 (Age 93) Loading...
Marriage: 25 March 1884 — Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario |
7 months #1 daughter |
Mable Sarah Pringle
Birth 28 October 1884 20 19
13 months #2 son |
John C. Pringle
Birth 30 November 1885 22 20
3 years #3 son |
Alvy Pringle
Birth 1 January 1889 25 23
Death 18 May 1939 (Age 50) Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, , California Loading...
3 years #4 daughter |
Ruth Pringle
Birth 12 November 1891 28 26
3 years #5 daughter |
Jeannete P. Pringle
Birth 15 November 1894 31 29
2 years #6 daughter |
Lisca B. Pringle
Birth 4 March 1897 33 31
7 years #7 son |
W Burness Pringle
Birth 1904 40 38
Death 1962 (Age 58) Loading...
Note | Mabel PRINGLE, 23 of Richmond Twp., d/o Wilbert PRINGLE, Farmer & Esther YOUNGS. married Stephen YATES, 23 of Hungerford Twp., Farmer. s/o Truman YATES, Farmer & Olive DESHANE Wtn: William RICHMOND of Roblin and Ruth PRINGLE of West Plain o n October 8, 1908 at Tamworth - 012658-08 |
Marriage | Name: Willett Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 25 Mar 1884
Event Place: Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Father's Name: Calvin Pringle
Mother's Name: Minerva Pringle
Spouse's Name: Esther Young
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 17
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Spouse's Father's Name: John Young
Spouse's Mother's Name: Dianah Young
Reference ID: 006148
GS Film Number: 1869800
Digital Folder Number: 004529142
Image Number: 00013
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Willett Pringle and Esther Young, 25 Mar 1884; citing registration , Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario, Cana da, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,869,800. |
Marriage | Name: Willett Pringle
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 25 Mar 1884
Event Place: Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Father's Name: Calvin Pringle
Mother's Name: Minerva Pringle
Spouse's Name: Esther Young
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 17
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1867
Spouse's Father's Name: John Young
Spouse's Mother's Name: Dianah Young
Reference ID: 006148
GS Film Number: 1869800
Digital Folder Number: 004529142
Image Number: 00013
"Ontario Marriages, 1869-1927," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Willett Pringle and Esther Young, 25 Mar 1884; citing registration , Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario, Cana da, Archives of Ontario, Toronto; FHL microfilm 1,869,800. |
Death | Mrs. Ester Pringle
TAMWORTH After having been confined to her bed for the past three months at the age of 93 yean, Ester Minerva Pringle. the last daughter of the iate Mr. and Mrs. John Young, passed peacefully away at 2:30 a.m., Monday, Sept. 21. Her husband, Mr . Wlllett Pringle, predeceased her in the fall of 1927.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pringle were five daughters and three sons. Mrs. Stephen Yates, (Mabel), Mrs. George McTaggart, (Janet), Mr. John C. Pringle and Mr. Alva Pringle predeceased their mother several years ago.
The late Mrs. Pringle was a devoted United Church member and a loyal Christian. She also attended the Ladles' Aid as long as she was able to do so.
Seven of her eight children married. The youngest son, Burnice, never married and lived with his mother throughout her life. She had 30 grandchildren, 75 great grandchildren and eight great great grandchildren. She always showed a great interes t in all her following children.
Her remaining children are Mrs. W, O. Richmond. (Ruth) Mrs. Webster McTaggart. (Lucy). Mrs. Delbert Meeks, (Addie), who is a widow and who lived with her mother for the past 15 months. Mrs. Meeks nursed her mother in a devoted and loving way th roughout her illness. Also her only brother Henry Yohng of Roblin.
Her remains rested at the Hannah Funeral Home at Tamworth untill Wednesday morning then to the United church where a large congrigation met to pay their last respects. Her minister Mr. Behea preached a comforting sermon.
Mr. L. B. Woods, student minister, of Tamworth, rendered a beautiful solo. The organist, Mrs. W. E, Stinson accompanied with music. Many beautiful floral tributes showed the esteem In which the deceased was held. The-pall-bearers were six grand , sons, Orval and Eldon Richmond, Milton, Earl and Clarence McTaggart, and Almond Meeks.
Burial took place In Ihe family plot in the United church cemetery, Tamworth.