Alvy PringleAge: 501889–1939
- Name
- Alvy Pringle
Birth | 1 January 1889 25 23 |
Birth of a sister | 12 November 1891 (Age 2)
younger sister -
Ruth Pringle
Birth of a sister | 15 November 1894 (Age 5)
younger sister -
Jeannete P. Pringle
Birth of a sister | 4 March 1897 (Age 8)
younger sister -
Lisca B. Pringle
Birth of a brother | 1904 (Age 15)
younger brother -
W Burness Pringle
Death of a father | 7 October 1927 (Age 38)
father -
Willett Pringle
Death | 18 May 1939 (Age 50) Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, , California
Alva Pringle Dies Suddenly in California
Alva Pringle Dies Suddenly in California
Mrs. W. G. Richmond, Tamworth, received the sad news on Friday of the sudden death of her brother, Alva Pringle, who suffered a severe heart attack at his home in Los Angeles, Cal. The deceased was the second son of Mrs. E. M. Pringle, of West P lain, and the late Mr. Willett Pringle. His early life was spent in the vicinity of Roblin. When a young man he learned the barber trade in Napanee with Mr. James Ferguson, later going to Port Colborne, where he resided for a number of years. Ab out 15 years ago he went to Los Angeles, where he has resided ever since. Deceased was 50 years of age. He leaves to mourn his loss his mother, Mrs. E. M. Pringle, West Plain; four sisters, Mrs. W. G. Richmond, Tamworth; Mrs. George McTaggart, D eseronto; Mrs. Webster McTaggart, Marysville; Mrs. Delbert Meeks, Tamworth; and two brothers, Mr. John C. Pringle, Port Colborne, and Mr. Birnice Pringle, West Plain. His sudden passing has been a shock to his relatives in this vicinity.
Obituary posted by Mark South on FAG
Name: Alvin Pringle
Name Note:
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 18 May 1939
Event Place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
Event Place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
Residence Place:
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Birth Year (Estimated): 1892
Father's Name: Willett Pringle
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Minerva Young
Spouse's Name: Gale Pringle
Spouse's Gender:
Spouse's Age:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Reference ID:
GS Film Number:
Frame Number:
Digital Folder Number: 005599588
Image Number: 00463
"California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 August 2018), Alvin Pringle, 1939. |
Burial | Glendale, Los Angeles Co., California Address: Forest Lawn Memorial Park
Name: Alvin Pringle
Name: Alvin Pringle
Maiden Name:
Event Type: Burial
Event Date: 1939
Event Place: Glendale, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Photograph Included: Y
Birth Date:
Death Date: 18 May 1939
Affiliate Record Identifier: 107621866
Cemetery: Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2015), Alvin Pringle, 1939; Burial, Glendale, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale) ; citing record ID 107621866, Find a Grave, |
Globally unique identifier | 53B7D2F47B89BF4F8A0D0AA81D73830A48B9 |
Last change | 24 April 2021 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Willett Pringle
Birth 12 November 1863 44
Death 7 October 1927 (Age 63) Loading...
23 months mother |
Esther Minervia Young
Birth 12 October 1865
Death 1959 (Age 93) Loading...
Marriage: 25 March 1884 — Richmond, Lennox Addington, Ontario |
7 months #1 elder sister |
Mable Sarah Pringle
Birth 28 October 1884 20 19
13 months #2 elder brother |
John C. Pringle
Birth 30 November 1885 22 20
3 years #3 himself |
Alvy Pringle
Birth 1 January 1889 25 23
Death 18 May 1939 (Age 50) Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, , California Loading...
3 years #4 younger sister |
Ruth Pringle
Birth 12 November 1891 28 26
3 years #5 younger sister |
Jeannete P. Pringle
Birth 15 November 1894 31 29
2 years #6 younger sister |
Lisca B. Pringle
Birth 4 March 1897 33 31
7 years #7 younger brother |
W Burness Pringle
Birth 1904 40 38
Death 1962 (Age 58) Loading...
Death | Alva Pringle Dies Suddenly in California
Mrs. W. G. Richmond, Tamworth, received the sad news on Friday of the sudden death of her brother, Alva Pringle, who suffered a severe heart attack at his home in Los Angeles, Cal. The deceased was the second son of Mrs. E. M. Pringle, of West P lain, and the late Mr. Willett Pringle. His early life was spent in the vicinity of Roblin. When a young man he learned the barber trade in Napanee with Mr. James Ferguson, later going to Port Colborne, where he resided for a number of years. Ab out 15 years ago he went to Los Angeles, where he has resided ever since. Deceased was 50 years of age. He leaves to mourn his loss his mother, Mrs. E. M. Pringle, West Plain; four sisters, Mrs. W. G. Richmond, Tamworth; Mrs. George McTaggart, D eseronto; Mrs. Webster McTaggart, Marysville; Mrs. Delbert Meeks, Tamworth; and two brothers, Mr. John C. Pringle, Port Colborne, and Mr. Birnice Pringle, West Plain. His sudden passing has been a shock to his relatives in this vicinity.
Obituary posted by Mark South on FAG
Name: Alvin Pringle
Name Note:
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 18 May 1939
Event Place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
Event Place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
Residence Place:
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Birth Year (Estimated): 1892
Father's Name: Willett Pringle
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Minerva Young
Spouse's Name: Gale Pringle
Spouse's Gender:
Spouse's Age:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Reference ID:
GS Film Number:
Frame Number:
Digital Folder Number: 005599588
Image Number: 00463
"California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 August 2018), Alvin Pringle, 1939. |
Burial | Name: Alvin Pringle
Maiden Name:
Event Type: Burial
Event Date: 1939
Event Place: Glendale, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Photograph Included: Y
Birth Date:
Death Date: 18 May 1939
Affiliate Record Identifier: 107621866
Cemetery: Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 13 December 2015), Alvin Pringle, 1939; Burial, Glendale, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale) ; citing record ID 107621866, Find a Grave, |