Paul Henry BergeronAge: 701929–1999
- Name
- Paul Henry Bergeron
Joseph Paul Bergeron
- Name
- Joseph Paul Bergeron
Birth | 6 June 1929 24 25 Massachusetts |
Engagement | Patricia Ann Cummings - View family about July 1947 (Age 18) North Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California |
Marriage | Patricia Ann Cummings - View family 27 September 1947 (Age 18) St. Charles Catholic Church, North Hollywood, Los Angeles Co. Ca
Name: Paul Henry Bergeron
Name: Paul Henry Bergeron
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 27 Sep 1947
Event Place: Los Angeles, California, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Father's Name: Henry J Bergeron
Mother's Name: Angeline R Girard
Spouse's Name: Patricia Ann Cummings
Spouse's Age: 18
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Spouse's Father's Name: Cortez H Cummings
Spouse's Mother's Name: Daisy A Dutcher
Page: 32
GS Film number: 2116003
Digital Folder Number: 005698760
Image Number: 01005
"California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 8 December 2017), Daisy A Dutcher in entry for Paul Henry Bergeron and Patricia Ann Cummings, 27 Sep 1947; c iting Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California; FHL microfilm 2,116,003. |
Birth of a son #1 | 18 May 1949 (Age 19) Los Angeles, California
son -
Lawrence Paul Bergeron
Birth of a daughter #2 | 4 August 1950 (Age 21) California
daughter -
Christine Marie Bergeron
Divorce | Patricia Ann Cummings - View family about 1952 (Age 22) Note: I have a photo of the house at 1925 Chivers that Mom bought, on the back she wrote, "First summer on Chivers 1952" So she must have divorced Paul shortly before. |
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1959 (Age 29)
maternal grandfather -
Anthony Leon Girard
Death of a paternal grandfather | 8 October 1963 (Age 34) Québec, Canada
paternal grandfather -
Arthur Joseph "Lauren" Bergeron
Death of a maternal grandmother | 1969 (Age 39)
maternal grandmother -
Rosa Virginia Vincent
Death of a father | 21 September 1984 (Age 55) Ventura, Ventura Co., California
father -
Henry J. Bergeron
Death of a mother | 18 October 1998 (Age 69) Ojai, Ventura Co., California
mother -
Angeline Girard
Death | 28 September 1999 (Age 70) Florida
Name: Paul Henry Bergeron AKA JOSEPH PAUL
Name: Paul Henry Bergeron AKA JOSEPH PAUL
Name Note: Name and form dates: Application: PAUL HENRY BERGERON (Jul 1942), Application: JOSEPH PAUL BERGERON (Nov 1955), Application: JOSEPH P BERGERON (31 Aug 1990), Death: JOSEPH P BERGERON (28 Sep 1999)
Alias: Joseph Paul Bergeron
Second Alias: Joseph P Bergeron
Sex: Male
Social Program Application Date: Jul 1942
Previous Residence: Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida, United States
Previous Residence Postal Code: 33756-2320
Death Date: 28 Sep 1999
Birth Date: 7 Jun 1929
Birthplace: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Race: White
Father's Name: Henry J Bergeron
Father's Sex: Male
Mother's Name: Angeline R Girard
Mother's Sex: Female
Event Type: Social Program Correspondence
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Henry J Bergeron | Father | M | | </row>
<row> Angeline R Girard | Mother | F | | </row>
Digital Folder Number: DI0001099
Citing this Record
"United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007", database, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : 11 February 2023), Paul Henry Bergeron, . |
Obituary | St. Petersburg Times as Joseph P Bergeron 1 October 1999 (3 days after death) Age: 90 Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida
Name: Joseph P Bergeron
Name: Joseph P Bergeron
Sex: Male
Age: 70
Residence Date: 28 Sep 1999
Residence Place: Clearwater
Death Date: 28 Sep 1999
Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Birthplace: Worcester, Massachusetts
Occupation: Carpenter
Event Type: Obituary
Event Date: 01 Oct 1999
Event Place: Florida, United States
Newspaper: St. Petersburg Times
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Nadine Bergeron Barrett | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Larry | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Christine Mendelson | Daughter | F | | </row>
Affiliate Name: GenealogyBank, Inc.
Digital Folder Number: 101458835
Microfilm Number: 101458835
Image Number: 01900
Originating System: 6
Citing this Record
"United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, Births, and Marriages 1980-2014," database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : accessed 8 November 2023), Joseph P Bergeron, Florida, United States, 01 O ct 1999; from "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, <i> </i>( : 2014); citing <i>St. Petersburg Times </i>, born-digital text. |
Globally unique identifier | D9366E45BE5278489F914E7E50DBABC72B0C |
Last change | 18 November 2023 - 11:57:45 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Henry J. Bergeron
Birth 13 February 1905 28 21 Canada
Death 21 September 1984 (Age 79) Ventura, Ventura Co., California Loading...
-16 months mother |
Angeline Girard
Birth 23 October 1903 26 26 Massachusetts
Death 18 October 1998 (Age 94) Ojai, Ventura Co., California Loading...
Marriage: about 1928 |
17 months #1 himself |
Family with Patricia Ann Cummings - View family |
himself |
-2 months ex-wife |
Patricia Ann Cummings
Birth 17 April 1929 23 20 Detroit, Mi
Death 26 November 2013 (Age 84) Apple Valley, California Loading...
Marriage: 27 September 1947 — St. Charles Catholic Church, North Hollywood, Los Angeles Co. Ca |
20 months #1 son |
Lawrence Paul Bergeron
Birth 18 May 1949 19 20 Los Angeles, California
Death 6 May 2015 (Age 65) Mountain Mesa, Kern Co., California Loading...
15 months #2 daughter |
Christine Marie Bergeron
Birth 4 August 1950 21 21 California
Death 5 August 2002 (Age 52) California Loading...
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1706 of file Person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 498 of file GedcomRecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1872 of file Person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 346 of file Family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 609 of file GedcomRecord.php in function getFullName
5 called from line 441 of file module.php in function getTabContent
6 called from line 276 of file individual.php
Private + Patricia Ann Cummings - View family |
wife's husband |
ex-wife |
Patricia Ann Cummings
Birth 17 April 1929 23 20 Detroit, Mi
Death 26 November 2013 (Age 84) Apple Valley, California Loading...
#1 step-son |
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1706 of file Person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 498 of file GedcomRecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1872 of file Person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 346 of file Family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 609 of file GedcomRecord.php in function getFullName
5 called from line 441 of file module.php in function getTabContent
6 called from line 276 of file individual.php
Private + Patricia Ann Cummings - View family |
wife's husband |
ex-wife |
Patricia Ann Cummings
Birth 17 April 1929 23 20 Detroit, Mi
Death 26 November 2013 (Age 84) Apple Valley, California Loading...
#1 step-daughter |
Marriage | Name: Paul Henry Bergeron
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 27 Sep 1947
Event Place: Los Angeles, California, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Father's Name: Henry J Bergeron
Mother's Name: Angeline R Girard
Spouse's Name: Patricia Ann Cummings
Spouse's Age: 18
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Spouse's Father's Name: Cortez H Cummings
Spouse's Mother's Name: Daisy A Dutcher
Page: 32
GS Film number: 2116003
Digital Folder Number: 005698760
Image Number: 01005
"California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 8 December 2017), Daisy A Dutcher in entry for Paul Henry Bergeron and Patricia Ann Cummings, 27 Sep 1947; c iting Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California; FHL microfilm 2,116,003. |
Marriage | Name: Paul Henry Bergeron
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 27 Sep 1947
Event Place: Los Angeles, California, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Father's Name: Henry J Bergeron
Mother's Name: Angeline R Girard
Spouse's Name: Patricia Ann Cummings
Spouse's Age: 18
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Spouse's Father's Name: Cortez H Cummings
Spouse's Mother's Name: Daisy A Dutcher
Page: 32
GS Film number: 2116003
Digital Folder Number: 005698760
Image Number: 01005
"California, County Marriages, 1850-1952," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 8 December 2017), Daisy A Dutcher in entry for Paul Henry Bergeron and Patricia Ann Cummings, 27 Sep 1947; c iting Los Angeles, California, United States, county courthouses, California; FHL microfilm 2,116,003. |
Divorce | I have a photo of the house at 1925 Chivers that Mom bought, on the back she wrote, "First summer on Chivers 1952" So she must have divorced Paul shortly before. |
Divorce | I have a photo of the house at 1925 Chivers that Mom bought, on the back she wrote, "First summer on Chivers 1952" So she must have divorced Paul shortly before. |
Death | Name: Paul Henry Bergeron AKA JOSEPH PAUL
Name Note: Name and form dates: Application: PAUL HENRY BERGERON (Jul 1942), Application: JOSEPH PAUL BERGERON (Nov 1955), Application: JOSEPH P BERGERON (31 Aug 1990), Death: JOSEPH P BERGERON (28 Sep 1999)
Alias: Joseph Paul Bergeron
Second Alias: Joseph P Bergeron
Sex: Male
Social Program Application Date: Jul 1942
Previous Residence: Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida, United States
Previous Residence Postal Code: 33756-2320
Death Date: 28 Sep 1999
Birth Date: 7 Jun 1929
Birthplace: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Race: White
Father's Name: Henry J Bergeron
Father's Sex: Male
Mother's Name: Angeline R Girard
Mother's Sex: Female
Event Type: Social Program Correspondence
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Henry J Bergeron | Father | M | | </row>
<row> Angeline R Girard | Mother | F | | </row>
Digital Folder Number: DI0001099
Citing this Record
"United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007", database, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : 11 February 2023), Paul Henry Bergeron, . |
Obituary | Name: Joseph P Bergeron
Sex: Male
Age: 70
Residence Date: 28 Sep 1999
Residence Place: Clearwater
Death Date: 28 Sep 1999
Birth Year (Estimated): 1929
Birthplace: Worcester, Massachusetts
Occupation: Carpenter
Event Type: Obituary
Event Date: 01 Oct 1999
Event Place: Florida, United States
Newspaper: St. Petersburg Times
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Nadine Bergeron Barrett | Daughter | F | | </row>
<row> Larry | Son | M | | </row>
<row> Christine Mendelson | Daughter | F | | </row>
Affiliate Name: GenealogyBank, Inc.
Digital Folder Number: 101458835
Microfilm Number: 101458835
Image Number: 01900
Originating System: 6
Citing this Record
"United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, Births, and Marriages 1980-2014," database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : accessed 8 November 2023), Joseph P Bergeron, Florida, United States, 01 O ct 1999; from "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, <i> </i>( : 2014); citing <i>St. Petersburg Times </i>, born-digital text. |
Other |