Letitia Ethel May PringleAge: 231874–1898
- Name
- Letitia Ethel May Pringle
Birth | 4 May 1874 41 22 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West |
Birth of a sister | August 1878 (Age 4)
younger sister -
Nettie Florence Pringle
Death of a maternal grandfather | 21 August 1891 (Age 17) Napanee, Lennox & Addington, Ontario, Canada
maternal grandfather -
Benjamin Leary
Death | about 1898 (Age 23) |
Globally unique identifier | 79FF1909EFBA4A6A8D275CFF0C2CB51F12FD |
Last change | 5 July 2015 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Solomon Waldron Pringle
Birth 1 March 1833 47 28 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 October 1911 (Age 78) Lennox and Addington County, Ontario, Canada Loading...
19 years mother |
Mary Maria Leary
Birth 22 August 1851 48 40 Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 6 June 1938 (Age 86) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Marriage: 3 April 1869 — Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada |
7 months #1 elder sister |
Francis Lewis Levi Pringle
Birth 6 November 1869 36 18 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death about 1919 (Age 49) Loading...
2 years #2 elder brother |
James Arthur Pringle
Birth 10 March 1872 39 20 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death after 1938 (Age 65) Loading...
2 years #3 herself |
Letitia Ethel May Pringle
Birth 4 May 1874 41 22 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death about 1898 (Age 23) Loading...
4 years #4 younger sister |
Nettie Florence Pringle
Birth August 1878 45 26
Death 8 March 1969 (Age 90) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Note | From Mothers Obit which is saved in Mothers notes
In 1881 she 16 years old was living with her father, mother and 3 siblings who are all listed as Methodists, she is listed as a secularist.
From "The Whitney Family of Connecticut" by S. Whitney Phoenix. Page 1892 (Volume 3) (as of May 1876)
Chil. of Solomon Waldron and Mary Maria (Leary) Pringie.
I. Frank Lewis Pringie, b. at Napanee, Ont, Canada, 6 Nov. 1869.
II. James Arthur Pringie, b. at Napanee, Ont., 10 March 1872.
III. Letitia May Pringie, b. at Napanee, Ont, 4 May 1874. |