Joel PrindleAge: 311695–1726
- Name
- Joel Prindle
Birth | 28 January 1695 31 New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn
Original Text - Joell ye Son of Joseph pringle was born Janvary 28 1695/6
Original Text - Joell ye Son of Joseph pringle was born Janvary 28 1695/6
Father Joseph Pringle
Volume 1 - Page 77
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.)
Also-"Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906", database, FamilySearch ( : 7 January 2020), Joel Prindle, 1725. [Image]
Original Text - Joell ye Son of Joseph pringle was born Janvary 28 1695/6
Original Text - Joell ye Son of Joseph pringle was born Janvary 28 1695/6
Father Joseph Pringle
Volume 1 - Page 77
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.)
Prindle-Joel-birth Note: "Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906", database, FamilySearch ( : 7 January 2020), Joel Prindle, 1725. |
Birth of a sister | 15 May 1698 (Age 3)
younger sister -
Hepsibah Prindle
Birth of a sister | 1 February 1702 (Age 7)
younger sister -
Mary Prindle
Birth of a brother | 7 March 1704 (Age 9)
younger brother -
Joseph Prindle Jr.
Marriage | Jemima Benham - View family 15 October 1718 (Age 23) New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn
Original Text - Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham were Married to Each other October 15th 1718 pr Samll…
Original Text - Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham were Married to Each other October 15th 1718 pr Samll Bishop Juftice of Peace
<i>Vital records of New Haven, 1649-1850</i> (Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Connecticut Society, 1917) Volume 1 - Page 128 [ ]
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.)
"Connecticut, Vital Records, Prior to 1850," database, FamilySearch ( : 15 April 2022), Jemima Benham in entry for Joel Prindle, ; citing Marriage, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, Compi led by Lucius A. and Lucius B. Barbour, housed at State Library, Hartford, Connecticut; FHL microfilm 007833263. [Image] Prindle-Joel-Benham-Jemima
Original Text - Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham were Married to Each other October 15th 1718 pr Samll…
Original Text - Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham were Married to Each other October 15th 1718 pr Samll Bishop Juftice of Peace
Spouse Jemima Benham
Volume 1 - Page 128
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.) Prindle-Benham-Joel-Jemima Note: "Connecticut, Vital Records, Prior to 1850," database, FamilySearch ( : 15 April 2022), Jemima Benham in entry for Joel Prindle, ; citing Marriage, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, Compi led by Lucius A. and Lucius B. Barbour, housed at State Library, Hartford, Connecticut; FHL microfilm 007833263. |
Birth of a son #1 | 2 October 1719 (Age 24) New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn
son -
William Prindle
Birth of a daughter #2 | 9 July 1721 (Age 26) Wallingford, New Haven Co, Conn
daughter -
Sarah Prindle
Birth of a daughter #3 | 21 February 1722 (Age 27)
daughter -
Lois Prindle
Birth of a son #4 | 16 January 1725 (Age 29) Quinnipiac, New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America
son -
Joel Prindle
Death | 21 February 1726 (Age 31) New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America
Original Text - Joel prindle Deceased the 23 day of february 1725/6
Original Text - Joel prindle Deceased the 23 day of february 1725/6
<i>Vital records of New Haven, 1649-1850</i> (Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Connecticut Society, 1917) Volume 1 - Page 186 [ ]
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.) Prindle-Joel-Death-1726
Original Text Joel prindle Deceafed the 23 day of february 1725/6
Original Text Joel prindle Deceafed the 23 day of february 1725/6
Volume Name Volume 1
Page 186
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.) |
Burial | West Haven Old Cemetery, West Haven, Conn. |
Globally unique identifier | 57BA501C547C4D5C9050138EADB8E9EFB429 |
Last change | 18 February 2023 - 17:51:19 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joseph Prindle
Birth 11 June 1663 New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America
Death 18 March 1738 (Age 74) Loading...
mother |
Marriage: 19 August 1686 |
4 years #1 elder brother |
John Prindle
Birth about 1691 27
3 years #2 elder brother |
Samuel Prindle
Birth 11 November 1693 30
15 months #3 himself |
Joel Prindle
Birth 28 January 1695 31 New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn
Death 21 February 1726 (Age 31) New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America Loading...
3 years #4 younger sister |
Hepsibah Prindle
Birth 15 May 1698 34
4 years #5 younger sister |
Mary Prindle
Birth 1 February 1702 38
2 years #6 younger brother |
Joseph Prindle Jr.
Birth 7 March 1704 40
Family with Jemima Benham - View family |
himself |
Joel Prindle
Birth 28 January 1695 31 New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn
Death 21 February 1726 (Age 31) New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America Loading...
6 years wife |
Jemima Benham
Birth 21 September 1700
Death 8 August 1752 (Age 51) Loading...
Marriage: 15 October 1718 — New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn |
1 year #1 son |
William Prindle
Birth 2 October 1719 24 19 New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn
Death 4 July 1747 (Age 27) Louisburg, NS, Canada Loading...
21 months #2 daughter |
Sarah Prindle
Birth 9 July 1721 26 20 Wallingford, New Haven Co, Conn
Death about 1750 (Age 28) Loading...
7 months #3 daughter |
3 years #4 son |
Joel Prindle
Birth 16 January 1725 29 24 Quinnipiac, New Haven, Connecticut, British Colonial America
Joseph Morgan + Jemima Benham - View family |
wife's husband |
Joseph Morgan
Death 8 August 1752
wife |
Jemima Benham
Birth 21 September 1700
Death 8 August 1752 (Age 51) Loading...
Marriage: 2 January 1729 |
Note | <b>The Prindle genealogy. embracing the descendants of William Pringle the first settler, in part for six, seven and eight generations, and also the ancestors and descendants of Zalmon Prindle for ten generations, covering a period of two hundre d and fifty-two years, 1654-1906 (1906)
<b>iv. JOEL3, b. Jan. 28, 1695-6; m. Oct. 15, 1718, by Mr. Samuel Bishop, Jemima Benham, dau. of Nathan Benham, who was b. Sept. 21, 1700; d. Feb. 23, 1725-6. She m. (2) July 9, 1729, John Morgan.
</b>Children :
1. WILLIAM, b. Oct. 2, 1719; d. while a prisoner at Louisburg, July 4, 1747. unm.
2. Sarah b. 1721 ; m. Oct. 2, 1744, ANDREW IVES; rem. to Wallingford, Conn. ; d. --- .
3. Lois, b. --- , 1724; m. — BRISTOL; rem. to Wallingford, Conn.
4. Joel, b. Jan. 16, 1725-6; m. and had a son..
1. Joel^', and perh. others. In a deed given by Joel\*, of Danbury, in 1755, he mentions his "father Joel and grandfather Joseph." Revolu. soldier.
-- MERGED NOTE ------------
Death Date and Burial Place from Beecher book |
Birth | Original Text - Joell ye Son of Joseph pringle was born Janvary 28 1695/6
Father Joseph Pringle
Volume 1 - Page 77
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.)
Also-"Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906", database, FamilySearch ( : 7 January 2020), Joel Prindle, 1725. [Image]
Marriage | Original Text - Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham were Married to Each other October 15th 1718 pr Samll Bishop Juftice of Peace
<i>Vital records of New Haven, 1649-1850</i> (Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Connecticut Society, 1917) Volume 1 - Page 128 [ ]
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.)
"Connecticut, Vital Records, Prior to 1850," database, FamilySearch ( : 15 April 2022), Jemima Benham in entry for Joel Prindle, ; citing Marriage, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, Compi led by Lucius A. and Lucius B. Barbour, housed at State Library, Hartford, Connecticut; FHL microfilm 007833263. [Image] |
Marriage | Original Text - Joel Prindle and Jemima Benham were Married to Each other October 15th 1718 pr Samll Bishop Juftice of Peace
<i>Vital records of New Haven, 1649-1850</i> (Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Connecticut Society, 1917) Volume 1 - Page 128 [ ]
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.)
"Connecticut, Vital Records, Prior to 1850," database, FamilySearch ( : 15 April 2022), Jemima Benham in entry for Joel Prindle, ; citing Marriage, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, Compi led by Lucius A. and Lucius B. Barbour, housed at State Library, Hartford, Connecticut; FHL microfilm 007833263. [Image] |
Death | Original Text - Joel prindle Deceased the 23 day of february 1725/6
<i>Vital records of New Haven, 1649-1850</i> (Order of the Founders and Patriots of America. Connecticut Society, 1917) Volume 1 - Page 186 [ ]
New Haven, CT: Vital Records, 1649-1850.(Online database: England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007), (Vital Records of New Haven, 1649-1850, Connecticut Society of the Order of the Founders and Patriots of America, H artford, CT, 1917.) |