Gladys Mary BennettAge: 261898–1924
- Name
- Gladys Mary Bennett
Birth | January 1898 31 33 New York |
Death of a maternal grandmother | 8 October 1898 (Age 9 months) Sand Lake, Kent County, Michigan
maternal grandmother -
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth of a brother | January 1900 (Age 2) New York
younger brother -
Leo T. Bennett
Birth of a brother | 11 November 1901 (Age 3) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
younger brother -
Stephen A. Bennett
Death of a brother | 2 March 1904 (Age 6) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
elder brother -
John M. Bennett
Death of a paternal grandmother | 3 March 1904 (Age 6) North Fredericksburgh, Lennox & Addington, Ontario
paternal grandmother -
Puma Jamima H. Wife Of Stephen Bennett
Death of a brother | 4 November 1907 (Age 9) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
younger brother -
Leo T. Bennett
Burial of a brother | 1907 (Age 9) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
younger brother -
Leo T. Bennett
Death of a maternal grandfather | about 17 January 1909 (Age 11) Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
maternal grandfather -
Alfred Pringle
Death of a paternal grandfather | 21 October 1910 (Age 12) North Fredricksburgh, Lennox & Addington, Ontario
paternal grandfather -
Stephen Bennett
Marriage | Premo Bacchalatt - View family 14 September 1916 (Age 18) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Premo Bacchalatt
Premo Bacchalatt
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 14 Sep 1916
Event Place , New York, United States
Gender Male
Age 27
Birth Year (Estimated) 1889
Father's Name Angel Bacchalatt
Mother's Name Ganbacene Marcala
Spouse's Name Gladys Mary Bennett
Spouse's Gender Female
Spouse's Age 18
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1898
Spouse's Father's Name Jas. Bennett
Spouse's Mother's Name Emma Pringle
Citing this Record
"New York, County Marriages, 1847-1848; 1908-1936," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 24 January 2016), Premo Bacchalatt and Gladys Mary Bennett, 14 Sep 1916; citing county clerk’s offi ce, , New York, United States; FHL microfilm 895,215.
- |
Death of a mother | 23 October 1924 (Age 26) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
mother -
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Residence | 1924 (Age 26) Syracuse, New York, United States Note: According to mothers obituary |
Death of a brother | after 1924 (on the date of death)
elder brother -
Clarence R. Bennett
Death | after 1924 (Age 26) Syracuse, New York, United States Note: According to mothers obituary |
Globally unique identifier | 36BAB3A6183844B7BC0ACEF7970F51CCE2E1 |
Last change | 30 May 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
James Gilmore Bennett
Birth June 1866 41 33 Ernestown, Ontario, Canada, British North America
Death August 1943 (Age 77) Loading...
-23 months mother |
Magdalena "Emma" Alberta Pringle
Birth 14 July 1864 39 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 23 October 1924 (Age 60) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
Marriage: 28 November 1887 — Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada |
15 months #1 elder brother |
George Alfred Bennett
Birth March 1889 22 24 Canada
Death 28 November 1957 (Age 68) Camillus, Onondaga, New York Loading...
21 months #2 elder brother |
John M. Bennett
Birth December 1890 24 26 Canada
Death 2 March 1904 (Age 13) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
5 years #3 elder brother |
Clarence R. Bennett
Birth 31 May 1895 28 30 Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Death after 1924 (Age 28) Loading...
3 years #4 herself |
Gladys Mary Bennett
Birth January 1898 31 33 New York
Death after 1924 (Age 26) Syracuse, New York, United States Loading...
2 years #5 younger brother |
Leo T. Bennett
Birth January 1900 33 35 New York
Death 4 November 1907 (Age 7) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
22 months #6 younger brother |
Stephen A. Bennett
Birth 11 November 1901 35 37 Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Death 6 February 1975 (Age 73) Tulare, California Loading...
Family with Premo Bacchalatt - View family |
husband |
Premo Bacchalatt
Birth 1889 Italy
9 years herself |
Gladys Mary Bennett
Birth January 1898 31 33 New York
Death after 1924 (Age 26) Syracuse, New York, United States Loading...
Marriage: 14 September 1916 — Watertown, Jefferson County, New York |
Family with Private - View family |
husband |
herself |
Gladys Mary Bennett
Birth January 1898 31 33 New York
Death after 1924 (Age 26) Syracuse, New York, United States Loading...
Marriage | Premo Bacchalatt
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 14 Sep 1916
Event Place , New York, United States
Gender Male
Age 27
Birth Year (Estimated) 1889
Father's Name Angel Bacchalatt
Mother's Name Ganbacene Marcala
Spouse's Name Gladys Mary Bennett
Spouse's Gender Female
Spouse's Age 18
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1898
Spouse's Father's Name Jas. Bennett
Spouse's Mother's Name Emma Pringle
Citing this Record
"New York, County Marriages, 1847-1848; 1908-1936," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 24 January 2016), Premo Bacchalatt and Gladys Mary Bennett, 14 Sep 1916; citing county clerk’s offi ce, , New York, United States; FHL microfilm 895,215.
- |
Marriage | Premo Bacchalatt
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 14 Sep 1916
Event Place , New York, United States
Gender Male
Age 27
Birth Year (Estimated) 1889
Father's Name Angel Bacchalatt
Mother's Name Ganbacene Marcala
Spouse's Name Gladys Mary Bennett
Spouse's Gender Female
Spouse's Age 18
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1898
Spouse's Father's Name Jas. Bennett
Spouse's Mother's Name Emma Pringle
Citing this Record
"New York, County Marriages, 1847-1848; 1908-1936," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 24 January 2016), Premo Bacchalatt and Gladys Mary Bennett, 14 Sep 1916; citing county clerk’s offi ce, , New York, United States; FHL microfilm 895,215.
- |
Residence | According to mothers obituary |
Death | According to mothers obituary |