Charles E. PringleAge: 801924–2005
- Name
- Charles E. Pringle
Birth | 10 August 1924 21 20 New York
Age: 81
Age: 81
Given Name: Charles
Middle Name: E
Surname: Pringle
Name Suffix:
Birth Date: 10 Aug 1924
State: New york
Last Place of Residence: Saint lawrence, New york
Previous Residence Postal Code: 13642
Event Date: 29 Apr 2005
Citing this Record:
"United States Social Security Death Index," Database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 June 2015), Charles E Pringle, 29 Apr 2005; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, databa se (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing). |
Birth of a brother | 26 October 1927 (Age 3) New York
younger brother -
Clarence Alfred Pringle
Birth of a brother | 26 November 1929 (Age 5) Brownsville, New York
younger brother -
Clifford Robert Pringle
Death of a paternal grandfather | 18 June 1930 (Age 5) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
paternal grandfather -
Charles Lewis Pringle
Birth of a sister | 19 July 1932 (Age 7) New York
younger sister -
Clara Margaret Pringle
Death of a father | 31 January 1933 (Age 8)
father -
Charles E. Pringle
Birth of a half-sister | 18 September 1936 (Age 12) New York
half-sister -
Marjorie Irene Baker
Death of a paternal grandmother | 21 January 1941 (Age 16) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
paternal grandmother -
Clarissa P "Clara" Walker
Occupation | Machinist 1960 (Age 35) |
Death of a mother | 28 July 1966 (Age 41)
mother -
Eva A. Holder
Death of a sister | 31 October 1968 (Age 44) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
younger sister -
Clara Margaret Pringle
Burial of a sister | 1968 (Age 43) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
younger sister -
Clara Margaret Pringle
Death of a brother | 25 August 1990 (Age 66)
younger brother -
Clarence Alfred Pringle
Burial of a brother | 27 August 1990 (Age 66) Brownville, Jefferson, New York, United States
younger brother -
Clarence Alfred Pringle
Death of a half-sister | 7 February 1999 (Age 74) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
half-sister -
Marjorie Irene Baker
Death | 29 April 2005 (Age 80)
Mother is listed in the obit data at Familysearch
Mother is listed in the obit data at Familysearch
Published on May 1, 2005, Page B5, Watertown Daily Times
The funeral for Charles E. Pringle, 80, Grove Street, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Green Funeral Home with the Rev. Jennifer M. Santer, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Gouverneur officiating. Burial will be at a later date in Hailesb oro Cemetery.
Mr. Pringle died Friday at his home, where he was under the care of Hospice and Palliative Care of St. Lawrence Valley.
Calling hours will be from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.
Mr. Pringle, a machinist
Complete Article, 288 words: Purchase article
<b>Name: Mr Charles E Machinist Pringle
</u>Titles and Terms: Mr
Event Type: Obituary
Event Date: 1 May 2005
Event Place: New York, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 80
Relationship to Deceased: Deceased
Birth Date: 10 Aug 1924
Birthplace: Watertown, ,
Death Date: 01 May 2005
Death Place: St. Lawrence Valley, ,
Newspaper: Watertown Daily Times
Spouse and Children
Charles Pringle Spouse Male
Ruth A Fowler Spouse Female
Cathy Wife Female
Susan Beal Daughter Female
Parents and Siblings
Eva Holder Pringle Mother Female
C Robert Brother Male
Clarence Brother Male
Mary Helmer Sister Female
Margaret Brown Sister Female
Irene Converse Sister Female
Extended Family
Robert Beal Son-in-Law Male
Others on Record
Reverend Jennifer M Santer Non Relative Unknown
Reverend Merritt W Updyke Non Relative Unknown
Charlotte Pringle Companion Female
Fred Seibert Companion Male
Williamson Sharon Other Unknown
Citing this Record:
"United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," Database with images, FamilySearch (<u></u> : accessed 21 June 2015), Mr Charles E Machinist Pringle, New York, United States, 1 May 2005; fro m "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, (<u></u> : 2014); citing Watertown Daily Times, born-digital text. |
Burial | Hailesboro, St. Lawrence, New York, United States Address: Hailesboro Cemetery |
Globally unique identifier | A5BE55E70A7545F9B1229E9C9EA70BAB6429 |
Last change | 15 July 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Charles E. Pringle
Birth 1903 44 35 Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Death 31 January 1933 (Age 30) Loading...
1 year mother |
Eva A. Holder
Birth 1904 Canada
Death 28 July 1966 (Age 62) Loading...
#1 himself |
Charles E. Pringle
Birth 10 August 1924 21 20 New York
Death 29 April 2005 (Age 80) Loading...
3 years #2 younger brother |
Clarence Alfred Pringle
Birth 26 October 1927 24 23 New York
Death 25 August 1990 (Age 62) Loading...
2 years #3 younger brother |
Clifford Robert Pringle
Birth 26 November 1929 26 25 Brownsville, New York
Death 22 July 2010 (Age 80) Loading...
#4 sister |
#5 younger sister |
Clara Margaret Pringle
Birth 19 July 1932 29 28 New York
Death 31 October 1968 (Age 36) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
Mother’s family with Private - View family |
step-father |
mother |
Eva A. Holder
Birth 1904 Canada
Death 28 July 1966 (Age 62) Loading...
#1 half-sister |
Marjorie Irene Baker
Birth 18 September 1936 32 New York
Death 7 February 1999 (Age 62) Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Loading...
Family with Ruth Fowler - View family |
himself |
Charles E. Pringle
Birth 10 August 1924 21 20 New York
Death 29 April 2005 (Age 80) Loading...
9 months wife |
Ruth Fowler
Birth 27 April 1925 Watertown, Jefferson County, New York
Death 12 July 2011 (Age 86) Williamson, New York, United States Loading...
#1 child |
Susan Pringle
Death before 2011
#2 daughter |
#3 son |
#4 son |
Birth | Age: 81
Given Name: Charles
Middle Name: E
Surname: Pringle
Name Suffix:
Birth Date: 10 Aug 1924
State: New york
Last Place of Residence: Saint lawrence, New york
Previous Residence Postal Code: 13642
Event Date: 29 Apr 2005
Citing this Record:
"United States Social Security Death Index," Database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 June 2015), Charles E Pringle, 29 Apr 2005; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, databa se (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing). |
Death | Mother is listed in the obit data at Familysearch
Published on May 1, 2005, Page B5, Watertown Daily Times
The funeral for Charles E. Pringle, 80, Grove Street, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Green Funeral Home with the Rev. Jennifer M. Santer, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Gouverneur officiating. Burial will be at a later date in Hailesb oro Cemetery.
Mr. Pringle died Friday at his home, where he was under the care of Hospice and Palliative Care of St. Lawrence Valley.
Calling hours will be from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.
Mr. Pringle, a machinist
Complete Article, 288 words: Purchase article
<b>Name: Mr Charles E Machinist Pringle
</u>Titles and Terms: Mr
Event Type: Obituary
Event Date: 1 May 2005
Event Place: New York, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 80
Relationship to Deceased: Deceased
Birth Date: 10 Aug 1924
Birthplace: Watertown, ,
Death Date: 01 May 2005
Death Place: St. Lawrence Valley, ,
Newspaper: Watertown Daily Times
Spouse and Children
Charles Pringle Spouse Male
Ruth A Fowler Spouse Female
Cathy Wife Female
Susan Beal Daughter Female
Parents and Siblings
Eva Holder Pringle Mother Female
C Robert Brother Male
Clarence Brother Male
Mary Helmer Sister Female
Margaret Brown Sister Female
Irene Converse Sister Female
Extended Family
Robert Beal Son-in-Law Male
Others on Record
Reverend Jennifer M Santer Non Relative Unknown
Reverend Merritt W Updyke Non Relative Unknown
Charlotte Pringle Companion Female
Fred Seibert Companion Male
Williamson Sharon Other Unknown
Citing this Record:
"United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," Database with images, FamilySearch (<u></u> : accessed 21 June 2015), Mr Charles E Machinist Pringle, New York, United States, 1 May 2005; fro m "Recent Newspaper Obituaries (1977 - Today)," database, (<u></u> : 2014); citing Watertown Daily Times, born-digital text. |