Mary Patience PringleAge: 781863–1942
- Name
- Mary Patience Pringle
Birth | 8 May 1863 25 20 St. Joseph, Michigan |
Birth of a sister | 31 January 1867 (Age 3) Michigan
younger sister -
Ella Arabelle Pringle
Birth of a brother | 26 September 1870 (Age 7) Wakeshma, Kalamazoo, Michigan
younger brother -
James Lockwood Pringle
Birth of a sister | 28 October 1872 (Age 9) Wakeshma, Kalamazoo, Michigan
younger sister -
Phoebe Elizabeth Pringle
Birth of a brother | 25 June 1875 (Age 12) Wakeshma, Kalamazoo, Michigan
younger brother -
William D. Pringle
Death of a paternal grandmother | 5 April 1877 (Age 13) Kingston, Tuscola, Michigan
paternal grandmother -
Mary Dale
Marriage | Albert Lance - View family 4 July 1880 (Age 17) Kalamazoo, Michigan
Name: Albert Lance
Name: Albert Lance
Birth Date: 1857
Birthplace: Wayne Co., Oh
Age: 23
Spouse's Name: Mary Patience Pringle
Spouse's Birth Date: 1863
Spouse's Birthplace: St. Joseph Co., Mi
Spouse's Age: 17
Event Date: 04 Jul 1880
Event Place: , Kalamazoo, Michigan
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Father's Name:
Spouse's Mother's Name:
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M51850-3
System Origin: Michigan-EASy
GS Film number: 984141
Reference ID:
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Albert Lance and Mary Patience Pringle, 04 Jul 1880; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 984,141. |
Death of a paternal grandfather | 30 March 1882 (Age 18)
paternal grandfather -
Joseph Lockwood Pringle
Birth of a sister | 5 November 1882 (Age 19) Wakeshena, Kalamazoo, Michigan
younger sister -
Cora Belle Pringle
Marriage | Harvey Nelson - View family 31 July 1906 (Age 43) Kingsley, Grand Traverse, Michigan
Name: Harvey Nelson
Name: Harvey Nelson
Birth Date:
Spouse's Name: Mary Mrs Pringle Lance
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 31 Jul 1906
Event Place: Kingsley, Grand Traverse, Michigan
Father's Name: Jno. Nelson
Mother's Name: Clarissa Schermerhorn
Spouse's Father's Name: Andrew Pringle
Spouse's Mother's Name: Frances Haines
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01732-5
System Origin: Michigan-ODM
GS Film number: 2342674
Reference ID:
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Andrew Pringle in entry for Harvey Nelson and Mary Mrs Pringle Lance, 31 Jul 1906; citing reference ; FHL micro film 2,342,674. |
Death of a mother | 30 August 1924 (Age 61) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan
mother -
Frances Amelia Haines
Census | Harvey Nelson - View family 1930 (Age 66) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan
Name: Mary Nelson
Name: Mary Nelson
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Buckley, Wexford, Michigan, United States
District: ED 15
Gender: Female
Age: 66
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Birthplace: Michigan
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Sheet Letter: A
Sheet Number: 1
Sheet Number and Letter: 1A
Household ID: 3
Line Number: 10
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 1077
GS Film Number: 2340812
Digital Folder Number: 004951328
Image Number: 00414
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Harvey J Nelson Head M 72 Indiana
Mary Nelson Wife F 66 Michigan
Andrew L Pringle Father-in-law M 92 Canada
Elberta Lauce Granddaughter F 10 Michigan
Citing this Record:
"United States Census, 1930", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Mary Nelson in entry for Harvey J Nelson, 1930. |
Death of a father | 14 February 1932 (Age 68) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan
father -
Andrew L. Pringle
Death | 18 January 1942 (Age 78) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan
Name: Mary Patience Lanee Nelson
Name: Mary Patience Lanee Nelson
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 18 Jan 1942
Event Place: Buckley, Wexford, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 78
Marital Status:
Birth Date: 08 May 1863
Birthplace: Saint Joseph, Michigan
Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Father's Name: Andrew Pringle
Mother's Name: Frances Haines
GS Film number: 1972953
Digital Folder Number: 005240265
Image Number: 02015
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Mary Patience Lanee Nelson, 18 Jan 1942; citing Buckley, Wexford, Michigan, United States, Division fo r Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,972,953. |
Globally unique identifier | 19CDBD7EA3814B2B81DF1456E9793D4B6F0A |
Last change | 6 January 2016 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Andrew L. Pringle
Birth 29 October 1837 28 27 Canada West
Death 14 February 1932 (Age 94) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan Loading...
5 years mother |
Frances Amelia Haines
Birth 1843 29 New York
Death 30 August 1924 (Age 81) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 21 February 1860 — Leonidas, St Joseph, Michigan, United States |
3 years #1 herself |
Mary Patience Pringle
Birth 8 May 1863 25 20 St. Joseph, Michigan
Death 18 January 1942 (Age 78) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan Loading...
4 years #2 younger sister |
Ella Arabelle Pringle
Birth 31 January 1867 29 24 Michigan
Death 9 March 1958 (Age 91) New Lothrop, Shiawassee County, Michigan Loading...
4 years #3 younger brother |
James Lockwood Pringle
Birth 26 September 1870 32 27 Wakeshma, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Death 23 January 1945 (Age 74) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan Loading...
2 years #4 younger sister |
Phoebe Elizabeth Pringle
Birth 28 October 1872 34 29 Wakeshma, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Death 14 October 1942 (Age 69) Flint, Genesee Co. Michigan Loading...
3 years #5 younger brother |
William D. Pringle
Birth 25 June 1875 37 32 Wakeshma, Kalamazoo, Michigan
7 years #6 younger sister |
Cora Belle Pringle
Birth 5 November 1882 45 39 Wakeshena, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Family with Albert Lance - View family |
husband |
Albert Lance
Birth 1857 Wayne County, Ohio
6 years herself |
Mary Patience Pringle
Birth 8 May 1863 25 20 St. Joseph, Michigan
Death 18 January 1942 (Age 78) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 4 July 1880 — Kalamazoo, Michigan |
Family with Harvey Nelson - View family |
husband |
herself |
Mary Patience Pringle
Birth 8 May 1863 25 20 St. Joseph, Michigan
Death 18 January 1942 (Age 78) Buckley, Wexford, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 31 July 1906 — Kingsley, Grand Traverse, Michigan |
Marriage | Name: Albert Lance
Birth Date: 1857
Birthplace: Wayne Co., Oh
Age: 23
Spouse's Name: Mary Patience Pringle
Spouse's Birth Date: 1863
Spouse's Birthplace: St. Joseph Co., Mi
Spouse's Age: 17
Event Date: 04 Jul 1880
Event Place: , Kalamazoo, Michigan
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Father's Name:
Spouse's Mother's Name:
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M51850-3
System Origin: Michigan-EASy
GS Film number: 984141
Reference ID:
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Albert Lance and Mary Patience Pringle, 04 Jul 1880; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 984,141. |
Marriage | Name: Albert Lance
Birth Date: 1857
Birthplace: Wayne Co., Oh
Age: 23
Spouse's Name: Mary Patience Pringle
Spouse's Birth Date: 1863
Spouse's Birthplace: St. Joseph Co., Mi
Spouse's Age: 17
Event Date: 04 Jul 1880
Event Place: , Kalamazoo, Michigan
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Spouse's Father's Name:
Spouse's Mother's Name:
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M51850-3
System Origin: Michigan-EASy
GS Film number: 984141
Reference ID:
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Albert Lance and Mary Patience Pringle, 04 Jul 1880; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 984,141. |
Marriage | Name: Harvey Nelson
Birth Date:
Spouse's Name: Mary Mrs Pringle Lance
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 31 Jul 1906
Event Place: Kingsley, Grand Traverse, Michigan
Father's Name: Jno. Nelson
Mother's Name: Clarissa Schermerhorn
Spouse's Father's Name: Andrew Pringle
Spouse's Mother's Name: Frances Haines
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01732-5
System Origin: Michigan-ODM
GS Film number: 2342674
Reference ID:
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Andrew Pringle in entry for Harvey Nelson and Mary Mrs Pringle Lance, 31 Jul 1906; citing reference ; FHL micro film 2,342,674. |
Marriage | Name: Harvey Nelson
Birth Date:
Spouse's Name: Mary Mrs Pringle Lance
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birthplace:
Spouse's Age:
Event Date: 31 Jul 1906
Event Place: Kingsley, Grand Traverse, Michigan
Father's Name: Jno. Nelson
Mother's Name: Clarissa Schermerhorn
Spouse's Father's Name: Andrew Pringle
Spouse's Mother's Name: Frances Haines
Marital Status:
Previous Wife's Name:
Spouse's Race:
Spouse's Marital Status:
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01732-5
System Origin: Michigan-ODM
GS Film number: 2342674
Reference ID:
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Andrew Pringle in entry for Harvey Nelson and Mary Mrs Pringle Lance, 31 Jul 1906; citing reference ; FHL micro film 2,342,674. |
Census | Name: Mary Nelson
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Buckley, Wexford, Michigan, United States
District: ED 15
Gender: Female
Age: 66
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Birthplace: Michigan
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Sheet Letter: A
Sheet Number: 1
Sheet Number and Letter: 1A
Household ID: 3
Line Number: 10
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 1077
GS Film Number: 2340812
Digital Folder Number: 004951328
Image Number: 00414
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Harvey J Nelson Head M 72 Indiana
Mary Nelson Wife F 66 Michigan
Andrew L Pringle Father-in-law M 92 Canada
Elberta Lauce Granddaughter F 10 Michigan
Citing this Record:
"United States Census, 1930", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Mary Nelson in entry for Harvey J Nelson, 1930. |
Census | Name: Mary Nelson
Titles and Terms:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Buckley, Wexford, Michigan, United States
District: ED 15
Gender: Female
Age: 66
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Wife
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Wife
Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Birthplace: Michigan
Immigration Year:
Father's Birthplace: Canada
Mother's Birthplace: New York
Sheet Letter: A
Sheet Number: 1
Sheet Number and Letter: 1A
Household ID: 3
Line Number: 10
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 1077
GS Film Number: 2340812
Digital Folder Number: 004951328
Image Number: 00414
Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Harvey J Nelson Head M 72 Indiana
Mary Nelson Wife F 66 Michigan
Andrew L Pringle Father-in-law M 92 Canada
Elberta Lauce Granddaughter F 10 Michigan
Citing this Record:
"United States Census, 1930", database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Mary Nelson in entry for Harvey J Nelson, 1930. |
Death | Name: Mary Patience Lanee Nelson
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 18 Jan 1942
Event Place: Buckley, Wexford, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 78
Marital Status:
Birth Date: 08 May 1863
Birthplace: Saint Joseph, Michigan
Birth Year (Estimated): 1864
Father's Name: Andrew Pringle
Mother's Name: Frances Haines
GS Film number: 1972953
Digital Folder Number: 005240265
Image Number: 02015
Citing this Record:
"Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2016), Mary Patience Lanee Nelson, 18 Jan 1942; citing Buckley, Wexford, Michigan, United States, Division fo r Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing; FHL microfilm 1,972,953. |