Clara L. LamphierAge: 881890–1978
- Name
- Clara L. Lamphier
Birth | 13 October 1890 Arcadia Township, Lapeer County, Michigan
Name: Clara L Lamphire
Name: Clara L Lamphire
Event Type: Birth
Event Date: 13 Oct 1890
Event Place: Arcadia Township, Lapeer, Michigan, United States
Event Place (Original): Arcadia, Lapeer, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Father's Name: Royal Lamphire
Father's Birthplace: Michigan
Mother's Name: Rebecca Snider
Mother's Birthplace: Michigan
Digital Folder Number: 005191137
Image Number: 00351
Record Number: 1
"Michigan, County Births, 1867-1917," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 18 November 2020), Clara L Lamphire, 13 Oct 1890; citing Birth, various county courts, Michigan. |
Marriage | Marvin William Spears - View family 24 January 1911 (Age 20) Flint, Genesee County. Michigan
Date from obit
Date from obit
Name: Marvin W. Spears
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 24 Jan 1911
Event Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Gender: Male
Age: 22y
Birth Date: 1889
Birthplace: Michigan
Marriage Date: 24 Jan 1911
Marriage Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Father's Name: C. C. Spears
Mother's Name: ...tella Hewitt
Spouse's Name: Clara L. Lampin
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 20y
Spouse's Birth Date: 1891
Spouse's Father's Name: Royal Lampin
Spouse's Mother's Name: Snyder
Source Reference: v 2 p 287 rn 9640
GS Film Number: 2342692
Digital Folder Number: 4209152
Image Number: 555
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01742-0
Record Number: 28
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 2 April 2020), Marvin W. Spears and Clara L. Lampin, 24 Jan 1911; citing Marriage, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, , Citin g Secretary of State, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 4209152. |
Birth of a son #1 | 5 December 1911 (Age 21) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich
son -
Walter William Spears
Birth of a daughter #2 | 25 February 1915 (Age 24) Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
daughter -
Evelyn R. Spears
Birth of a son #3 | 19 May 1917 (Age 26) Michigan
son -
Marvin William Spears
Birth of a son #4 | 19 May 1917 (Age 26) St. Clair Heights, Michigan according to obit
son -
Marvin William Spears
Birth of a son #5 | 20 January 1921 (Age 30) Flint, Genesee County, Michigan
son -
Wesley Benjamin Spears
Death of a husband | 28 October 1926 (Age 36) Hurley hosp Genesee Co. Mich (obit)
husband -
Marvin William Spears
Burial of a husband | 30 October 1926 (Age 36) Mt. Morris, Genesse Co., Michigan
husband -
Marvin William Spears
Marriage of a son | Walter William Spears - View family 10 August 1929 (Age 38)
son -
Walter William Spears
daughter-in-law -
Muriel Molt
Census | 1930 (Age 39) Flint City, Genesee County, Michigan
Name: Clara L Spears
Name: Clara L Spears
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 39
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1891
Birthplace: Michigan
Father's Birthplace: Michigan
Mother's Birthplace: Michigan
Sheet Letter: B
Sheet Number: 19
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Clara L Spears | Head | F | 39 | Michigan </row>
<row> Walter Spears | Son | M | 18 | Michigan </row>
<row> Evelyn Spears | Daughter | F | 15 | Michigan </row>
<row> Marvin Spears | Son | M | 12 | Michigan </row>
<row> Wesley Spears | Son | M | 9 | Michigan </row>
<row> Clayton Strohm | Border | M | 20 | Michigan </row>
<row> John Chaffee | Border | M | 26 | Michigan </row>
<row> Elva Chaffee | Border | F | 27 | Michigan </row>
<row> Muriel Spears | Daugh-in-law | F | 18 | New York </row>
District: ED 30
Sheet Number and Letter: 19B
Household ID: 485
Line Number: 53
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 985
GS Film Number: 2340720
Digital Folder Number: 004951141
Image Number: 00175
"United States Census, 1930," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 December 2019), Muriel Spears in household of Clara L Spears, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States; citin g enumeration district (ED) ED 30, sheet 19B, line 61, family 485, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 985; FHL microfilm 2,340,720.
Name: Clara L Spears
Sex: Female
Age: 39
Birth Year (Estimated): 1891
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship Code: Head
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States
Sheet Letter: B
Sheet Number: 19
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Walter Spears | Son | M | 18 | Michigan </row>
<row> Evelyn Spears | Daughter | F | 15 | Michigan </row>
<row> Marvin Spears | Son | M | 12 | Michigan </row>
<row> Wesley Spears | Son | M | 9 | Michigan </row>
<row> Clayton Strohm | | M | 20 | Michigan </row>
<row> John Chaffee | | M | 26 | Michigan </row>
<row> Elva Chaffee | | F | 27 | Michigan </row>
<row> Muriel Spears | | F | 18 | New York </row>
Household Identifier: 485
Line Number: 53
Sheet Number and Letter: 19B
Affiliate Film Number: 985
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Digital Folder Number: 004951141
Microfilm Number: 2340720
Image Number: 00175
Indexing Batch: N03861-0
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1930," database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : accessed 17 April 2023), Clara L Spears, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) E D 30, sheet 19B, line 53, family 485, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 985; FHL microfilm 2,340,720. |
Death | 31 December 1978 (Age 88) Genesee County, Michigan |
Burial | Mt. Morris Cemetary, Mt. Morris, Genesse Co. Mich |
Globally unique identifier | 513C4EEA41793044826FF6C5839EA18BECA6 |
Last change | 17 April 2023 - 12:41:08 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
Marriage: yes |
#1 herself |
Clara L. Lamphier
Birth 13 October 1890 Arcadia Township, Lapeer County, Michigan
Death 31 December 1978 (Age 88) Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
Family with Marvin William Spears - View family |
husband |
Marvin William Spears
Birth 25 May 1889 31 29 Midland, Michigan
Death 28 October 1926 (Age 37) Hurley hosp Genesee Co. Mich (obit) Loading...
17 months herself |
Clara L. Lamphier
Birth 13 October 1890 Arcadia Township, Lapeer County, Michigan
Death 31 December 1978 (Age 88) Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 24 January 1911 — Flint, Genesee County. Michigan |
10 months #1 son |
Walter William Spears
Birth 5 December 1911 22 21 Flint, Genesee Co. Mich
Death 2 June 2002 (Age 90) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
3 years #2 daughter |
Evelyn R. Spears
Birth 25 February 1915 25 24 Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
Death 9 April 1999 (Age 84) Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
2 years #3 son |
Marvin William Spears
Birth 19 May 1917 27 26 Michigan
Death 28 December 2001 (Age 84) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
4 years #4 son |
Wesley Benjamin Spears
Birth 20 January 1921 31 30 Flint, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 16 July 2018 (Age 97) Grand Blanc, Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
Birth | Name: Clara L Lamphire
Event Type: Birth
Event Date: 13 Oct 1890
Event Place: Arcadia Township, Lapeer, Michigan, United States
Event Place (Original): Arcadia, Lapeer, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Father's Name: Royal Lamphire
Father's Birthplace: Michigan
Mother's Name: Rebecca Snider
Mother's Birthplace: Michigan
Digital Folder Number: 005191137
Image Number: 00351
Record Number: 1
"Michigan, County Births, 1867-1917," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 18 November 2020), Clara L Lamphire, 13 Oct 1890; citing Birth, various county courts, Michigan. |
Marriage | Date from obit
Name: Marvin W. Spears
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 24 Jan 1911
Event Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Gender: Male
Age: 22y
Birth Date: 1889
Birthplace: Michigan
Marriage Date: 24 Jan 1911
Marriage Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Father's Name: C. C. Spears
Mother's Name: ...tella Hewitt
Spouse's Name: Clara L. Lampin
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 20y
Spouse's Birth Date: 1891
Spouse's Father's Name: Royal Lampin
Spouse's Mother's Name: Snyder
Source Reference: v 2 p 287 rn 9640
GS Film Number: 2342692
Digital Folder Number: 4209152
Image Number: 555
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01742-0
Record Number: 28
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 2 April 2020), Marvin W. Spears and Clara L. Lampin, 24 Jan 1911; citing Marriage, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, , Citin g Secretary of State, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 4209152. |
Marriage | Date from obit
Name: Marvin W. Spears
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 24 Jan 1911
Event Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Gender: Male
Age: 22y
Birth Date: 1889
Birthplace: Michigan
Marriage Date: 24 Jan 1911
Marriage Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Father's Name: C. C. Spears
Mother's Name: ...tella Hewitt
Spouse's Name: Clara L. Lampin
Spouse's Gender: Female
Spouse's Age: 20y
Spouse's Birth Date: 1891
Spouse's Father's Name: Royal Lampin
Spouse's Mother's Name: Snyder
Source Reference: v 2 p 287 rn 9640
GS Film Number: 2342692
Digital Folder Number: 4209152
Image Number: 555
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01742-0
Record Number: 28
"Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : 2 April 2020), Marvin W. Spears and Clara L. Lampin, 24 Jan 1911; citing Marriage, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, , Citin g Secretary of State, Department of Vital Records, Lansing; FHL microfilm 4209152. |
Census | Name: Clara L Spears
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 39
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1891
Birthplace: Michigan
Father's Birthplace: Michigan
Mother's Birthplace: Michigan
Sheet Letter: B
Sheet Number: 19
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Clara L Spears | Head | F | 39 | Michigan </row>
<row> Walter Spears | Son | M | 18 | Michigan </row>
<row> Evelyn Spears | Daughter | F | 15 | Michigan </row>
<row> Marvin Spears | Son | M | 12 | Michigan </row>
<row> Wesley Spears | Son | M | 9 | Michigan </row>
<row> Clayton Strohm | Border | M | 20 | Michigan </row>
<row> John Chaffee | Border | M | 26 | Michigan </row>
<row> Elva Chaffee | Border | F | 27 | Michigan </row>
<row> Muriel Spears | Daugh-in-law | F | 18 | New York </row>
District: ED 30
Sheet Number and Letter: 19B
Household ID: 485
Line Number: 53
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 985
GS Film Number: 2340720
Digital Folder Number: 004951141
Image Number: 00175
"United States Census, 1930," database with images, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 16 December 2019), Muriel Spears in household of Clara L Spears, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States; citin g enumeration district (ED) ED 30, sheet 19B, line 61, family 485, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 985; FHL microfilm 2,340,720.
Name: Clara L Spears
Sex: Female
Age: 39
Birth Year (Estimated): 1891
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship Code: Head
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States
Sheet Letter: B
Sheet Number: 19
<row> <b>Household </b> | <b>Role </b> | <b>Sex </b> | <b>Age </b> | <b>Birthplace </b> </row>
<row> Walter Spears | Son | M | 18 | Michigan </row>
<row> Evelyn Spears | Daughter | F | 15 | Michigan </row>
<row> Marvin Spears | Son | M | 12 | Michigan </row>
<row> Wesley Spears | Son | M | 9 | Michigan </row>
<row> Clayton Strohm | | M | 20 | Michigan </row>
<row> John Chaffee | | M | 26 | Michigan </row>
<row> Elva Chaffee | | F | 27 | Michigan </row>
<row> Muriel Spears | | F | 18 | New York </row>
Household Identifier: 485
Line Number: 53
Sheet Number and Letter: 19B
Affiliate Film Number: 985
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Digital Folder Number: 004951141
Microfilm Number: 2340720
Image Number: 00175
Indexing Batch: N03861-0
Citing this Record
"United States Census, 1930," database with images, <i>FamilySearch </i>( : accessed 17 April 2023), Clara L Spears, Flint, Genesee, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) E D 30, sheet 19B, line 53, family 485, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 985; FHL microfilm 2,340,720. |