Matilda A CummingsAge: 431860–1903
- Name
- Matilda A Cummings
Birth | 1860 29 25 Michigan |
Birth of a sister | 24 January 1862 (Age 2) Michigan
younger sister -
Ida Mae Cummings
Birth of a brother | January 1864 (Age 4) Freeland, Saginaw Co., Michigan
younger brother -
Clarence Russel Cummings
Birth of a brother | 1867 (Age 7) Lyons, Ionia County, Michigan
younger brother -
Ona Cummings
Death of a brother | 20 June 1869 (Age 9) Lyons, Ionia County, Michigan
younger brother -
Ona Cummings
Death of a maternal grandmother | before 1870 (Age 10)
maternal grandmother -
Temperance Ferguson
Birth of a brother | 2 February 1871 (Age 11) Saginaw County, Michigan
younger brother -
Fred Grant Cummings
Death of a maternal grandfather | 1 July 1873 (Age 13) Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan
maternal grandfather -
John Teachout
Death of a mother | 11 April 1892 (Age 32) Richfield, Genesee Co., Michigan
mother -
Mary Ann Teachout
Death | before 1903 (Age 43) Note: The reason for this guess is that her father's 1903 death cert states that he had 7 children, 5 living. This info was entered by Matilda's brother Clarence.She doesn't appear in the household in 1880, but she would have been 20 years old. |
Globally unique identifier | 47D86E3E92AB4376BDA25F1A9BAB414F6F87 |
Last change | 18 March 2023 - 20:56:06 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
William Grant Cummings
Birth 4 June 1830 New York
Death 7 March 1903 (Age 72) Mount Morris, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
5 years mother |
Mary Ann Teachout
Birth about 1835 36 Canada
Death 11 April 1892 (Age 57) Richfield, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 15 September 1855 — Flint City, Genesee County, Michigan |
23 months #1 elder brother |
Franklin Hibbard Cummings
Birth 29 August 1857 27 22 Genesee County, Michigan
Death 28 May 1941 (Age 83) Jackson Co., Michigan Loading...
17 months #2 elder brother |
Jerome M. Cummings
Birth 27 January 1859 28 24 Michigan
Death 26 May 1912 (Age 53) Otisville, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
11 months #3 herself |
Matilda A Cummings
Birth 1860 29 25 Michigan
Death before 1903 (Age 43) Loading...
2 years #4 younger sister |
Ida Mae Cummings
Birth 24 January 1862 31 27 Michigan
Death 5 February 1935 (Age 73) Clackamas, Oregon, United States Loading...
23 months #5 younger brother |
Clarence Russel Cummings
Birth January 1864 33 29 Freeland, Saginaw Co., Michigan
Death 16 August 1917 (Age 53) Mt. Dora, Lake County, Florida Loading...
3 years #6 younger brother |
Ona Cummings
Birth 1867 36 32 Lyons, Ionia County, Michigan
Death 20 June 1869 (Age 2) Lyons, Ionia County, Michigan Loading...
4 years #7 younger brother |
Fred Grant Cummings
Birth 2 February 1871 40 36 Saginaw County, Michigan
Death 1 March 1949 (Age 78) Seattle, King Co., Washington Loading...
Death | The reason for this guess is that her father's 1903 death cert states that he had 7 children, 5 living. This info was entered by Matilda's brother Clarence.She doesn't appear in the household in 1880, but she would have been 20 years old. |