Erma M GravesAge: 831916–1999
- Name
- Erma M Graves
Birth | 9 January 1916 Flint, Genesee County, Michigan |
Birth of a son #1 | 9 November 1935 (Age 19) Montrose, Genesee County, Michigan |
Death of a husband | 25 January 1998 (Age 82)
husband -
Ralph Carlton Hewitt
Death | 15 April 1999 (Age 83)
Flint Journal, The (MI) - April 15, 1999
Flint Journal, The (MI) - April 15, 1999
Deceased Name: HEWITT
HEWITT, Erma M. - Of Clio, age 83, died Monday, April 12, 1999 at her residence. Funeral services will be held at 11AM Friday, April 16, 1999 at the Whipple-O'Guinn Family Funeral Home in Clio, Rev. James Britt officiating. Burial in West Vienn a Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday from 2-9PM. Memorial contributions may be made to West Vienna United Methodist Church.
Mrs. Hewitt was born January 9, 1916 in Flint, Michigan to Harry and Doris (Vincent) Graves. She had resided in the Clio-Montrose area most of her life. Erma married Ralph C. Hewitt February 19, 1932. He preceded her in death January 25, 1998. M rs. Hewitt was a member of the West Vienna United Methodist Church in Clio. Surviving are: son, Sonny and wife Gail Hewitt of Naples, FL; daughter, Jane and husband Bob Richardson of Clio; 6 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; sister, Margare t Baker of Fl; 4 sisters-in-law; 2 brothers-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Name: Mrs Erma M Hewitt
Event Type: Obituary
Event Date: 15 Apr 1999
Event Place: Michigan, United States
Residence Place: Clio
Gender: Female
Age: 83
Birth Date: 09 Jan 1916
Birthplace: Flint, Michigan
Death Date: 12 Apr 1999
Death Place: Clio
Newspaper: Flint Journal, The
Spouse and Children
Ralph C Hewitt Husband Male
Sonny Hewitt Son Male
Jane Richardson Daughter Female
Parents and Siblings
Harry Graves Father Male
Doris Vincent Graves Mother Female
Margaret Baker Sister Female
Extended Family
Gail Hewitt Daughter-In-Law Female
Bob Richardson Son-In-Law Male
Others on Record
Rev James Britt Nonrelative Male
Citing this Record:
"United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 October 2016), Mrs Erma M Hewitt, Michigan, United States, 15 Apr 1999; from "Recent Newspaper Obitu aries (1977 - Today)," database, ( : 2014); citing Flint Journal, The, born-digital text.
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Globally unique identifier | 37BEC55024434B32868A76E720852FB3E206 |
Last change | 3 June 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
Marriage: yes |
#1 herself |
Erma M Graves
Birth 9 January 1916 Flint, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 15 April 1999 (Age 83) Loading...
Family with Ralph Carlton Hewitt - View family |
husband |
Ralph Carlton Hewitt
Birth 4 May 1914 32 29 Michigan
Death 25 January 1998 (Age 83) Loading...
20 months herself |
Erma M Graves
Birth 9 January 1916 Flint, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 15 April 1999 (Age 83) Loading...
#1 daughter |
#2 son |
Ralph Carlton "Sonny" Hewitt
Birth 9 November 1935 21 19 Montrose, Genesee County, Michigan
Death 3 April 2010 (Age 74) Loading...
Death | Flint Journal, The (MI) - April 15, 1999
Deceased Name: HEWITT
HEWITT, Erma M. - Of Clio, age 83, died Monday, April 12, 1999 at her residence. Funeral services will be held at 11AM Friday, April 16, 1999 at the Whipple-O'Guinn Family Funeral Home in Clio, Rev. James Britt officiating. Burial in West Vienn a Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday from 2-9PM. Memorial contributions may be made to West Vienna United Methodist Church.
Mrs. Hewitt was born January 9, 1916 in Flint, Michigan to Harry and Doris (Vincent) Graves. She had resided in the Clio-Montrose area most of her life. Erma married Ralph C. Hewitt February 19, 1932. He preceded her in death January 25, 1998. M rs. Hewitt was a member of the West Vienna United Methodist Church in Clio. Surviving are: son, Sonny and wife Gail Hewitt of Naples, FL; daughter, Jane and husband Bob Richardson of Clio; 6 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; sister, Margare t Baker of Fl; 4 sisters-in-law; 2 brothers-in-law; and several nieces and nephews.
Name: Mrs Erma M Hewitt
Event Type: Obituary
Event Date: 15 Apr 1999
Event Place: Michigan, United States
Residence Place: Clio
Gender: Female
Age: 83
Birth Date: 09 Jan 1916
Birthplace: Flint, Michigan
Death Date: 12 Apr 1999
Death Place: Clio
Newspaper: Flint Journal, The
Spouse and Children
Ralph C Hewitt Husband Male
Sonny Hewitt Son Male
Jane Richardson Daughter Female
Parents and Siblings
Harry Graves Father Male
Doris Vincent Graves Mother Female
Margaret Baker Sister Female
Extended Family
Gail Hewitt Daughter-In-Law Female
Bob Richardson Son-In-Law Male
Others on Record
Rev James Britt Nonrelative Male
Citing this Record:
"United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 25 October 2016), Mrs Erma M Hewitt, Michigan, United States, 15 Apr 1999; from "Recent Newspaper Obitu aries (1977 - Today)," database, ( : 2014); citing Flint Journal, The, born-digital text.
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