Marvin William SpearsAge: 841917–2001
- Name
- Marvin William Spears
- Given names
- Marvin William
- Surname
- Spears
Birth | 19 May 1917 27 26 Michigan |
Birth | 19 May 1917 27 26 St. Clair Heights, Michigan according to obit |
Death of a paternal grandmother | 24 July 1918 (Age 14 months) St. Clair Heights, Wayne Co. Mi
paternal grandmother -
Della A. Hewitt
Birth of a brother | about 1921 (Age 3) Michigan
younger brother -
Wesley B. Spears
Death of a father | 28 October 1926 (Age 9) Hurley hosp Genesee Co. Mich (obit)
father -
Marvin William Spears
Death of a paternal grandfather | 24 May 1936 (Age 19) Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan
paternal grandfather -
Cortez Clark Spears
Military | World War II 1943 (Age 25) |
Death of a wife | 21 August 1975 (Age 58)
wife -
Leota Delores Brooks
Death of a mother | 31 December 1978 (Age 61) Genesee Co. Mich
mother -
Clara L. Lamphier
Death of a sister | 9 April 1999 (Age 81) Genesee Co. Mich
elder sister -
Evelyn R. Spears
Burial of a sister | 12 April 1999 (Age 81) Mt. Morris Cemetary, Mt. Morris, Genesse Co. Mich
elder sister -
Evelyn R. Spears
Living | LKA 2205 McKinley Rd Flushing, Mich |
Death | 28 December 2001 (Age 84) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich |
Death | 28 December 2001 (Age 84) Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Genesee Co. Mich |
Burial | 31 December 2001 (3 days after death) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich |
Burial | 31 December 2001 (3 days after death) Crestwood Cemetery, Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Note: Pastor Doug Klein offciating |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Marvin William Spears
Birth 25 May 1889 31 29 Midland Michigan according to obit
Death 28 October 1926 (Age 37) Hurley hosp Genesee Co. Mich (obit) Loading...
17 months mother |
Clara L. Lamphier
Birth 13 October 1890
Death 31 December 1978 (Age 88) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 24 January 1911 — Genesee Co. Mich |
10 months #1 elder brother |
Walter William Spears
Birth 5 December 1911 22 21 Flint, Genesee Co. Mich
Death 2 June 2002 (Age 90) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
3 years #2 elder sister |
Evelyn R. Spears
Birth 25 February 1915 25 24 Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
Death 9 April 1999 (Age 84) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
2 years #3 himself |
Marvin William Spears
Birth 19 May 1917 27 26 Michigan
Death 28 December 2001 (Age 84) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
4 years #4 younger brother |
Wesley B. Spears
Birth about 1921 31 30 Michigan
Death yes Loading...
Family with Leota Delores Brooks - View family |
himself |
Marvin William Spears
Birth 19 May 1917 27 26 Michigan
Death 28 December 2001 (Age 84) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
13 months wife |
Leota Delores Brooks
Birth 25 June 1918 Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death 21 August 1975 (Age 57) Loading...
#1 son |
#2 son |
#3 daughter |
Note | Social Security Number: 368-07-5687
Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 48506
Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Northeast, Genesee, Michigan
Social Security Number: 368-07-5687
Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 48506
Flint, Genesee, Michigan
Northeast, Genesee, Michigan
Flint Journal, The (MI) - December 30, 2001
SPEARS, Marvin W. - Of Flint, age 84, died Friday, December 28, 2001 at Hurley Medical Center. Funeral service will be held at 2PM Monday, December 31, 2001 at the Swartz Funeral Home, 1225 West Hill Road, Pastor Doug Klein officiating. Burial in Crestwood Cemetery. Those desiring may make contributions to the American Cancer Society. Visitation 4-8PM Sunday and 12PM Monday until the time of the service at the funeral home. Mr. Spears was born in St. Clair Heights, Michigan on May 19, 1917 and... |
Burial | Pastor Doug Klein offciating |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier97A4AE8A625B6D49B4B870EA3184A7767ED4
Last change 3 March 2013
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