Lois M GustafsonAge: 481922–1971
- Name
- Lois M Gustafson
- Given names
- Lois M
- Surname
- Gustafson
Birth | 2 February 1922 26 26 Pennsylvania Note: Birthdate from marriage application. |
Birth of a sister | 10 March 1924 (Age 2) West Mifflin, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
younger sister -
Evelyn R Gustafson
Death of a paternal grandmother | 8 September 1933 (Age 11) Munhall, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
paternal grandmother -
Lena "Karolina" Luther
Death of a paternal grandfather | 9 February 1942 (Age 20) Homestead, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
paternal grandfather -
Gustave Gustafson
Death of a father | 14 February 1954 (Age 32) Honolulu, Honolulu Co., Hawaii
father -
Martin Joel Gustafson
Death | 1971 (Age 48)
I have Lois' death from Emily Park, Lois' grt-niece. Emily sent me an email on:
I have Lois' death from Emily Park, Lois' grt-niece. Emily sent me an email on:
"I see you have her siblings(Martin Lee "Bud", Lois and Evelyn) on your tree as private. They have all passed away. Bud was on June 12, 2003, Lois was in 1972 and Evelyn was on November 12, 2013. I do have their dates of birth if you don't."
Name: Lois M Durst
Maiden Name:
Event Type: Burial
Event Date:
Event Place: Pleasant Hills, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Photograph Included: Y
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Affiliate Record Identifier: 58790448
Cemetery: Jefferson Memorial Park
Citing this Record:
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QV29-5JXY : accessed 4 January 2016), Lois M Durst, ; Burial, Pleasant Hills, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Jefferson Memorial Park; citing record ID 58790448, Find a Grave, http://www.findagrave.com. |
Burial | 1971 (on the date of death) Pleasant Hills, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: Jefferson Memorial Park Note: Plot: Section G29 OAK KNOLL Lot 560 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Martin Joel Gustafson
Birth February 1896 26 23 Pennsylvania
Death 14 February 1954 (Age 58) Honolulu, Honolulu Co., Hawaii Loading...
-5 months mother |
Inez Scannell
Birth 10 September 1895 30 24 Pennsylvania
Death 23 June 1984 (Age 88) Jefferson Bourough, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
Marriage: about 1918 |
1 year #1 elder sister |
Dorothy Inez Gustafson
Birth 16 January 1919 22 23 Mifflin, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death 6 November 1995 (Age 76) Munhall, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Loading...
20 months #2 elder brother |
Martin Lee "Bud" Gustafson
Birth 21 September 1920 24 25 Pennsylvania
Death 12 June 2003 (Age 82) Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
16 months #3 herself |
Lois M Gustafson
Birth 2 February 1922 26 26 Pennsylvania
Death 1971 (Age 48) Loading...
2 years #4 younger sister |
Evelyn R Gustafson
Birth 10 March 1924 28 28 West Mifflin, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death 12 November 2013 (Age 89) Loading...
Father’s family with Carrie … - View family |
father |
Martin Joel Gustafson
Birth February 1896 26 23 Pennsylvania
Death 14 February 1954 (Age 58) Honolulu, Honolulu Co., Hawaii Loading...
6 years step-mother |
#1 half-brother |
Family with Private - View family |
husband |
herself |
Lois M Gustafson
Birth 2 February 1922 26 26 Pennsylvania
Death 1971 (Age 48) Loading...
Birth | Birthdate from marriage application. |
Death | I have Lois' death from Emily Park, Lois' grt-niece. Emily sent me an email on:
"I see you have her siblings(Martin Lee "Bud", Lois and Evelyn) on your tree as private. They have all passed away. Bud was on June 12, 2003, Lois was in 1972 and Evelyn was on November 12, 2013. I do have their dates of birth if you don't."
Name: Lois M Durst
Maiden Name:
Event Type: Burial
Event Date:
Event Place: Pleasant Hills, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Photograph Included: Y
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Affiliate Record Identifier: 58790448
Cemetery: Jefferson Memorial Park
Citing this Record:
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QV29-5JXY : accessed 4 January 2016), Lois M Durst, ; Burial, Pleasant Hills, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Jefferson Memorial Park; citing record ID 58790448, Find a Grave, http://www.findagrave.com. |
Burial | Plot: Section G29 OAK KNOLL Lot 560 |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier1624B937BD744C4BB540AD3E460CC24F3593
Last change 1 June 2019
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