Evelyn R. SpearsAge: 841915–1999
- Name
- Evelyn R. Spears
- Given names
- Evelyn R.
- Surname
- Spears
Birth | 25 February 1915 25 24 Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan |
Birth of a brother | 19 May 1917 (Age 2) Michigan
younger brother -
Marvin William Spears
Birth of a brother | 19 May 1917 (Age 2) St. Clair Heights, Michigan according to obit
younger brother -
Marvin William Spears
Death of a paternal grandmother | 24 July 1918 (Age 3) St. Clair Heights, Wayne Co. Mi
paternal grandmother -
Della A. Hewitt
Birth of a brother | about 1921 (Age 5) Michigan
younger brother -
Wesley B. Spears
Death of a father | 28 October 1926 (Age 11) Hurley hosp Genesee Co. Mich (obit)
father -
Marvin William Spears
Marriage | Maynard E. Coe - View family 20 March 1934 (Age 19) Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan |
Birth of a son #1 | 1 May 1935 (Age 20)
son -
Marvin Richard Coe
Death of a paternal grandfather | 24 May 1936 (Age 21) Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan
paternal grandfather -
Cortez Clark Spears
Death of a son | 26 May 1936 (Age 21) Genesee Co. Mich
son -
Marvin Richard Coe
Burial of a son | 29 May 1936 (Age 21) Mt. Morris, Genesse Co. Michigan
son -
Marvin Richard Coe
Birth of a son #2 | 1940 (Age 24)
son -
Wesley W. Coe
Death of a son | 1940 (Age 24) Genesee Co. Mich
son -
Wesley W. Coe
Death of a mother | 31 December 1978 (Age 63) Genesee Co. Mich
mother -
Clara L. Lamphier
Death of a husband | 7 March 1994 (Age 79) Genesee Co. Mich
husband -
Maynard E. Coe
Death | 9 April 1999 (Age 84) Genesee Co. Mich Address: Hurley Medical Center |
Burial | 12 April 1999 (3 days after death) Mt. Morris Cemetary, Mt. Morris, Genesse Co. Mich |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Marvin William Spears
Birth 25 May 1889 31 29 Midland Michigan according to obit
Death 28 October 1926 (Age 37) Hurley hosp Genesee Co. Mich (obit) Loading...
17 months mother |
Clara L. Lamphier
Birth 13 October 1890
Death 31 December 1978 (Age 88) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 24 January 1911 — Genesee Co. Mich |
10 months #1 elder brother |
Walter William Spears
Birth 5 December 1911 22 21 Flint, Genesee Co. Mich
Death 2 June 2002 (Age 90) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
3 years #2 herself |
Evelyn R. Spears
Birth 25 February 1915 25 24 Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
Death 9 April 1999 (Age 84) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
2 years #3 younger brother |
Marvin William Spears
Birth 19 May 1917 27 26 Michigan
Death 28 December 2001 (Age 84) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
4 years #4 younger brother |
Wesley B. Spears
Birth about 1921 31 30 Michigan
Death yes Loading...
Family with Maynard E. Coe - View family |
husband |
Maynard E. Coe
Birth 19 January 1915
Death 7 March 1994 (Age 79) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
1 month herself |
Evelyn R. Spears
Birth 25 February 1915 25 24 Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
Death 9 April 1999 (Age 84) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 20 March 1934 — Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan |
13 months #1 son |
Marvin Richard Coe
Birth 1 May 1935 20 20
Death 26 May 1936 (Age 12 months) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
5 years #2 son |
Wesley W. Coe
Birth 1940 24 24
Death 1940 Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Note |
Flint Journal, The (MI) - April 11, 1999
COE, Evelyn R. - Of Genesee County, age 84, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Friday, April 9, 1999 at Hurley Medical Center. Funeral service will be held at 1PM Monday, April 12, 1999 at Harmony Baptist Church, 5106 East Bristol Road in Burton, Pastor Steve Reid officiating. Burial in Mt. Morris Cemetery. Those desiring may make contributions to the Benevolence Fund c/o Harmony Baptist Church. Visitation 6-9PM Saturday and 12Noon-9PM Sunday at the Swartz Funeral Home, 1225 West Hill...
COE, Evelyn R. - Of Genesee County, age 84, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Friday, April 9, 1999 at Hurley Medical Center. Funeral service will be held at 1PM Monday, April 12, 1999 at Harmony Baptist Church, 5106 East Bristol Road in Burton, Pastor Steve Reid officiating. Burial in Mt. Morris Cemetery. Those desiring may make contributions to the Benevolence Fund c/o Harmony Baptist Church. Visitation 6-9PM Saturday and 12Noon-9PM Sunday at the Swartz Funeral Home, 1225 West Hill Road. Mrs. Coe will be at the church from 12Noon Monday until the time of the service. She was born in Detroit, Michigan on February 25, 1915. She married Maynard Coe on March 20, 1934 in Flint. She was a member of Harmony Baptist Church. Mrs. Coe enjoyed knitting and crocheting; many of those items were donated to The Salvation Army and other charitable organizations. Surviving are 2 daughters, Joann Curtiss of Genesee County, NormaJean and husband Frank Oreskovich of Ontario; grandchildren, Carol Keltner and friend John, Sandy and husband Sonny Bancroft, Karen and husband Randy Schofield, Barb Gray, all of Flint, Pam and husband Dave Linhart of Glendale, Arizona, David and wife Tara Curtiss of Flushing, Michael Oreskovich, John and wife Olive Oreskovich, Mark and wife Patti Oreskovich, Debbi Oreskovich and friend Mariusz, all of Ontario; great-grandchildren, Daniel, Matthew and Rachel Keltner, Sarah and Stacey Bancroft, Timothy and Anna Collick, Lindsey, Jacob, Josh Schofield, Julie, Aaron and David Gilbert, Kailee and Brian Linhart, Chad Curtiss, Cori and Mark Oreskovich, Diana and Grant Oreskovich; great-great-granddaughter, Faith Elizabeth; 3 brothers, Walter and wife Muriel Spears, Marvin and friend Dorothy, all of Flint, Wesley and wife Betty of Grand Blanc; sister-in-law, Alice Michels of Kalamazoo; special friends, Irene Miller, Ruth Edwards, Rick Keltner, June and Ed Clark, Mary Butler and her church family; special little friend, Kristle; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, Maynard, in 1994; 2 sons and 1 grandson. |
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Globally unique identifier8DF6197FA587E04CAFF2A86628139DD4CEEB
Last change 16 February 2013
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