James A PringleAge: 781833–1911
- Name
- James A Pringle
Birth | 8 June 1833 33 29 Napanee, Ontario, Canada West |
Birth of a sister | 27 April 1835 (Age 22 months) Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Janet Pringle
Birth of a brother | 1838 (Age 4) Ontario, Canada, British North America
younger brother -
William Alexander Prindle
Birth of a sister | 1841 (Age 7)
younger sister -
Henrietta Pringle
Birth of a sister | 1843 (Age 9) Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Helen Amelia Pringle
Birth of a sister | July 1846 (Age 13) Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
younger sister -
Charlotte E Pringle
Marriage | Mary Harris - View family 1856 (Age 22) |
Birth of a son #1 | March 1858 (Age 24) New York
son -
Eugene A Pringle
Death of a brother | May 1858 (Age 24) Ontario, Canada, British North America
younger brother -
William Alexander Prindle
Death of a sister | 11 January 1907 (Age 73) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
elder sister -
Sarah Jane Pringle
Death | 6 November 1911 (Age 78) Carthage, New York |
Burial | Wilna, Jefferson County, New York Address: Fairview Cemetery
Globally unique identifier | 4C6E7C800F604A609C6BFE67AF8BDD146681 |
Last change | 7 July 2019 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Daniel Prindle
Birth 1800 39 Ontario, Canada, British North America
4 years mother |
Sarah Maria Bell
Birth 1804
Marriage: 28 December 1823 — Belleville, Canada West |
2 years #1 elder sister |
Sarah Jane Pringle
Birth 1826 26 22
Death 11 January 1907 (Age 81) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
4 years #2 elder sister |
Margaret Ann "Maggie" Pringle
Birth 1830 30 26
Death 30 January 1924 (Age 94) Napanee, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #3 elder sister |
Rachel C Pringle
Birth 9 September 1831 31 27 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 2 January 1912 (Age 80) Percy, Northumberland, Ontario Loading...
21 months #4 himself |
James A Pringle
Birth 8 June 1833 33 29 Napanee, Ontario, Canada West
Death 6 November 1911 (Age 78) Carthage, New York Loading...
23 months #5 younger sister |
Janet Pringle
Birth 27 April 1835 35 31 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 19 October 1923 (Age 88) Joliet, Will County, Illinois Loading...
3 years #6 younger brother |
William Alexander Prindle
Birth 1838 38 34 Ontario, Canada, British North America
Death May 1858 (Age 20) Ontario, Canada, British North America Loading...
3 years #7 younger sister |
Henrietta Pringle
Birth 1841 41 37
2 years #8 younger sister |
Helen Amelia Pringle
Birth 1843 43 39 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
4 years #9 younger sister |
Charlotte E Pringle
Birth July 1846 46 42 Napanee, Richmond Township, Canada West
Family with Mary Harris - View family |
himself |
James A Pringle
Birth 8 June 1833 33 29 Napanee, Ontario, Canada West
Death 6 November 1911 (Age 78) Carthage, New York Loading...
-23 months wife |
Mary Harris
Birth 4 July 1831 27 Champion, Jefferson County, New York
Death 17 August 1918 (Age 87) Carthage, New York Loading...
Marriage: 1856 |
2 years #1 son |
Eugene A Pringle
Birth March 1858 24 26 New York
Death 1929 (Age 70) Loading...
Note | JAMES PRINGLE, president of the Carthage National Bank and a leading manufacturer and business man of Carthage, was born June 8, 1833, at Napanee, Province of Ontario, Canada.
His father, Daniel Pringle, was a native of Canada, as was his father before him, the family having emigrated from Scotland among the earlier settlers of the province. Daniel Pringle kept a hotel at Belleville, Canada, and, later, at Napane e, where he died soon after the American civil war, at the age of sixty-five years. His wife Sarah was a native of Canada, a daughter of Colonel Bell, an officer of the British army who settled in Canada after the close of his military service , and passed many years there before his death. Mrs. Pringle died at Napanee in 1865, aged about sixty years, so it appears that both she and her husband were contemporary with the nineteenth century. They were the parents of nine children. Sara h Jane, the eldest of these, is now the widow of George H. Davy, residing in Napanee. Mary Ann, widow of Dr. Thomas Shirley, also resides there. Rachel is the wife of George Jackson, and lives in Michigan. James is the fifth. Janet, Mrs. Charle s Roblin, resides in Wilmington, Illinois. Henrietta died at Napanee, while the wife of John Van Alstine. Amelia, widow of Edward Walker, lives in Chicago. Charlotte is the wife of Robert Webster, of Napanee.
James Pringle is essentially a self-made man. He attended the public scliools of his native village in boyhood, and early set out to make his own way in the world. At the age of sixteen years he secured employment in a general store in hi s native village and held this position seven years. The stability and industry indicated by this fact are the qualifications which have made him foremost among the manufacturers of the thrifty manufacturing village of Carthage.
In 1856 Mr. Pringle came to the United States, and for three years thereafter conducted a livery business at Watertown, this county. This business was moved to Carthage in 1859, and here continued four years. For the next five years he wa s employed as salesman in stores, part of the time in the general store of Ralph Hooker, and part in the clothing store of Horace Hooker. In 1868 Mr. Pringle became a clerk in the office of Brown & Bliss, foundrymcn of Carthage. Within a short t ime thereafter the late Charles P. Ryther purchased the interest of Bliss, and the firm became Brown & Rythfer. Mr. Pringle continued with the firm, and in 1869 bought an interest in the business, the style then becoming Brown, Ryther & Pringle . This continued until 1876, when Brown sold out to the others, and the business was continued under the ownership and management of Ryther & Pringle. After the death of Mr. Ryther in 1897, the firm continued with his son (who had been manager o f his interest for some time) as successor. July I, 1900, the concern was incorporated, under the name of the Ryther & Pringle Company, and Mr. Pringle became president of the Company\* with George D. Ryther as vice-president, and Fred W. Cobur n, secretary and treasurer. Beside doing a general jobbing in foundry and machine work, a large business is kept up in the manu- facture of paper mill machinery, and this plant has grown and pros- pered, along with others in Carthage. To the con servative character of Mr. Pringle and to his industry and upright business methods may be ascribed much of the prosperity of the business.
On the incorporation of the Carthage National Bank in 1887, Mr. Pringle became one of the larger stockholders, and was shortly after made vice-president of the institution, so continuing until the death of its president, the late Gilbert B . Johnson, in 1900, when Mr. Pringle became president. Under the careful supervision of its president, with the able assistance of its cashier, Mr. Fred W. Coburn, the bank main- tains the honorable prestige which it attained under the charge o f Mr. Johnson, and is reckoned among the most solid financial institutions of northern New York. At the outset it had a capital of fifty thousand dollars, which was subsequently doubled, and its loans and discounts now amount to about one-half m illion dollars. At the last report (1903) it had twenty thousand dollars surplus and seventeen thousand dollars undivided profits, and its deposits averaged over four hundred thousand dollars.
Mr. Pringle has taken no active part in partisan struggles, but sus- tains the Democratic party in questions of national principle. He has served as trustee of the village of Carthage, and is now treasurer of the Union School of this villag e. He is a member of Grace Episcopal Church, in which he holds the office of warden. He is a member of Carthage Lodge, No. 158, and Carthage Chapter, No. 259, of the Masonic order, and has been eleven years master of the former, and two years hi gh priest of the latter body.
He was married in 1856 to Mary, daughter of Asa and Electa Harris, of Champion, in which town Mrs. Pringle was born. Asa Harris was a farmer in Champion, and passed his last years on a small farm adjacent to the city of Watertown, where h e died at the age of eighty-four years, in 1888. Electa Harris died in October, 1857, Mr. Harris was twice married after that. One of his sons, A. M, Harris, is a resident of Watertown. Another, Zebediah, lives in Rochester, this state, and a t hird, George, is a farmer of the town of Russell, this county. A daughter, Amelia, is the widow of George Freeman, residing in the town of Wilna. An invalid son, Eugene, completes the family of Mr. Pringle.
Genealogical And Family History of the County of Jefferson, New York.New York by Oakes, Rensselaer Allston, 1835-1904, [from old catalog].: The Lewis publishing company,1905. Pages 933-936 |
Burial |