Hannah K. WelchAge: 701825–1895
- Name
- Hannah K. Welch
- Given names
- Hannah K.
- Surname
- Welch
… Welsh
- Name
- … Welsh
- Surname
- Welsh
Birth | 1825 Perry Co., Pennsylvania |
Marriage | Thomas Westcott - View family about 1845 (Age 20) |
Birth of a son #1 | about 1847 (Age 22) Perry Co., Pennsylvania
son -
John Westcott
Birth of a daughter #2 | 19 March 1858 (Age 33) Ohio
daughter -
Arabell Y Westcott
Birth of a daughter #3 | 15 August 1860 (Age 35) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio
daughter -
Hellen F "Hattie" Westcott
Birth of a son #4 | 9 November 1861 (Age 36) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio
son -
Lewis E Westcott
Death of a husband | 29 July 1893 (Age 68) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio
husband -
Thomas Westcott
Death | 14 March 1895 (Age 70) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Robert Welch
Birth Pennsylvania
#1 herself |
Hannah K. Welch
Birth 1825 Perry Co., Pennsylvania
Death 14 March 1895 (Age 70) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio Loading...
Family with Thomas Westcott - View family |
husband |
Thomas Westcott
Birth about 1825 35 25 Vermont
Death 29 July 1893 (Age 68) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio Loading...
herself |
Hannah K. Welch
Birth 1825 Perry Co., Pennsylvania
Death 14 March 1895 (Age 70) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio Loading...
Marriage: about 1845 |
2 years #1 son |
John Westcott
Birth about 1847 22 22 Perry Co., Pennsylvania
Death 1 March 1911 (Age 64) Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio Loading...
11 years #2 daughter |
Arabell Y Westcott
Birth 19 March 1858 33 33 Ohio
Death 21 August 1910 (Age 52) Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio Loading...
2 years #3 daughter |
Hellen F "Hattie" Westcott
Birth 15 August 1860 35 35 Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio
Death 21 June 1948 (Age 87) Loading...
15 months #4 son |
Lewis E Westcott
Birth 9 November 1861 36 36 Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio
Death 7 July 1938 (Age 76) Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio Loading...
Note | Name: Hannah K. Wescott
Gender: Female
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Death Date: 14 Mar 1895
Death Place: Maumee, Lucas, Ohio
Age: 70
Birth Date: 1825
Birthplace: Perry Co., Penn.
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: Robert Welch
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B07088-9
System Origin: Ohio-EASy
Source Film Number: 909032
Reference Number: P. 240
Collection: Ohio Deaths and Burials, 1854-1997 |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifierD420C05CAE294E54AB955636040833BB4FFD
Last change 16 February 2013
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