Christiana LoystAge: 771765–1842
- Name
- Christiana Loyst
Birth | 1765 Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., New York Province |
Marriage | John Diamond - View family May 1786 (Age 21) Montréal, Lower Canada |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 11 May 1793 (Age 28) South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
daughter -
Margarita Diamond
Baptism of a daughter | 11 June 1793 (Age 28) Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
daughter -
Margarita Diamond
Death | 12 January 1842 (Age 77) South Fredericksburgh, Canada |
Globally unique identifier | FA8A5EFBC1A94760B3FC978E62D6B29743DF |
Last change | 16 July 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with John Diamond - View family |
husband |
John Diamond
Birth 1759 Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY Province
Death 1845 (Age 86) South Fredericksburgh, Canada Loading...
6 years herself |
Christiana Loyst
Birth 1765 Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., New York Province
Death 12 January 1842 (Age 77) South Fredericksburgh, Canada Loading...
Marriage: May 1786 — Montréal, Lower Canada |
7 years #1 daughter |
Margarita Diamond
Birth 11 May 1793 34 28 South Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada, British North America
Note | Note about Christiana Loyst Diamond told by her grand-daughter Miss Pringle on Sunday 3rd July 1864 -
<b>Miss Pringle</b> says her grandmother Diamond born Loyce [Loyst]used to act as a spy and ride long distances to give information to the British. Having milk would spill it rather rather than allow Rebs tohave it. She married John Diamond fro m Penn. they settled on Hay Bay.Were both burried on the shore w[h]ere first pitched their tent.Remembers she wore a scarlet cloak. Were simple in their habits, carednot for [torn]ney
<b>Dr. William Canniff Papers
23 interviews, 4 trips and more
189 page manuscript - Folder G6 (8)
</b> |