Levi TinkerAge: 741807–1881
- Name
- Levi Tinker
Birth | 12 October 1807 32 27 Chester, Massachusetts |
Birth of a brother | 16 May 1811 (Age 3) Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts
younger brother -
Sylvester Tinker
Birth of a brother | 30 September 1814 (Age 6) Chester, Massachusetts
younger brother -
William Tinker
Birth of a brother | 18 October 1816 (Age 9) Chester, Massachusetts
younger brother -
Chauncey Tinker
Birth of a brother | 24 May 1819 (Age 11) Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio
younger brother -
Riley Tinker
Death of a father | 9 February 1820 (Age 12) Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio
father -
Sylvester Tinker
Death of a mother | 30 November 1873 (Age 66) Kingsville, Astabula County, Ohio
mother -
Sarah Riley
Death | 3 December 1881 (Age 74) Kingsville, Astabula County, Ohio |
Globally unique identifier | 909FC1A535FC483E80E3195B50863AEB1E51 |
Last change | 31 July 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Sylvester Tinker
Birth 24 December 1774 Lyme, New London, Connecticut
Death 9 February 1820 (Age 45) Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio Loading...
5 years mother |
Sarah Riley
Birth 5 January 1780 Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut
Death 30 November 1873 (Age 93) Kingsville, Astabula County, Ohio Loading...
Marriage: 6 January 1799 — Chester, Massachusetts |
20 months #1 elder sister |
Sally Tinker
Birth 3 September 1800 25 20 Chester, Massachusetts
Death 1890 (Age 89) Loading...
4 years #2 elder sister |
Betsey Tinker
Birth 16 November 1804 29 24 Chester, Massachusetts
Death 17 September 1885 (Age 80) Loading...
3 years #3 himself |
Levi Tinker
Birth 12 October 1807 32 27 Chester, Massachusetts
Death 3 December 1881 (Age 74) Kingsville, Astabula County, Ohio Loading...
4 years #4 younger brother |
Sylvester Tinker
Birth 16 May 1811 36 31 Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts
3 years #5 younger brother |
William Tinker
Birth 30 September 1814 39 34 Chester, Massachusetts
Death 24 September 1889 (Age 74) Pine Run, Genesee County, Michigan Loading...
2 years #6 younger brother |
Chauncey Tinker
Birth 18 October 1816 41 36 Chester, Massachusetts
Death 1911 (Age 94) Loading...
3 years #7 younger brother |
Riley Tinker
Birth 24 May 1819 44 39 Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio
Death 11 June 1897 (Age 78) Loading...