Hattie Mae Spears-RathbunAge: 841867–1951
- Name
- Hattie Mae Spears-Rathbun
Birth | 4 June 1867 33 25 Missouri |
Birth of a brother | 1869 (Age 18 months) Illinois
younger brother -
William Spears-Rathbun
Birth of a sister | 28 December 1871 (Age 4) Pennsylvania
younger sister -
Jennie B Spears-Rathbun
Death of a brother | before 1880 (Age 12)
younger brother -
William Spears-Rathbun
Death of a paternal grandmother | 19 August 1881 (Age 14) Amboy, Ashtabula County, Ohio
paternal grandmother -
Calista M. Rathbun
Marriage | George W Stevenson - View family 19 September 1883 (Age 16) Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania Address: German Reform Church |
Death of a mother | 14 December 1889 (Age 22) Crawford County, Pennslyvania
mother -
Sophrona Taft
Death of a father | 27 June 1913 (Age 46)
father -
Henry Spears-Rathbun
Death of a sister | 1 October 1918 (Age 51) Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania
younger sister -
Jennie B Spears-Rathbun
Death of a brother | February 1943 (Age 75) Cattaraugus County, New York
elder brother -
Charles B Spears-Rathbun
Death | 29 August 1951 (Age 84) Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Page 8, Column 5
Page 8, Column 5
Thursday, 30 August 1951
The Titusville (PA) Herald
Mrs. George W. Stevenson
Mrs. Hattie Mae Stevenson, 84, wife of George W. Stevenson, died at 10:30 o'clock last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold A. Schwartz, 208 Broad street. Mrs. Stevenson had been very active until three months ago.
The deceased was born in Missouri on Jun 4, 1867, a daughter of Henry and Sephronia Taft Rathburn. She came to Titusville with her parents when she was four years of age. She was married to Mr. Stevenson on Sept. 18, 1883, at the German Reform c hurch in Titusville. She has lived here ever since her marriage and would have celebrated her 68th wedding anniversary this year.
Mrs. Stevenson was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was a good mother and a good neighbor always doing something for others. She was a member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, the Mother church of Boston, and the local Y.W.C. A.
Besides her husband and the daughter with whom she and her husband made their home, the deceased leaves two other daughters, Mrs. Henry C. McMaster of Fullerton, Calif., and Mrs. Ernest Gray of Titusville; one granddaughter, Mrs. Phillip Lippiat t of Fullerton. Two sons preceded their mother in death: Chester A. Stevenson in 1918 and Henry G. Stevenson in 1931.
Freinds may call at the M. A. Peterson funeral home at any time and services will be held there at 2 p.m. on Saturday. First Reader, Jack Price of the First Church of Christ will officiate and interment will be in the family plot in Greenwood ce metery. |
Burial | Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania Address: Greenwood Cemetery
Birth: Jun. 4, 1867
Birth: Jun. 4, 1867
Missouri, USA
Death: Aug. 29, 1951
Crawford County
Pennsylvania, USA
Henry Rathburn (1833 - 1913)
George W. Stevenson (1865 - 1952)
Chester Arthur Stevenson (1885 - 1918)\*
Henry George Stevenson (1886 - 1951)\*
Oressa Faith <i>Stevenson</i> Gray (1892 - 1978)\*
Gladys M. <i>Stevenson</i> Schwartz (1896 - 1977)\*
Hattie Mae <i>Rathburn</i> Stevenson (1867 - 1951)
Jennie <i>Rathburn</i> Menter (1871 - 1918)\*
\*Calculated relationship
Greenwood Cemetery
Crawford County
Pennsylvania, USA
Created by: Robert Stevenson-Wedding
Record added: Jul 22, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 94013895
Globally unique identifier | A956991431724D3CA5C5B7ACA6AF74198723 |
Last change | 20 January 2023 - 11:53:47 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Henry Spears-Rathbun
Birth about 1834 25
Death 27 June 1913 (Age 79) Loading...
8 years mother |
Sophrona Taft
Birth 1842 48 Ohio
Death 14 December 1889 (Age 47) Crawford County, Pennslyvania Loading...
Marriage: 12 February 1862 — Springfield, Erie County, Pennsylvania |
2 years #1 elder brother |
Charles B Spears-Rathbun
Birth 5 June 1864 30 22 Ohio
Death February 1943 (Age 78) Cattaraugus County, New York Loading...
3 years #2 herself |
Hattie Mae Spears-Rathbun
Birth 4 June 1867 33 25 Missouri
Death 29 August 1951 (Age 84) Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania Loading...
19 months #3 younger brother |
William Spears-Rathbun
Birth 1869 35 27 Illinois
Death before 1880 (Age 11) Loading...
3 years #4 younger sister |
Jennie B Spears-Rathbun
Birth 28 December 1871 37 29 Pennsylvania
Death 1 October 1918 (Age 46) Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania Loading...
Family with George W Stevenson - View family |
husband |
George W Stevenson
Birth 22 August 1865 Cherrytree, Venango County, Pennsylvania
Death 21 December 1952 (Age 87) Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania Loading...
21 months herself |
Hattie Mae Spears-Rathbun
Birth 4 June 1867 33 25 Missouri
Death 29 August 1951 (Age 84) Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania Loading...
Marriage: 19 September 1883 — Titusville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania |
Birth | <b>Rathbone genealogy 1898
</b>by Cooley, John Clark |
Death | Page 8, Column 5
Thursday, 30 August 1951
The Titusville (PA) Herald
Mrs. George W. Stevenson
Mrs. Hattie Mae Stevenson, 84, wife of George W. Stevenson, died at 10:30 o'clock last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold A. Schwartz, 208 Broad street. Mrs. Stevenson had been very active until three months ago.
The deceased was born in Missouri on Jun 4, 1867, a daughter of Henry and Sephronia Taft Rathburn. She came to Titusville with her parents when she was four years of age. She was married to Mr. Stevenson on Sept. 18, 1883, at the German Reform c hurch in Titusville. She has lived here ever since her marriage and would have celebrated her 68th wedding anniversary this year.
Mrs. Stevenson was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was a good mother and a good neighbor always doing something for others. She was a member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, the Mother church of Boston, and the local Y.W.C. A.
Besides her husband and the daughter with whom she and her husband made their home, the deceased leaves two other daughters, Mrs. Henry C. McMaster of Fullerton, Calif., and Mrs. Ernest Gray of Titusville; one granddaughter, Mrs. Phillip Lippiat t of Fullerton. Two sons preceded their mother in death: Chester A. Stevenson in 1918 and Henry G. Stevenson in 1931.
Freinds may call at the M. A. Peterson funeral home at any time and services will be held there at 2 p.m. on Saturday. First Reader, Jack Price of the First Church of Christ will officiate and interment will be in the family plot in Greenwood ce metery. |
Burial | Birth: Jun. 4, 1867
Missouri, USA
Death: Aug. 29, 1951
Crawford County
Pennsylvania, USA
Henry Rathburn (1833 - 1913)
George W. Stevenson (1865 - 1952)
Chester Arthur Stevenson (1885 - 1918)\*
Henry George Stevenson (1886 - 1951)\*
Oressa Faith <i>Stevenson</i> Gray (1892 - 1978)\*
Gladys M. <i>Stevenson</i> Schwartz (1896 - 1977)\*
Hattie Mae <i>Rathburn</i> Stevenson (1867 - 1951)
Jennie <i>Rathburn</i> Menter (1871 - 1918)\*
\*Calculated relationship
Greenwood Cemetery
Crawford County
Pennsylvania, USA
Created by: Robert Stevenson-Wedding
Record added: Jul 22, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 94013895