Seth WashburnAge: 701723–1794
- Name
- Seth Washburn
Birth | 19 May 1723 44 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA |
Birth of a brother | 1734 (Age 10) Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
younger brother -
Ebenezer Washburn
Marriage | Mary Harwood - View family 12 April 1750 (Age 26) Leicester, Worcester, MA |
Birth of a son #1 | 1 February 1751 (Age 27) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
son -
Seth Washburn Jr
Birth of a son #2 | 18 May 1753 (Age 29) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
son -
Joseph Washburn
Birth of a son #3 | 25 July 1757 (Age 34) Leicester, Worcester, MA
son -
Asa Washburn
Birth of a daughter #4 | 16 June 1759 (Age 36) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
daughter -
Mary Washburn
Death of a father | 1759 (Age 35)
father -
Joseph Washburn II
Birth of a daughter #5 | 5 June 1762 (Age 39) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
daughter -
Hannah Washburn
Birth of a daughter #6 | 22 October 1764 (Age 41) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
daughter -
Sarah Washburn
Birth of a daughter #7 | 17 April 1766 (Age 42) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
daughter -
Amity Washburn
Birth of a daughter #8 | 11 November 1769 (Age 46) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
daughter -
Lucy Washburn
Marriage of a son | Seth Washburn Jr - View family 1772 (Age 48)
son -
Seth Washburn Jr
daughter-in-law -
Susanna Rood
Birth of a daughter #9 | 12 October 1774 (Age 51) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
daughter -
Elizabeth Washburn
Military Service | 1775 (Age 51) Massachusetts
Seth is listed in the DAR Patriot Index Vol III P-Z 2003
Seth is listed in the DAR Patriot Index Vol III P-Z 2003
Washburn : Washburne
Seth Sr. : b 5-19-1723 MA d 2-12-1794 MA m(X) Mary Harrod (X) Sarah (Denny) Sargent - Col Ma Washburn-Seth-Military-673 Note: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, 17 Volumes, Boston, Vol. XVI, p. 673-674. - Washburn-Seth-Military-p674 Note: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, 17 Volumes, Boston, Vol. XVI, p. 673-674. - |
Death of a son | 17 August 1776 (Age 53)
son -
Seth Washburn Jr
Death of a daughter | 30 June 1777 (Age 54)
daughter -
Elizabeth Washburn
Marriage of a son | Asa Washburn - View family 16 November 1780 (Age 57) Spencer, Mass
son -
Asa Washburn
daughter-in-law -
Sarah Upham
Death of a mother | 1780 (Age 56)
mother -
Hannah Johnson
Marriage of a daughter | Mary Washburn - View family 11 October 1781 (Age 58) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
son-in-law -
Samuel Sargent
daughter -
Mary Washburn
Marriage of a son | Joseph Washburn - View family 6 May 1787 (Age 63)
son -
Joseph Washburn
daughter-in-law -
Ruth Davis
Death of a wife | 16 September 1787 (Age 64) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
wife -
Mary Harwood
Marriage | Sarah Denny - View family 30 April 1788 (Age 64) |
Will | 9 December 1790 (Age 67) Leicester in the County of Worcester & Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Will of Seth Washburn of Leicester (1790)
In the name of God Amen I Seth Washburn of Leicester in the County of Worcester & Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esqr being at this time in a low state of Health but through the goodness of God of a sound disposing mind and memory and knowi ng that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament and first and principally I give and bequeath my precious and immortal Soul into the hand of God who gave it me (when ever it shall please him to ca ll), And my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in a decent manner at the discression of my Executor herein hereafter named nothing doubting but at the general Ressurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty powe r of God. And as touching the worldly goods & Estate wherewith it has pleased God by his Blessing upon my Industry to endow me, I give bequeath & Devise as follows
Imprimis. To Sarah my beloved Wife I give and bequeath all the Household furniture which she had when we married and three cows, and a Horse to ride, a pair of Oxen and the Cart and wheels and a hoe & Draft chain, an Ox & plowthe tools and Creat ures during her natural Life but at her decease the said Creatures & tools or the value of them to revert to my Heirs, and I give my said Wife the Indentures of John & Polly Terry, if my Decease should happen, before they are out and the incom e of the place that was hers During her life time agreeable to her first Husbands will reference thereto being had I give and devise to my Grandson Seth Washburn son of my deceased son Seth Sixty Acres of Land in Callis in the State of Vermont t o him his Heirs and assigns forever which with what I gave to his deceased Father is one full share of my Estate, provided nevertheless if that he should die childless the said Land to revert back to my Surviving Heirs
Item, I give my weareing apparel to my two sonsJoseph and Asa
Item, I give and bequeath to my unmarried Daughters the use of the North Chamber in the in the House which I own in the North part of Leicester together with a priviledge in the Kitchen, Cellar and Well and Liberty to bake in the oven in the Nor th room and to get Wood on the farm so long as they shall remain Single
ItemTo my sons Joseph & Asa, I give bequeath and devise to them their Heirs and assigns forever the whole of my lands in Callis not above disposed of to be equally divided between them. Furthermore it is my will that my Real Estate not dispose d of should be sold & that my Just debts and funeral charges be paid out of the proceeds thereof, or of my personal Estate as shall be most convenientAnd I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Joseph Washburn Sole Executor of this my last Wil l and Testament, hereby authorizing him to sell and dispose of all my Real and personal Estate excepting the indoor moveables which I give and bequeath to my Daughters to be devided as will be hereafter mentionedAnd the whole amount of my Intere st after my Just debts and funeral charges are paid to be Equally devided between my Children, Viz., Joseph, Asa, Marah, Hannah, Sarah Amittai & Lucia with this proviso that the two sons are to have no reference in this devission to what they ha ve recived of my Estate but those of the Daughters who have recived no part of their portion are to be made Equal to those who have, before the general devission takes place and as they are all of age, I see no need of an appraisement
Item. The Blacksmith Tools, and the farming tools not given to my wife I give to my two sons any thing above written notwithstandingAnd I do hereby utterly disannul and revoke all former or other wills or Instruments by me made and I do ratify a nd Confirm this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I do hereunto set my Seal the Ninth day of December in the year of our Lord 1790
Signed, Sealed, published & declared in
presence of us Matthew Jackson
Joseph Wicker ]] Seth Washburn (seal)
Ebenr. Washburn
We the subscribers hereby freely fully and absolutely Relinquish that part of the Legacy and bequest made to us by our late Hond Father deceased in the within written Instrument which relates to our using and improving the dwelling House and fir ewood on the farm in the North part of the Town of Leicester In Testamony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this fourth day of March A.D. 1794 Hannah Washburn
Test Ebenr Washburn Lucy Washburn Matthw Washburn [sicJackson?]
Worcester Ss. To all people who shall see these presents Joseph Dorr Esq. Judge of the Probate of Wills & in aforsaid County within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sendeth Greeting
Know ye that on the fourth day of March A.D. 1794. The Instrument hereunto annexed purporting the last Will and Testament of Seth Washburn late of Leicester in said County Esqr. deceasedwas presented for Probate by Joseph Washburn the Ex ecutor therein named, then present Matthw Jackson & Ebenezer Washburn two of the witnesses thereto subscribed, who made Oath that they saw the said Testator sign Seal and heard him declare the said Instrument to be his last Will and Testament, a nd that they with Joseph Wicker, subscribed, their names together as Witnesses to the Execution there of in the said Testators presence & that he was then to the best of their Judgement of a sound, disposeing mind, I do prove approve and allow o f the said Instrument as the last Will & Testament of said Deceased, and do commit the Administration thereof in all Matters of the same concerning, & of his Estate whereof he died seized and possessed in said Commonwealth unto the before name d Executor well & Faithfully to Execute said Will & to administer the Estate of said deceased according thereto, who accepts of his said trust, & he hath given bonds for the faithfull discharge of said trusts, & shall render an account of his pr oceedings where thereto Lawfully required
In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal of Office this day and year abovesaid. Jas Dorr J Prob
\* Transcribed by John A. Maltby from Worcester Co. Probate Vol. 25, p. 422-424, from FHL microfilm #0856314. |
Death | 12 February 1794 (Age 70) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts |
Globally unique identifier | E7798AFD5817A5458EA913586D39EB3DB093 |
Last change | 18 November 2020 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joseph Washburn II
Birth about 80 March 1679 38 27 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
Death 1759 (Age 79) Loading...
mother |
Hannah Johnson
Birth Hingham
Death 1780 Loading...
Marriage: about 1713 — Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA |
10 years #1 himself |
Seth Washburn
Birth 19 May 1723 44 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
Death 12 February 1794 (Age 70) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts Loading...
11 years #2 younger brother |
Ebenezer Washburn
Birth 1734 54 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
#3 brother |
Elijah Washburn
Birth Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
#4 brother |
Joseph Washburn
Birth Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
#5 brother |
#6 sister |
Abiah Washburn
Birth Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
#7 sister |
Sarah Washburn
Birth Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
Death 1817 Loading...
#8 brother |
Mary Washburn
Birth Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
Family with Mary Harwood - View family |
himself |
Seth Washburn
Birth 19 May 1723 44 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
Death 12 February 1794 (Age 70) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts Loading...
6 years wife |
Mary Harwood
Birth 19 December 1728 Lunenburgh, Massachusetts
Death 16 September 1787 (Age 58) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts Loading...
Marriage: 12 April 1750 — Leicester, Worcester, MA |
10 months #1 son |
Seth Washburn Jr
Birth 1 February 1751 27 22 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 17 August 1776 (Age 25) Loading...
2 years #2 son |
Joseph Washburn
Birth 18 May 1753 29 24 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 27 March 1807 (Age 53) Loading...
4 years #3 son |
Asa Washburn
Birth 25 July 1757 34 28 Leicester, Worcester, MA
Death 6 October 1834 (Age 77) Loading...
23 months #4 daughter |
Mary Washburn
Birth 16 June 1759 36 30 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 3 May 1848 (Age 88) Loading...
3 years #5 daughter |
Hannah Washburn
Birth 5 June 1762 39 33 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 1850 (Age 87) Loading...
2 years #6 daughter |
Sarah Washburn
Birth 22 October 1764 41 35 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 14 December 1850 (Age 86) Loading...
18 months #7 daughter |
Amity Washburn
Birth 17 April 1766 42 37 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 22 June 1794 (Age 28) Loading...
4 years #8 daughter |
Lucy Washburn
Birth 11 November 1769 46 40 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 26 November 1796 (Age 27) Loading...
5 years #9 daughter |
Elizabeth Washburn
Birth 12 October 1774 51 45 Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Death 30 June 1777 (Age 2) Loading...
Family with Sarah Denny - View family |
himself |
Seth Washburn
Birth 19 May 1723 44 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA
Death 12 February 1794 (Age 70) Leicester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts Loading...
10 years wife |
Sarah Denny
Birth 3 May 1733
Death September 1801 (Age 68) Loading...
Marriage: 30 April 1788 |
Thomas Sargeant + Sarah Denny - View family |
wife's husband |
wife |
Sarah Denny
Birth 3 May 1733
Death September 1801 (Age 68) Loading...
Marriage: yes |
Note | |
Military Service | Seth is listed in the DAR Patriot Index Vol III P-Z 2003
Washburn : Washburne
Seth Sr. : b 5-19-1723 MA d 2-12-1794 MA m(X) Mary Harrod (X) Sarah (Denny) Sargent - Col Ma |
Will |
The Will of Seth Washburn of Leicester (1790)
In the name of God Amen I Seth Washburn of Leicester in the County of Worcester & Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esqr being at this time in a low state of Health but through the goodness of God of a sound disposing mind and memory and knowi ng that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament and first and principally I give and bequeath my precious and immortal Soul into the hand of God who gave it me (when ever it shall please him to ca ll), And my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in a decent manner at the discression of my Executor herein hereafter named nothing doubting but at the general Ressurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty powe r of God. And as touching the worldly goods & Estate wherewith it has pleased God by his Blessing upon my Industry to endow me, I give bequeath & Devise as follows
Imprimis. To Sarah my beloved Wife I give and bequeath all the Household furniture which she had when we married and three cows, and a Horse to ride, a pair of Oxen and the Cart and wheels and a hoe & Draft chain, an Ox & plowthe tools and Creat ures during her natural Life but at her decease the said Creatures & tools or the value of them to revert to my Heirs, and I give my said Wife the Indentures of John & Polly Terry, if my Decease should happen, before they are out and the incom e of the place that was hers During her life time agreeable to her first Husbands will reference thereto being had I give and devise to my Grandson Seth Washburn son of my deceased son Seth Sixty Acres of Land in Callis in the State of Vermont t o him his Heirs and assigns forever which with what I gave to his deceased Father is one full share of my Estate, provided nevertheless if that he should die childless the said Land to revert back to my Surviving Heirs
Item, I give my weareing apparel to my two sonsJoseph and Asa
Item, I give and bequeath to my unmarried Daughters the use of the North Chamber in the in the House which I own in the North part of Leicester together with a priviledge in the Kitchen, Cellar and Well and Liberty to bake in the oven in the Nor th room and to get Wood on the farm so long as they shall remain Single
ItemTo my sons Joseph & Asa, I give bequeath and devise to them their Heirs and assigns forever the whole of my lands in Callis not above disposed of to be equally divided between them. Furthermore it is my will that my Real Estate not dispose d of should be sold & that my Just debts and funeral charges be paid out of the proceeds thereof, or of my personal Estate as shall be most convenientAnd I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Joseph Washburn Sole Executor of this my last Wil l and Testament, hereby authorizing him to sell and dispose of all my Real and personal Estate excepting the indoor moveables which I give and bequeath to my Daughters to be devided as will be hereafter mentionedAnd the whole amount of my Intere st after my Just debts and funeral charges are paid to be Equally devided between my Children, Viz., Joseph, Asa, Marah, Hannah, Sarah Amittai & Lucia with this proviso that the two sons are to have no reference in this devission to what they ha ve recived of my Estate but those of the Daughters who have recived no part of their portion are to be made Equal to those who have, before the general devission takes place and as they are all of age, I see no need of an appraisement
Item. The Blacksmith Tools, and the farming tools not given to my wife I give to my two sons any thing above written notwithstandingAnd I do hereby utterly disannul and revoke all former or other wills or Instruments by me made and I do ratify a nd Confirm this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I do hereunto set my Seal the Ninth day of December in the year of our Lord 1790
Signed, Sealed, published & declared in
presence of us Matthew Jackson
Joseph Wicker ]] Seth Washburn (seal)
Ebenr. Washburn
We the subscribers hereby freely fully and absolutely Relinquish that part of the Legacy and bequest made to us by our late Hond Father deceased in the within written Instrument which relates to our using and improving the dwelling House and fir ewood on the farm in the North part of the Town of Leicester In Testamony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this fourth day of March A.D. 1794 Hannah Washburn
Test Ebenr Washburn Lucy Washburn Matthw Washburn [sicJackson?]
Worcester Ss. To all people who shall see these presents Joseph Dorr Esq. Judge of the Probate of Wills & in aforsaid County within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sendeth Greeting
Know ye that on the fourth day of March A.D. 1794. The Instrument hereunto annexed purporting the last Will and Testament of Seth Washburn late of Leicester in said County Esqr. deceasedwas presented for Probate by Joseph Washburn the Ex ecutor therein named, then present Matthw Jackson & Ebenezer Washburn two of the witnesses thereto subscribed, who made Oath that they saw the said Testator sign Seal and heard him declare the said Instrument to be his last Will and Testament, a nd that they with Joseph Wicker, subscribed, their names together as Witnesses to the Execution there of in the said Testators presence & that he was then to the best of their Judgement of a sound, disposeing mind, I do prove approve and allow o f the said Instrument as the last Will & Testament of said Deceased, and do commit the Administration thereof in all Matters of the same concerning, & of his Estate whereof he died seized and possessed in said Commonwealth unto the before name d Executor well & Faithfully to Execute said Will & to administer the Estate of said deceased according thereto, who accepts of his said trust, & he hath given bonds for the faithfull discharge of said trusts, & shall render an account of his pr oceedings where thereto Lawfully required
In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal of Office this day and year abovesaid. Jas Dorr J Prob
\* Transcribed by John A. Maltby from Worcester Co. Probate Vol. 25, p. 422-424, from FHL microfilm #0856314. |