Richard B. ShadleAge: 891836–1926
- Name
- Richard B. Shadle
- Given names
- Richard B.
- Surname
- Shadle
Birth | 13 September 1836 20 21 Fulton Co., Ohio |
Birth of a sister | about 1841 (Age 4)
younger sister -
Allen Shadle
Birth of a brother | before 1845 (Age 8)
younger brother -
Ferdinand Shadle
Birth of a sister | about 1846 (Age 9)
younger sister -
Emiline Shadle
Birth of a sister | about 1849 (Age 12)
younger sister -
Mary Ann Shadle
Birth of a brother | about 1852 (Age 15)
younger brother -
Luther Shadle
Birth of a brother | about 1855 (Age 18)
younger brother -
Harvey Shadle
Marriage | Mary Viola Dutcher - View family 30 June 1885 (Age 48) Wauson, Fulton Co., Ohio |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 15 June 1890 (Age 53) Dover Township, Fulton Co., Ohio
daughter -
Mina Burnice Shadle
Marriage of a daughter | Mina Burnice Shadle - View family 19 August 1908 (Age 71) Wauseon, Fulton Co. Ohio
son-in-law -
William Elbert Clark
daughter -
Mina Burnice Shadle
Death of a wife | 28 May 1918 (Age 81) Ottokee, Fulton Co., Ohio
wife -
Mary Viola Dutcher
Death | 1926 (Age 89) Fulton Co., Ohio |
Burial | Ottokee Cemetary, Fulton Co., Ohio |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Joseph Shadle
Birth about 1816 Pennsylvania
-1 years mother |
Jane Burk
Birth about 1815 Pennsylvania
#1 brother |
#2 sister |
#3 brother |
#4 sister |
#5 himself |
Richard B. Shadle
Birth 13 September 1836 20 21 Fulton Co., Ohio
Death 1926 (Age 89) Fulton Co., Ohio Loading...
4 years #6 younger sister |
Allen Shadle
Birth about 1841 25 26
4 years #7 younger brother |
Ferdinand Shadle
Birth before 1845 29 30
1 year #8 younger sister |
Emiline Shadle
Birth about 1846 30 31
3 years #9 younger sister |
Mary Ann Shadle
Birth about 1849 33 34
3 years #10 younger brother |
Luther Shadle
Birth about 1852 36 37
3 years #11 younger brother |
Harvey Shadle
Birth about 1855 39 40
Family with Mary Ann Stutesman - View family |
himself |
Richard B. Shadle
Birth 13 September 1836 20 21 Fulton Co., Ohio
Death 1926 (Age 89) Fulton Co., Ohio Loading...
6 years wife |
Mary Ann Stutesman
Birth 1843
#1 son |
#2 son |
#3 son |
#4 son |
Family with Mary Viola Dutcher - View family |
himself |
Richard B. Shadle
Birth 13 September 1836 20 21 Fulton Co., Ohio
Death 1926 (Age 89) Fulton Co., Ohio Loading...
17 years wife |
Birth 26 April 1853 23 27 Williams Co. near Brady Twnp, Ohio near West Unity
Death 28 May 1918 (Age 65) Ottokee, Fulton Co., Ohio Loading...
Marriage: 30 June 1885 — Wauson, Fulton Co., Ohio |
5 years #1 daughter |
Mina Burnice Shadle
Birth 15 June 1890 53 37 Dover Township, Fulton Co., Ohio
Death 1972 (Age 81) Wauson, Ohio Fulton Co. Loading...
ERROR 8: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
0 Error occurred on line 1706 of file Person.php in function _addName
1 called from line 498 of file GedcomRecord.php in function _getAllNames
2 called from line 1872 of file Person.php in function getAllNames
3 called from line 346 of file Family.php in function getAllNames
4 called from line 609 of file GedcomRecord.php in function getFullName
5 called from line 441 of file module.php in function getTabContent
6 called from line 276 of file individual.php
Private + Mary Ann Stutesman - View family |
wife |
Mary Ann Stutesman
Birth 1843
#1 son |
#2 son |
#3 son |
#4 son |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier7D0BCFDAAB340340A546338EFD33C0B6A544
Last change 22 July 2007
ERROR 2: Creating default object from empty value0 Error occurred on line 71 of file hitcount.php in function require1 called from line 83 of file module.php in function getSidebarContent2 called from line 784 of file Individual.php in function getSideBarContent3 called from line 39 of file individual.php
Hit Count: 720