Marvin Richard CoeAge: 12 months1935–1936
- Name
- Marvin Richard Coe
- Given names
- Marvin Richard
- Surname
- Coe
Birth | 1 May 1935 20 20 |
Death | 26 May 1936 (Age 12 months) Genesee Co. Mich |
Burial | 29 May 1936 (3 days after death) Mt. Morris, Genesse Co. Michigan Address: Mt. Morris Cemetary |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Maynard E. Coe
Birth 19 January 1915
Death 7 March 1994 (Age 79) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
1 month mother |
Evelyn R. Spears
Birth 25 February 1915 25 24 Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan
Death 9 April 1999 (Age 84) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 20 March 1934 — Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan |
13 months #1 himself |
Marvin Richard Coe
Birth 1 May 1935 20 20
Death 26 May 1936 (Age 12 months) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
5 years #2 younger brother |
Wesley W. Coe
Birth 1940 24 24
Death 1940 Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Note | Patricia Cummings who was just 7 years old at the time remembers Marvin, "the baby" collapsing at her Great Grandfather Cortez Spears funeral, and the baby Marvin dieing as a result. |
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Globally unique identifier9A02DBAE1B889948B7FA32840D89095706B2
Last change 11 July 2015
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