Benjamin HewittAge: 601830–1891
- Name
- Benjamin Hewitt
- Given names
- Benjamin
- Surname
- Hewitt
Birth | 14 August 1830 35 24 Vermont
14 AUG 1830 Pittsford Twp, Rutland, Vermont
Extraction of birth information from statewide indexes for Vermont and Connecticut. The actual town records may contain more details. Use the Family History Library Catalog to find the call numbers for town records.
Birth of a brother | 22 October 1840 (Age 10) Pittsford, Rutland Co. Vermont
younger brother -
William Hewitt
Birth of a son #1 | 1852 (Age 21) Vermont
son -
William Elisha Hewitt
Birth of a daughter #2 | about 1853 (Age 22) Vermont
daughter -
Abby S. Hewitt
Birth of a daughter #3 | 23 September 1855 (Age 25) Mount Morris, Genesee Co., Michigan
daughter -
Cynthia Emma Hewitt
Birth of a daughter #4 | 20 April 1860 (Age 29) , , Michigan
daughter -
Della A. Hewitt
Birth of a son #5 | 1862 (Age 31)
son -
Willard Hewitt
Birth of a son #6 | 1865 (Age 34)
son -
Frank D. Hewitt
Birth of a son #7 | 24 June 1868 (Age 37) Genesee, Genesee Co., Michigan
son -
Fredrick W. Hewitt
Birth of a son #8 | 1869 (Age 38)
son -
Eddie Hewitt
Marriage of a daughter | Abby S. Hewitt - View family 16 May 1869 (Age 38) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich
son-in-law -
Daniel H. Sharp
daughter -
Abby S. Hewitt
Marriage of a son | William Elisha Hewitt - View family 11 August 1870 (Age 39) Vienna, Genesee Co., Michigan
son -
William Elisha Hewitt
daughter-in-law -
Anna Phillips
Death of a wife | 31 January 1871 (Age 40) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
wife -
Sarah E. Westcot
Marriage | Nancy Ann Upper - View family 22 October 1872 (Age 42) Forest, Genesee, Michigan |
Marriage of a daughter | Cynthia Emma Hewitt - View family 23 December 1872 (Age 42) Clio, Genesee Co., Mich
son-in-law -
Joseph O. Jones
daughter -
Cynthia Emma Hewitt
Marriage of a son | William Elisha Hewitt - View family 8 March 1874 (Age 43) Midland City, Midland Co., Michigan
son -
William Elisha Hewitt
daughter-in-law -
Christine Jane "Christy" Howe
Death of a mother | 13 December 1874 (Age 44) Genesee Co. Mich
mother -
Lucy Betts
Birth of a son #9 | about 1875 (Age 44) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
son -
Alvin T. Hewitt
Birth of a son #10 | 2 August 1877 (Age 46) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
son -
Charles A. Hewitt
Marriage of a daughter | Della A. Hewitt - View family 24 September 1877 (Age 47) , Genesee, Michigan
son-in-law -
Cortez Clark Spears
daughter -
Della A. Hewitt
Death of a father | 27 May 1879 (Age 48) Genesee Co. Mich
father -
Alvin Hewitt
Birth of a son #11 | 11 May 1880 (Age 49) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
son -
Byron Asa Hewitt
Birth of a son #12 | 11 November 1882 (Age 52) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
son -
Clarence H. Hewitt
Death of a sister | 17 September 1883 (Age 53) Genesee Co. Mich
elder sister -
Phebe Hewitt
Marriage of a son | William Elisha Hewitt - View family 22 February 1884 (Age 53) Midland City, Midland Co., Michigan
son -
William Elisha Hewitt
daughter-in-law -
Amanda Viola Howe
Birth of a daughter #13 | 26 September 1885 (Age 55) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
daughter -
Sarah A. Hewitt
Birth of a daughter #14 | 12 July 1888 (Age 57) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
daughter -
Adda May Hewitt
Marriage of a son | Frank D. Hewitt - View family 31 October 1888 (Age 58) Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan
son -
Frank D. Hewitt
daughter-in-law -
Clara R. Plass
Death of a son | 31 March 1891 (Age 60) Larkin, Midland Co., Michigan
son -
William Elisha Hewitt
Military |
Private Company E 23rd Michigan Infantry from 1 Sept 1864 thru 6 July 1865
Private Company E 23rd Michigan Infantry from 1 Sept 1864 thru 6 July 1865
Name: Benjamine H Hewitt
Spouse's Name:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1890
Event Place: Montrose Township, Genesee, Michigan, United States
Affiliate Publication Title: Schedules Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War,1890.
Affiliate Publication Number: M123
Affiliate Film Number: 18
GS Film number: 338177
Digital Folder Number: 004679082
Image Number: 00119
Citing this Record:
"United States Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War, 1890," Database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 June 2015), Benjamine H Hewitt, 1890; citing NARA microfilm publication M123 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 338,177.
- |
Death | 8 June 1891 (Age 60) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan Cause of death: Consumption
Burial | Mt. Morris Cemetary, Mt. Morris, Genesse Co. Mich |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Alvin Hewitt
Birth 11 February 1795 Vermont
Death 27 May 1879 (Age 84) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
11 years mother |
Lucy Betts
Birth 23 February 1806 Mass
Death 13 December 1874 (Age 68) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 6 December 1821 — Pittsford, Rutland Co. Vermont |
#1 brother |
#2 elder sister |
Phebe Hewitt
Birth 14 September 1824 29 18
Death 17 September 1883 (Age 59) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
4 years #3 elder brother |
Alvin Bartlett Hewitt
Birth 25 September 1828 33 22 Pittsford, Rutland Co. Vermont
Death yes Loading...
23 months #4 himself |
Benjamin Hewitt
Birth 14 August 1830 35 24 Vermont
Death 8 June 1891 (Age 60) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
10 years #5 younger brother |
William Hewitt
Birth 22 October 1840 45 34 Pittsford, Rutland Co. Vermont
Death 1924 (Age 83) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Family with Sarah E. Westcot - View family |
himself |
Benjamin Hewitt
Birth 14 August 1830 35 24 Vermont
Death 8 June 1891 (Age 60) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
5 months wife |
Sarah E. Westcot
Birth 1831 31 Putnam, Putnam Co., New York
Death 31 January 1871 (Age 40) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
#1 son |
William Elisha Hewitt
Birth 1852 21 21 Vermont
Death 31 March 1891 (Age 39) Larkin, Midland Co., Michigan Loading...
1 year #2 daughter |
Abby S. Hewitt
Birth about 1853 22 22 Vermont
Death yes Loading...
3 years #3 daughter |
Cynthia Emma Hewitt
Birth 23 September 1855 25 24 Mount Morris, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death 15 April 1915 (Age 59) Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan Loading...
5 years #4 daughter |
Della A. Hewitt
Birth 20 April 1860 29 29 , , Michigan
Death 24 July 1918 (Age 58) St. Clair Heights, Wayne Co. Mi Loading...
20 months #5 son |
Willard Hewitt
Birth 1862 31 31
3 years #6 son |
Frank D. Hewitt
Birth 1865 34 34
4 years #7 son |
Fredrick W. Hewitt
Birth 24 June 1868 37 37 Genesee, Genesee Co., Michigan
6 months #8 son |
Eddie Hewitt
Birth 1869 38 38
Family with Nancy Ann Upper - View family |
himself |
Benjamin Hewitt
Birth 14 August 1830 35 24 Vermont
Death 8 June 1891 (Age 60) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
15 years wife |
Nancy Ann Upper
Birth 25 February 1845 Ontario, Canada
Death 5 February 1909 (Age 63) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 22 October 1872 — Forest, Genesee, Michigan |
2 years #1 son |
Alvin T. Hewitt
Birth about 1875 44 29 Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death yes Loading...
3 years #2 son |
Charles A. Hewitt
Birth 2 August 1877 46 32 Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death yes Loading...
3 years #3 son |
Byron Asa Hewitt
Birth 11 May 1880 49 35 Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
3 years #4 son |
Clarence H. Hewitt
Birth 11 November 1882 52 37 Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death yes Loading...
3 years #5 daughter |
Sarah A. Hewitt
Birth 26 September 1885 55 40 Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death yes Loading...
3 years #6 daughter |
Adda May Hewitt
Birth 12 July 1888 57 43 Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan
Death yes Loading...
Harris Jewill + Nancy Ann Upper - View family |
wife's husband |
Harris Jewill
Birth Canada
wife |
Nancy Ann Upper
Birth 25 February 1845 Ontario, Canada
Death 5 February 1909 (Age 63) Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: about 1864 — Norfolk Co., Ontario, Canada |
2 years #1 step-son |
Walter Jewill
Birth 1866 20 Canada
3 years #2 step-daughter |
Eva F Jewill
Birth 1869 23 Michigan
14 AUG 1830 Pittsford Twp, Rutland, Vermont
Extraction of birth information from statewide indexes for Vermont and Connecticut. The actual town records may contain more details. Use the Family History Library Catalog to find the call numbers for town records.
Marriage | Have image of register
- |
Marriage | Have image of register
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Military | Private Company E 23rd Michigan Infantry from 1 Sept 1864 thru 6 July 1865
Name: Benjamine H Hewitt
Spouse's Name:
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1890
Event Place: Montrose Township, Genesee, Michigan, United States
Affiliate Publication Title: Schedules Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War,1890.
Affiliate Publication Number: M123
Affiliate Film Number: 18
GS Film number: 338177
Digital Folder Number: 004679082
Image Number: 00119
Citing this Record:
"United States Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War, 1890," Database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 24 June 2015), Benjamine H Hewitt, 1890; citing NARA microfilm publication M123 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 338,177.
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Death | Death register says June 9th
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Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifierD31A1272F806C146ABDE3EFE447B50B2FC05
Last change 20 May 2017
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