Alfred Windover1821–?
- Name
- Alfred Windover
Birth | 1821 27 |
Birth of a brother | 1825 (Age 4) Richmond Township, Canada West
younger brother -
Hiram Windover
Death of a maternal grandfather | 22 September 1833 (Age 12) Richmond, Lennox, Upper Canada, British North America
maternal grandfather -
Joseph Prindle
Marriage | Lois Pringle - View family about 1853 (Age 32) Note: Lois was living at home in 1851 and with Alfred in 1861 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 24 February 1855 (Age 34) Richmond Township, Canada West
daughter -
Jerilla Samantha Windover
Birth of a son #2 | March 1858 (Age 37) Richmond Township, Canada West
son -
Peter David Windover
Census | Lois Pringle - View family 1861 (Age 40) Richmond Township, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
<b>Given Name:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
</b>Canada West
</b>E M
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox and Addington
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Page Number:
<b>Line Number:
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1861 (Canada East, Canada West, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: 4391559_00150
</b> |
Death of a father | 18 November 1865 (Age 44) Richmond Township, Canada West
father -
John Windover
Marriage of a daughter | Jerilla Samantha Windover - View family 27 March 1875 (Age 54) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
son-in-law -
Benjamin Clarke
daughter -
Jerilla Samantha Windover
Death of a mother | 8 May 1881 (Age 60) Richmond Township, Canada, British North America
mother -
Lois Pringle
Marriage of a son | Peter David Windover - View family 16 January 1902 (Age 81) Famwoorth, Lennox And Addington, Ontario, Canada
son -
Peter David Windover
daughter-in-law -
Elizabeth Sedore
Death of a wife | 19 April 1913 (Age 92) Marlbouk, Hastings, Ontario
wife -
Lois Pringle
Death of a daughter | 25 January 1928 (Age 107) Marlbank, Ontario
daughter -
Jerilla Samantha Windover
Burial of a daughter | 28 January 1928 (Age 107) Marlbank, Ontario
daughter -
Jerilla Samantha Windover
Death of a son | 30 November 1928 (Age 107) Marlbank, Ontario
son -
Peter David Windover
Burial of a son | 2 December 1928 (Age 107) WestPlain, Richmond
son -
Peter David Windover
Globally unique identifier | FC77DEE71DF64D998D2F4548519BCC144661 |
Last change | 21 April 2019 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
Lois Pringle
Birth 2 December 1793 37 40 Ontario, Canada
Death 8 May 1881 (Age 87) Richmond Township, Canada, British North America Loading...
Marriage: 18 September 1811 — Fredericksburgh, Lennox and Addington Co., Upper Canada |
9 years #1 himself |
Alfred Windover
Birth 1821 27
4 years #2 younger brother |
Hiram Windover
Birth 1825 31 Richmond Township, Canada West
Family with Lois Pringle - View family |
himself |
Alfred Windover
Birth 1821 27
5 years wife |
Lois Pringle
Birth 1826 33 34 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 19 April 1913 (Age 87) Marlbouk, Hastings, Ontario Loading...
Marriage: about 1853 |
2 years #1 daughter |
Jerilla Samantha Windover
Birth 24 February 1855 34 29 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 25 January 1928 (Age 72) Marlbank, Ontario Loading...
3 years #2 son |
Peter David Windover
Birth March 1858 37 32 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 30 November 1928 (Age 70) Marlbank, Ontario Loading...
Marriage | Lois was living at home in 1851 and with Alfred in 1861 |
Marriage | Lois was living at home in 1851 and with Alfred in 1861 |
Census | Windover
<b>Given Name:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
</b>Canada West
</b>E M
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox and Addington
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Page Number:
<b>Line Number:
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1861 (Canada East, Canada West, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: 4391559_00150
</b> |
Census | Windover
<b>Given Name:
<b>Marital Status:
<b>Place of Birth:
</b>Canada West
</b>E M
</b>Canada West (Ontario)
<b>District Name:
</b>Lennox and Addington
<b>Sub-District Name:
<b>Page Number:
<b>Line Number:
<b>Item Number:
<b>View digitized page of Census of 1861 (Canada East, Canada West, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) for Image No.: 4391559_00150
</b> |