Ella Luethel PancoastAge: 17 months1888–1889
- Name
- Ella Luethel Pancoast
- Given names
- Ella Luethel
- Surname
- Pancoast
Birth | 17 January 1888 34 Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Samuel L. Pancoast mentioned in the record of Ella Luethel Pancoast Name Samuel L. Pancoast
Samuel L. Pancoast mentioned in the record of Ella Luethel Pancoast Name Samuel L. Pancoast
Wife Jennie Pancoast
Daughter Ella Luethel Pancoast
Other information in the record of Ella Luethel Pancoast from Pennsylvania Births and Christenings Name Ella Luethel Pancoast
Gender Female
Event Type Birth
Event Date 17 Jan 1888
Event Place Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Father's Name Samuel L. Pancoast
Mother's Name Jennie Pancoast
Citing this Record
"Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950," database, <i>FamilySearch</i> (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2JT-YYC : 11 February 2018), Samuel L. Pancoast in entry for Ella Luethel Pancoast, 17 Jan 1888; Birth, citing Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; FHL microfilm 499,279. |
Death | 10 July 1889 (Age 17 months) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: Lafayette near Tecumseh Cause of death: of whispering cough and pneumonia with convulsions |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Samuel Pancoast
Birth 1854 28 27
mother |
Marriage: about 1878 — Pennsylvania |
22 months #1 elder sister |
Pearl R Pancoast
Birth November 1879 25 Pennsylvania
3 years #2 elder sister |
Daisy Pancoast
Birth 3 December 1882 28 Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death yes Loading...
17 months #3 elder brother |
Samuel Pancoast
Birth 10 May 1884 30 Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death yes Loading...
19 months #4 elder sister |
Sarah Alice Pancoast
Birth 1 December 1885 31 Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death yes Loading...
2 years #5 herself |
Ella Luethel Pancoast
Birth 17 January 1888 34 Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death 10 July 1889 (Age 17 months) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
Birth | Samuel L. Pancoast mentioned in the record of Ella Luethel Pancoast Name Samuel L. Pancoast
Wife Jennie Pancoast
Daughter Ella Luethel Pancoast
Other information in the record of Ella Luethel Pancoast from Pennsylvania Births and Christenings Name Ella Luethel Pancoast
Gender Female
Event Type Birth
Event Date 17 Jan 1888
Event Place Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Father's Name Samuel L. Pancoast
Mother's Name Jennie Pancoast
Citing this Record
"Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950," database, <i>FamilySearch</i> (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2JT-YYC : 11 February 2018), Samuel L. Pancoast in entry for Ella Luethel Pancoast, 17 Jan 1888; Birth, citing Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; FHL microfilm 499,279. |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifierEC16B17C1AF54FEE97DC0AB16D2FE9D0FE87
Last change 25 November 2018
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