Harry Joe LivingstonAge: 871922–2009
- Name
- Harry Joe Livingston
- Given names
- Harry Joe
- Surname
- Livingston
Birth | 21 June 1922 New Jersey |
Death | 9 August 2009 (Age 87) West Long Branch, Monmouth Co., New Jersey |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
Sister Mittlesdorf
Death yes
#1 himself |
Harry Joe Livingston
Birth 21 June 1922 New Jersey
Death 9 August 2009 (Age 87) West Long Branch, Monmouth Co., New Jersey Loading...
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Internal reference
Globally unique identifierF2489092AFE34AF093B28DEBED1ACA15CBF1
Last change 3 March 2019
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