Amelia "Molly" GustafsonAge: 651880–1945
- Name
- Amelia "Molly" Gustafson
- Given names
- Amelia
- Surname
- Gustafson
- Nickname
- Molly
Birth | 18 April 1880 54 44 Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Note: Amelia (Molly) name birthdate and place born I got from her marriage license. |
Death of a father | 1 April 1895 (Age 14) Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States
father -
Carl "Charles" Gustafson
Marriage | Charles Walter "CW" Norder - View family 9 June 1903 (Age 23) McKeesport, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Note: When Amelia (Molly) married she listed her address as the same as C. W. Norder, that being with his mother at 1439 Jenny Lind St, McKeesport. |
Death of a mother | 18 March 1904 (Age 23) Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
mother -
Marie "Mary" Nilsson
Census | Charles Walter "CW" Norder - View family 1930 (Age 49) Munhall, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: 1466 Barr Ave |
Death of a brother | 10 December 1936 (Age 56) Derry, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania
elder brother -
Martin Gustafson
Census | Charles Walter "CW" Norder - View family 1940 (Age 59) Munhall, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: 1466 Barr Ave |
Death of a brother | 9 February 1942 (Age 61) Homestead, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
elder brother -
Gustave Gustafson
Burial of a brother | 12 February 1942 (Age 61) Munhall Borough, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
elder brother -
Gustave Gustafson
Death of a sister | 18 August 1945 (Age 65)
elder sister -
Elis "Lizzie" Gustafson
Burial of a sister | 20 August 1945 (Age 65) Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
elder sister -
Elis "Lizzie" Gustafson
Living | 1945 (Age 64) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: 1466 Barr Ave., Crafton Heights |
Death | 2 September 1945 (Age 65) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: Passavant Hospital Note: Died of Arsenic Poisoning due to chronic Glomerulonephritis |
Burial | 5 September 1945 (3 days after death) McKeesport, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: McKeesport and Versailles Cemetery, 1608 Fifth Avenue |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Carl "Charles" Gustafson
Birth 28 July 1825 Asmundtorp, Malmöhus län (Skåne), Sweden
Death 1 April 1895 (Age 69) Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States Loading...
10 years mother |
Marie "Mary" Nilsson
Birth 2 July 1835 18 Fleninge, Malmöhus län (Skåne), Sweden
Death 18 March 1904 (Age 68) Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Loading...
Marriage: about 1856 — Sweden |
22 months #1 elder sister |
Sofia Nelly Gustafson
Birth 22 October 1857 32 22 Sweden
Death yes Loading...
2 years #2 elder brother |
Martin Gustafson
Birth 2 February 1860 34 24 Sweden
Death 10 December 1936 (Age 76) Derry, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
5 years #3 elder sister |
2 years #4 elder brother |
Joel "Goel, Joseph, Joe" Gustafson
Birth 16 January 1867 41 31 Sweden
Death 11 April 1947 (Age 80) Munhall, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
3 years #5 elder brother |
Gustave Gustafson
Birth 29 December 1869 44 34 Sweden
Death 9 February 1942 (Age 72) Homestead, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
2 years #6 elder brother |
Daniel Gustafson
Birth 1 June 1872 46 36 Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
6 years #7 elder sister |
Ellen Gustafson
Birth 1878 52 42 Pennsylvania
2 years #8 herself |
Amelia "Molly" Gustafson
Birth 18 April 1880 54 44 Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Death 2 September 1945 (Age 65) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
Family with Charles Walter "CW" Norder - View family |
husband |
-9 months herself |
Amelia "Molly" Gustafson
Birth 18 April 1880 54 44 Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Death 2 September 1945 (Age 65) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
Marriage: 9 June 1903 — McKeesport, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania |
Birth | Amelia (Molly) name birthdate and place born I got from her marriage license. |
Marriage | When Amelia (Molly) married she listed her address as the same as C. W. Norder, that being with his mother at 1439 Jenny Lind St, McKeesport. |
Marriage | When Amelia (Molly) married she listed her address as the same as C. W. Norder, that being with his mother at 1439 Jenny Lind St, McKeesport. |
Death | Died of Arsenic Poisoning due to chronic Glomerulonephritis |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier04539325FD9A684F8BBD7E010D7A4CFFF60E
Last change 5 October 2019
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