Robert William GustafsonAge: 11 months1926–1927
- Name
- Robert William Gustafson
- Given names
- Robert William
- Surname
- Gustafson
Birth | 7 August 1926 31 30 Mifflin Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania |
Death | 10 July 1927 (Age 11 months) Homestead Borough, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: Homestead Hospital Cause of death: Emphysema due to Bronchopneumonia |
Burial | 12 July 1927 (2 days after death) Munhall Borough, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Address: Homestead Cemetery |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
1 year mother |
Goldie J Bair
Birth about 1896 Pennsylvania
Death yes Loading...
#1 elder brother |
Frank Daniel Gustafson
Birth about 1920 24 24 Pennsylvania
Death 1 November 2007 (Age 87) Braddock, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
#2 sister |
#3 sister |
#4 himself |
Birth 7 August 1926 31 30 Mifflin Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death 10 July 1927 (Age 11 months) Homestead Borough, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
#5 sister |
#6 younger brother |
Birth 11 December 1931 36 35 Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA
Death 12 December 1931 (Age 1 day) Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co., PA Loading...
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier3F5390CD8FF043A5961DB1DBE0CC33A61A5D
Last change 5 October 2019
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